ive messed up Doh!

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ive messed up Doh!
a word of warning to the masses

yesterday was such a fine day i cut up my cast iorn engine mount from my spare engine

so out come the disc cutter! chop chop chop

and admire my work................


well this has bit me in the ass big time!

go to get in my estate to go to work first thing windsreen wipers on
"scrape" sounds like ice didnt think it was that cold........

NO it weren't its covered in fine grit...you know were this is going now...
get to the garage to clean it off it wont shift!
look at the rest of the car its all covered in grit

the grit it cast iorn filings from the cutting disc and its stuck all over the car


OH FECK! theres 3 cars on the drive one being the nice clean white 6
phonecall from work to lewis at home go check the car
his words were its orange!

everything is covered in the dust and has rusted over night and stained all the cars

i didnt cut no where near the cars but the wind carryed the dust over the damp cars were it rusted

ive washed off the 6 and ive had to clay bar it to remove the spots now it needs superesin polishing to remove the orange staining

FML ive got 3 cars to do...........
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Oh no not the 6!
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What a series of unfortunate events! Amazing!
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Might sound stupid but could you have not used a magnet to just pull the filings off the car?
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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Please say you have pics of this lol
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no pictures the estate looks like someones thrown orange sand on it

ive had to clay bar the windscreens to get it off

magnet wont get it off as its its started to rust and stuck to the paint Sad
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Harsh one chap
[Image: fe6eddc8-1731-4100-a5fe-1edb853a88b6_zpseeacf928.jpg]
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Didnt know claying could get it out lol.
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Oops! Undecided

It's unlike you to mess up, Cully! Though I'd never have forseen that happening either tbh!
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Grinding near any car is a disaster waiting to happen nightmare when it burns into the glass it Dosent come out
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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(17-02-2014, 05:11 PM)Danny2009 Wrote: Grinding near any car is a disaster waiting to happen nightmare when it burns into the glass it Dosent come out

i was well away from the cars but the dust must of carryed on the wind and stuck on the wet cars
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Don't know how far away you was but grinding sparks fly 6ft+ from the grinder

Least it's correctable Smile
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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i was 20 ft away and behind two fence panels and around the corner of a garage the grindings did well to find the cars Sad
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Wahhh waaaahhhhhhhh
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cully it happened to my dad, when he cut the donor mgf up! its f*cked the metros windows screen and the 306 driver side window! also showered his jeep too! I took a Stanley knife and tried to etch some of it off. worked a little.
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Get yourself some fallout remover.
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Want to hope it didn't land on any of the neighbours cars
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Fair enough mate! That's shit luck
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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I can't help but lol at this, I've done something the same as this but with spray paint, spraying my Astra bonnet matt black, paint flew along with the wind, covered the 6 cars that was parked up in black paint, main one been my Astra, windscreen covered in it (could only JUST see out of it) all the drivers side was covered in it, roof was, boot was, rear window was, little specs of it all over a white S3 Audi that was brand new and less then a week old, yeah I messed up and it wasn't even that windy, FML!
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I had this on my mark 1 escort the chap before me cut out all the floor pans with the glass in buggerd it all
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Iron fall out remover don't clay it just yet
Perv 106 1.4 xs First Pug Love - Scrapped
Perv 306 1.6 5 Door Hore - Sold
110bhp 207 Hdi Sport - Used as a Brake
173bhp T25 Ph1 Diablo Dturbo - Scrapped
Thirsty Bitch Volvo 850 Estate - Sold
51bhp Berlingo Nad DT Van - Sold
Slow as f*ck Dispatch Work Horse

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You weren't defending yourself imo, you were antagonising the situation. Carry on, and you'll get more warnings.
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Bugger off puggy...

Gutting Cully. Horrid lesson to learn. Feel for you pal.

I think you have got away lightly though, I have seen it melt into the body/glass
Wishes for more power...
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Feel for you mate, hope you can sort it.
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Use some Iron X on it, hopefully it'll come off. Feel for you mate, not ideal!
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Jesus mate, that's pretty bloody unlucky Sad
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What a ball ache. Try some Auto Glym Tarmac Remover. I once turned both sides of a car brown with dust from some super aggressive brake pads that liked to spark molten iron filings. The AG did a not bad job applied with a spray bottle, let it soak a little, then wipe with micro fibre.
'95 Peugeot 405 GLX with XU10J4RS and ITB's
'97 Peugeot 406 1.9TD with TD04
'05 RenaultSport 182 Cup
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I was welding near my mums kitchen windows for some odd reason, safe to say they are not quite as clear as they once were..... Your not the only one to mess up that sucks chap Sad
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Any news ??

Did you get it all remove ?
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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the white 6 is not too bad i clay'd the car in the rain yesterday needs a good mop over now
may get some of the iorn x or fallout remover looks good stuff even if its just for the wheels
do Halfords stock it?

the estate looks a mess i could cry Sad
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