Danny's TD04 Blaze D Turbo.

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Danny's TD04 Blaze D Turbo.
Thought i should get a few pics up of the D Tub,had it just over a year now,it is my second turbo,3rd 306,had a nad first and the Mrs has a 1.4.[Image: Photo0093.jpg]
Thats pretty much how i got it apart from the wheels.
I'm having trouble getting my other pics onto photobucket off my new laptop,when I work it out i'll update it.

Got it sussed out now,never been any good with technology!
[Image: Photo0166.jpg]
These were on my last car when i bought it but looking a bit past it.
[Image: Photo0168.jpg]
So i got out the gaffa tape,newspaper and rattle cans.
[Image: Photo0167.jpg]
And ended up with these.

Then came the inevitable bosch pump,lines and injectors.
[Image: Photo0170.jpg]
And the faffing about began.
[Image: Photo0177.jpg]
Dodgy pics off my phone but you get the idea...
[Image: Photo0171.jpg]
Not in pics but gov mod is now done.
Enough for now.
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The only problem i have with black wheels, is that you have to really keep on top of keeping the tyres black as well, otherwise they just look a bit poo really. lol Otherwise, looking good mate. Smile
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Must be the typical blaze, they seem to fade on one side.. mine is quite light on one side compared to the rest of the car..
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Whole car looks black at the moment,hasn't had a bath for a month or two.
[Image: Photo0175.jpg]
Cheap lows also,8 bags of cement on the back seatWinkGet what you mean but kinda like the black against the blaze,do intend to paint the rub strips satin aswell at some point.Maybe.
Was never a fan of blaze but needed a car in a rush and its kinda grown on me now Big Grin
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I like it, blaze ftw.
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsc57da38e.jpg]
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Cheers dude.As I say,its grown on me now and i've spent so much money on it it has to be around for at least another year.
Gonna yank the engine out shortly for a clutch,pump,cambelt,water pump and tensioner change.Still need to get my beam and wishbones sorted then on the lookout for a TD04 when it steers a bit better.
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So as I mentioned.
The block got pulled out today in preparation for :-

Bosch pump with LDA grind, gov mod,lines and injectors.

TD04 turbo.

Cam belt, water pump, tensioners and idlers.


Oil filter, oil and all leaky gaskets and seals.

[Image: Photo0240-1.jpg]

The fun begins.

[Image: Photo0241.jpg]

The offending Lucas pump and build up of oil and grime.

[Image: Photo0242.jpg]

If you are going to own a Peugeot,it's best to have three to increase your chances of having one that actually works.

[Image: Photo0244.jpg]


[Image: Photo0246.jpg]

My Christmas present from the Mrs.

[Image: Photo0249.jpg]

In the shed finally to finish the adapter plates and carry out all the work in the dry and warm.

That is all, thanks for looking.
Will update when there is more to tell.

(If mods want to move this to projects, that's probably a better place for it now, cheers.)
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(17-01-2014, 08:17 PM)Danny Wideboy Wrote: (If mods want to move this to projects, that's probably a better place for it now, cheers.)


Good work there mate, at least you've got somewhere you can put a whole engine to work on! Wink Keep it up.
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Looks good bud, needs a Front mount though Wink
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It'll be getting one when your man finishes his inlet adapters.Cant seem to find a Xsara maifold anywhere.
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Engine back in and running again.Been a proper mission on my own, I've never done most of these jobs alone before, generally got a mate handy but they are all busy now. Never done a clutch even with help but it's good to get stuck in and learn.Not too bad a job,went in first time (giggidy).
It was running rough for a bit then i remembered to rotate the pump and it came good in the end. Wanted to drive it today really but lost the light so a couple of hours tomorrow morning and all should be good.
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So, update.
I got it running nicely and all put back together yesterday morning by about 10 o clock, went for a test drive and everything seemed in order,sorted a couple of handling issues while I could get at it all in an empty bay and was well pleased with it afterwards. Came home and went to check the coolant again and realised I hadn't re-connected the bonnet release cable when I put the front end back on Censored.
Shouted at myself for a bit,struggled for a bit,then came and checked the forum for answers. Had to slightly vandalise the grill but got in in the end. I will not be doing that again.
But I was well pleased overall with the results of the Bosch/TD04 conversion,much more revvy and savage than before,how long it will last is anybody's guess though.
Only took a couple of pics putting it back together but you lot have seen it all before anyway.
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Fast progress has been made on this Smile anymore pics?
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Few,bit ropey though.

Dodgey one of the Bosch finally on.

[Image: Photo0252.jpg]

New water pump,tensioners and idlers on waiting for new belt.

[Image: Photo0253.jpg]

Back in but not running yet.

