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Even I'm getting excited, and it's not my car!! Big Grin
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"Im so excited and I just cant hide it...I am guna lose control and I think I like it"
Wishes for more power...
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Well youre not the only ones Wink

Im getting a bit nervous, think i wont be getting any sleep on sundaynight thats for sure..

Ill make some vids and lots of pics...
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It'll be like Christmas...!
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Or Nightmare @ Dynodayday
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I'm really looking forward to seeing this mate, porn isn't doing much for me anymore.

Haha, this may be me in a few years.....

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(17-07-2013, 02:54 PM)callumcull Wrote: I'm really looking forward to seeing this mate, porn isn't doing much for me anymore.

Haha, this may be me in a few years.....


WTF?? Sad
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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(17-07-2013, 04:03 PM)Alee83 Wrote:
(17-07-2013, 02:54 PM)callumcull Wrote: I'm really looking forward to seeing this mate, porn isn't doing much for me anymore.

Haha, this may be me in a few years.....


WTF?? Sad

Haha I'm joking mate, I'm not thaaaaat bad Tongue
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Oke, its weekend, starting to get nervous Confused
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(19-07-2013, 01:40 PM)306GT30 Wrote: Oke, its weekend, starting to get nervous Confused

So am I!!
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I kinda missed the hugeassintercoolerinyoface look, and everytime i hosed the car down, the black intercooler looked tacky + the stonechips it will be getting.... i decided to go silver again.
Its a lot LESS stealthy then the black one,But this should be a small giveaway to mr Porsche/Ferrari not to f*ck with this French pos..+ there wont be much stealthy about this thing when the screamerpipes comes to life Wink

I still need to have a proper catchtank made, i think ill be making something like the PAS reservoir thats now binned, theres enough room for a nice tank there.
[Image: DSC_7785_zps77678be5.jpg]
Also finally found a snorkel and fitted that one as well to get some more cooling air into the bay,modded the catchtank so i can fit a small filter, so the oildamp can vent

[Image: DSC_7786_zpsb55fa1d9.jpg]

Dont mind the frontbumper, its still loose since i cant get onto the trailer with it on, so ill leave it @ home on Monday
[Image: DSC_7793_zps1a882d61.jpg]
[Image: DSC_7796_zps4168ee04.jpg]

Also changed the xenonbulbs from 4300 to 8000
[Image: DSC_7833_zpse160ab56.jpg]

Let us pray for a good result on Monday, i want to drive it so bad, and would be gutted if something went beng... Wink
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It still looks sweet as. If you were in the uk everyone would look at it and assume it was a diesel with a front mount! Well, if they were deaf anyway.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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Hahah you never ever see a 306 here with a FMIC thats for sure...
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Looks great... Can't wait for more updates.

Thing is though, silver intercooler and half the bumper cut out... Come on! You know it makes sense to hide it behind a grill, or have it in black... Though I do take your point about stone chips etc!

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Jipper, im not driving without a grille, last 2 pics is with the grille on, it looks a bit funny now, because the bumper isnt on correct and is hanging around 2cms from its orginal point,it needs to sit up higher, theres only then 1.5cm visible of the intercooler trough the grille that i modded.

Frontbumper hasnt been cut, theres just no more room for the fogs and grillything...

It looks a lot meaner with the ic back silver, and when im sick of this look, its easy to grab a rattlecan and do it again Wink
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Any updates ?!
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06:00 a nice beautifull day lies in front of us, to begin the 3 hours drive to DP Engineering to get the pos mapped finally..
Suns coming up
[Image: DSC_7840_zps647d69b0.jpg]

Quick leak during the trip and to get something to drink
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Nicely waxed towcar Wink

Arrival @ DP Engineering, i already had a encounter with a ricer.... To fast to furious Wink
[Image: DSC_7844_zpse699f625.jpg]

First Pieter had a look and uploaded the VEMS with the latest firmware, then did a general check of the sensors etc.

