Member's pets!

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Member's pets!
I feel i might be banned if i uploaded pictures of mastiff...

so we have... a border terrier, 2 horses, 2 goats, a cat which doesnt live with us any more and we used to have a pet owl but it died. Sad

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Very sad Kim as my Clovie is being put to sleep tomorrow Sad She's so ill the poor thing, but she's my baby Sad
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KimmieKat Wrote:Very sad Kim as my Clovie is being put to sleep tomorrow Sad She's so ill the poor thing, but she's my baby Sad

It is a horrible thing to have to put a loved pet down but just think that, the animal won't be Ill or in pain anymore. As horrible as it is, sometimes it's the best thing.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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NiallHarper Wrote:
KimmieKat Wrote:Very sad Kim as my Clovie is being put to sleep tomorrow Sad She's so ill the poor thing, but she's my baby Sad

It is a horrible thing to have to put a loved pet down but just think that, the animal won't be Ill or in pain anymore. As horrible as it is, sometimes it's the best thing.
Yeah agreed. I had to have a pet put down and it was horrible. She developed some kind of brain tumor so she couldnt judge her next steps, best thing to do in them situation is to let them go :-( many a tear was shed
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Never had to do it before. I know she'll be better off and I don't like seeing her ill, it's just veryyyy hard letting go! She's 17, and I've had her for 15 years. She was a rescue cat, and when we got her she wouldn't eat, so I had to coax her! She's been closest to me ever since.
[Image: kim.png]
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Sorry to hear that kim!! Had my max put down a couple of years ago, 16year old German shepherd, Iam not a crier but I wept like a little girl stayed with with him till he closed his eyes, if they have more bad days than good then it's for the best
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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The pug

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The cat

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My little doggy... <3 x

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Matt Wrote:The pug

[Image: 0240511e.jpg]
Omg that pug, what an awesome dog... i want one!!
Doesnt even own a 306.
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smanfa Wrote:My little doggy... <3 x
Should see what she does to the poor doggy!
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Thanks everyone Smile She's gone now, and apparently it was very peaceful (I couldn't go). Now I've just got to get used to it! She was 83 in human years, so a bloody long life! <3

Matt- Your dog looks hilarious!!
[Image: kim.png]
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KimmieKat Wrote:Matt- Your dog looks hilarious!!
like dog like owner and all that Big Grin
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This is Poncho my Tri-colour Border collie Smile

He is alot bigger than this and I'd only 18 month old! Will post some better pics if I can get him I stop still.

Also have to cats and another collie I'll get some pics of them.

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Jonny b Wrote:Sorry to hear that kim!! Had my max put down a couple of years ago, 16year old German shepherd, Iam not a crier but I wept like a little girl stayed with with him till he closed his eyes, if they have more bad days than good then it's for the best

Same here mate, not a crier myself but when I got my old mongrel Shadow put down who I'd had from the age of 7 to 22 I cried like f*ck, she kept freaking out when I put her on the table so they did the deed while I held her in my arms, could feel the life drain away. Whenever I think about it I start worrying about Diesel, he's 8 now...
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f*cking tell me about it Liam, same here held him till the end still got his ashes in the kitchen his favorite place ha ha
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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Jonny b Wrote:f*cking tell me about it Liam, same here held him till the end still got his ashes in the kitchen his favorite place ha ha

Yep, Shadow got buried in my parents garden, right under the tree where she used to sleep in the summer Smile
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[Image: df23a5ea.jpg]

My stupid animal
Had him since 11 months. He's now 4 and still just as mental as the day we got him!
He's not right in the head. Previous owners abused him and it's messed him up I reckon.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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That nose needs a biscuit balanced on it!

What a cutie! ^_^
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MrsMidnight Wrote:That nose needs a biscuit balanced on it!

What a cutie! ^_^

Haha good luck! He's really well behaved if you give him a biscuit but get it anywhere near his nose and the mouth is wide open!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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bruce the cat and stan the dog.
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Ahhh they are all so cute I could eat them all up!
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my mrs paints stans claws as well. funny thing is that stan dont seam to mind. geezzz.
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just found this my paddy cat as a kitty
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Well I washed my Nan's Charlie earlier (thats not a eupomism), so here he is!

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Obviously bathing is too tiring though lol -

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Also have a tortoise but he's asleep for the winter.
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He's so fluffy!!! Smile
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KimmieKat Wrote:He's so fluffy!!! Smile

Yup.....takes ages to brush lol, glad I don't have hair like him!!
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Curt Wrote:Bob:
[Image: BobEdit.jpg]

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Jake (passed away last year):
[Image: jake-2.jpg]

Curt your dogs look awesome! Big Grin

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Quote:(15:06:27) Toms306: Wd40d it and had a good tug, came straight off

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5522]

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for those with a car, you will understand how the cat paralyser works!

[Image: 1vuVM.gif.jpg]
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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ginge191 Wrote:for those with a car, you will understand how the cat paralyser works!

[Image: 1vuVM.gif.jpg]

A car? Whats that got to do with cats?? whistle

also my cat is one of you!
Quote:(15:06:27) Toms306: Wd40d it and had a good tug, came straight off

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5522]

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