[Image: Photo0254.jpg]

Cheers for looking.
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Any news on my car mate? Got it running yet?
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Great progress so far Smile

Black wheels really set it off, some gti bumpers would look great
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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(27-02-2014, 01:01 AM)7057sam Wrote: Great progress so far Smile

Black wheels really set it off, some gti bumpers would look great

Gonna be my car soon mate, watch Tongue
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Cheers fellas.
Yeah it's been running since the last post. Pulling quite well but definitely room for improvement. Front mount has arrived and inlet adapter.
Was wondering whether to carry on with it or get rid,handling has been as issue for a while but I think it is getting a stay of execution.(Sorry Jethro!) Nothing around that excites me to buy really so i'm just gonna buy some new coilovers and rob my Mrs 1.4 for all the other suspension and bits I need and buy her another car.She's not as fussy as me and the 1.4 is a better car underneath but with too many doors,dents,dings and the wrong engine.
I do like the PH3/GTI bumpers but I like the black strips to break up the blaze a bit.Got a valance for the front to put on yet as well.
Progress will be made as the weather gets a bit warmer and drier so watch this space.
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You keeping it now then mate? If so I'll look forward to watching the tread mate Smile
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Yeah keeping it JethroJay. I know you were excited, but then, you always are Wink.
So I mentioned somewhere I bought a Vivaro intercooler on Ebay. Cost a quid and £15 more for delivery.
Set about trying to fit it earlier today after painting it satin black becausestealthracecar and found out it is not gonna work.
It has the in/outlets on the back and is already at a 90 degree bend, I thought this would help but it has in fact caused to many bends to be needed and it needs loads of room in front of the rad to make it work.
I don't have a decent phone or camera,as I'm sure you are aware but it did look kinda cool while I tried to make it work.

[Image: Photo0261.jpg]

Yes, that is 2" plastic waste pipe you see in the foreground, not a pikey or anything...whistle.

Think its a bit too small also. That'll teach me to buy such cheapness, sucker for a 99p bargain though.

[Image: Photo0262.jpg]

So all in all a shite day for intercooling, back to interwarming.
In other news, I did fit my new valance to the bumper while it was off. Dodgy pics to follow tomorrow on that front.
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Replaced a ball joint and bled the brakes today,been ropey for a while.much better now.
Bought a new engine last weekend.
All the bearings in my power steering pump are eating each other,there are still too many oil leaks and it has done 190,000 so is probably due a look at in depth.
So cue a complete engine/gearbox on 76k with all ancillaries still on it,non AC,pretty clean looking lump. Stripped down for swapping of pump, manifolds(non EGR),TD04,new cambelt kit and all that jazz.

[Image: Photo0272.jpg]

Polished up the cam cover a bit.

[Image: Photo0275.jpg]

The toothless clutch that was replaced.

[Image: Photo0276.jpg]

The pile of pumps and XUD crap that is building up.

[Image: Photo0279.jpg]

How she is looking today. Oily hand prints and all.

[Image: Photo0281.jpg]

Thats all for now. Engine change hopefully next weekend.
Cheers. Danny.
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My cars looking awesome man, keep working on it for me, lol, glad to see your doing something with it Smile
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Looking very jewish,I like Smile
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Got new AP coilovers to pick up tomorrow.
New beam off known to me low mileage motor.
New low mileage engine, gearbox and a complete donor vehicle.
Should be mechanically sound and ready for MOT at end of the month.
Not going to bother with bodywork as I am a builder and it is basically treat as a van all week and will always look a slag no matter how much i spend/waste on it so performance is all i'm vainly chasing.

New exhaust elbow (bigger)on the way and should see a bit more boost.

Only getting 20PSI out of the TD04 before the smoke kicks in badly. I think it needs to breath out better than the K14 exhaust elbow will allow.
Any body have any advice on this? Feel like I should be getting better power than I am. LDA ground and Gov is shimmed,checked throttle pedal for travell and it seems to be hitting the gov mech at full throttle so seems right? Should I see any more boost from a 9mm TD04 set up? I'm sure there's more to be had.
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you're not collapsing the air intake pipe at high boost are you? . . .what's on there filter and pipe wise? . .Smile
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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(18-03-2014, 07:52 PM)Danny Wideboy Wrote: Well...erm....nothing...Blush

nothing as in nothing, or nothing as in something . . .bit of gauze over the turbo? or totally just the turbo? . .Smile
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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Nothing at all at the moment, Engine comes back out this weekend though and gauze is to be fitted/a seive is to be stolen from the kitchen.
Just while it's out I wondered what peoples opinion was on the 2" outlet and K14 elbow and if that could be my problem. Adapter plates can be made up in the shed if needs be.
It is pulling quite well, but it has never tried to break traction under full load on boost, even in first, in the dry. Getting about 19-20 psi in third on full boost, about 21-22 in 4th/5th.
Should note I am still on the top mount interwarmer for now.
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Looks like there is some good progress here Smile Keep it up!
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(27-02-2014, 08:44 AM)Danny Wideboy Wrote: I do like the PH3/GTI bumpers but I like the black strips to break up the blaze a bit.Got a valance for the front to put on yet as well.
Get a Ph.2 gti bumper, it'll still have the black strips but other than that it is largely the same.
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
Project Thread
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