[Image: DSC_7847_zps6f701199.jpg]Lambda wasnt preheating properly, so we ditched the "old" one and installed a fresh one , preheating problems solved.

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[Image: DSC_7853_zpsce364e0a.jpg]

Decided to start the car, and it was running rough... mostly on 3 cylinders, and smoking quite bad...

Checked everything again, ingnition wasnt set correct, sorted that, and it ran better but still only on 3 cylinders, and still smoking.
Marvin banging his head on the roof... French pos!
[Image: DSC_7848_zps50b37344.jpg]

Did a compressioncheck just to be sure and everything was good, did some more checks to find out injector nr3 wasnt doing s**t, hence the 3 cylindering.

Well put in 4 x new 660cc injectors, and voila running nicely and throaty on 4 cylinders, at this stage the exhaust really came to live, and it sounds GREAT!, already you can hear this thing means business.

Pieter, installing new connectors to the injectorloom to fit the new injectors
[Image: DSC_7862_zps87ae19dc.jpg]

Time to install the dynapackaxles onto the hubs, and get ready for some serious loudnes Wink
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[Image: DSC_7854_zpsccfc6b42.jpg]

Time to let the car warm up again, and some coolantleakage on the front :S

Had a look under the car and the radhose that we modified, was leaking on the plastic T piece, couldnt repair it, so it means Pieter has to weld something to replace the plastic piece and also install a new thermostat since were not quite trusting the ones that in there.

So decided to leave the car @ DP, Pieter will repair the radiatorhose and install the thermostat and start to map the car next week.
If everything goes oke, im picking the car up on Monday and drive it back home..

s**t happens and i already expected something like this, since almost nothing during this project went ok in one time.

So hopefully Pieter can work his magic in the upcoming week

Will update soon
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Epic, so bloody epic. So excited to see a video of this running!!! Big Grin
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Excellent progress. To be honest these are things that just go wrong on the day when you're working on a project like this, you just have to expect it and work through it! Very little will go perfectly to plan, but hey that's all part of the fun Wink
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This is just keeping me in suspense...! It's like a good book... Smile

Cannot wait to hear the sound it makes in the running vids!!
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Shame it didn't manage to get mapped up but fair play to the guys at DP they definitely seem to know what they're doing! epic car though..
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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thx, ohyes i expected this, but the 4 x new injectors and new lambda hurt in the bankaccount..

Also forgot to mention we had to drain the new oil since it was mixed with a lot of gasoline , because of the car overfueling like crazy with the initial startups etc.

One thing though....complete 3" exhaust with a 3" Simons turbo zorst sounds great!

Hopefully pickup on Monday and ill get some vids up then..

Pieter said 400 @ the wheels should be doable if everything goes fine, that is around 465 @ the crank, but i dont think im after that much.. im happy with anything a bit over 400.
thats enough to blow the doors of almost anything youll encounter on the road Wink


Trust me Pieter knows his stuff, great friendly guy.....

Im @ the right place for getting this mapped thats for sure
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Can't wait to see/hear a video of this thing creating havok!
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Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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teething issues not surprised...its no reg build!
Wishes for more power...
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Amazing car! cant wait to see the updates Smile
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videos of the dyno, anything? pleaseeeeee Big Grin
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IS that the same pieter whos on here as TB205GTi and likes playing with HDi engines?
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any news????
Wishes for more power...
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No guys no news, i wont be hearing anything around the weekend i think, im also curious but he has more things to do then only my car, the 206 RC turbo also needed the final bits/works to do.

And no its Pieter, the owner of DP Engineering , home of the boosted Peugeots and VEMS mapping king of Holland Wink

Trust me, when everything goes oke and i can pick up the car on monday, ill make some clips for you on mondaynight straight when i get back, hell ill even ra*e a Porsche on the way home for you guys, ill make sure ill bring the Gopro with me on monday.

THat is if the damn thing doesnt blow up Wink
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go for it mate!! Big Grin
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