Past and present cars

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Past and present cars
Bored, so thought i'd through this up here

some folk from the other side may know my first dturbo

how i bought her
[Image: S7300142.jpg]
how she sat before i sold her
[Image: 2011-11-14130152.jpg]
[Image: 2011-09-13131206.jpg]
ran an 11mm gov mod'd pump, 28 psi, pulled well but i got the urge to go jap so i bought this, 1.4 ej9 civic, night i got it home, it with the dturbo
[Image: 2011-11-26115504.jpg]
[Image: 2011-11-26101106.jpg]
[Image: 2011-11-26101050.jpg]
and how she sat before i split her to buy another dturbo, after sinking well over 3 times the price of the car in parts
[Image: 20120727_164533.jpg]
[Image: PICT0045.jpg]
[Image: 20120903_132524.jpg]

then i bought this, had it 3 weeks before i swaped with the chap i bought it off for ilz
[Image: 20120916_165658.jpg]
sitting just before it was rasied for mot, went though on the monday, swaped it for ilz on the wednesday night

and my current car, can still see the civic sitting in the yard aswell
[Image: IMG-20130111-00035_zps70939fbc.jpg]
[Image: IMG-20130111-00030_zps4cd15233.jpg]
so far its my favourite, even over the civic, which most people dont understand, just cant beat wrecking about and playing with a dturbo

so aye, that kept me amused for 10 minutes, just another 3 hours or so to go lol

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I remember the old DT from the .net days. didnt realise it was you lol

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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lol, it and my current one look nothing alike two completely different styles

still miss that dturbo, engine was 100%, all electrics worked, hope to get this one up to the same standard where everythings working
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My list of past cars would fill several pages.

Highlights were a lotus elise s1 which ended up with a supercharged honda type r engine, fiat coupe turbo, loads of pugs, minis and countless sheds and temporary cars between fast ones
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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aye, its naw a big list, and far from a high spec list, 3 dturbos and a 1.4 civic, but im only 19 so not doin to bad :p
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Im 22 and have owned over 20 cars so far, got 4 currently haha
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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the 3 cars ive owned all together before the polo went to the scrappy to die! after a little "mishap" Wink

3 seems pansy compared to your lot but im only 18!

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(25-01-2013, 04:26 PM)aaronshort Wrote: the 3 cars ive owned all together before the polo went to the scrappy to die! after a little "mishap" Wink

3 seems pansy compared to your lot but im only 18!

thats the most random selection of cars ive ever seen haha

(25-01-2013, 02:53 PM)rickye Wrote: aye, its naw a big list, and far from a high spec list, 3 dturbos and a 1.4 civic, but im only 19 so not doin to bad :p

that civic looks awesome for a 1.4

dug my full list out of another thread:

nad 306
2 x 405 estate
405 mi16
lotus elise s1
fiat coupe turbo
306 gti6
mk1 mondeo st
206 gti180
loads of minis
megane coupe
cavalier td
xantia dturbo
bx dturbo
cituning saxo vts
306 d turbo s
alfa romeo 156
mk1 bum poker gti
astra van
mercedes c class estate
metro cabriolet
current truck turbo 306
another 405 d turbo estate

probably a few more but i cant remember lol
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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cheers ozone, was costin me new 4k time it ws finished, 1200 was in suspension alone

but come monday ill be back to one car, civic's sold Big Grin
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im feeling the felt spec at the minute. people slate it but i love it and so tempted to do this.

dturbo= win
felt spec= win.

i dont like this car at all lol.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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I loved you first dt looked soooo smart she you sold it though Sad
[Image: fe6eddc8-1731-4100-a5fe-1edb853a88b6_zpseeacf928.jpg]
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Here's the pics I have of what I've owned was a few others
As I got it 1.4
[Image: S4020532.jpg]
As it ended up
[Image: Image021.jpg]
1.6 pinto
[Image: Image017.jpg]
2.0 zetec day I got it
[Image: media1.jpg]
As it ended up
[Image: utf-8BSU1HMDAwMTEtMjAxMTAzMDQtMTE1OC5qcGc.jpg]
1.4 desperation car
[Image: 4d32b246.jpg]
An inherited one I kept for a week
[Image: utf-8BSU1HMDAxNzctMjAxMTA4MTYtMTE1MS5qcGc.jpg]
Dragoon Blue Estate in a bit of a State
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[Image: 230678_5649234789_2433_n_zps4508485c.jpg]

and a couple of past projects Smile
[Image: 189382_10150100418459790_1606221_n_zps08b034fe.jpg]
[Image: 180989_10150100419899790_7058713_n_zps2d54848f.jpg]

[Image: 221610_10150173652814790_7924106_n_zpsa51f5aaf.jpg]
[Image: 225707_10150173673044790_5770046_n_zpse27faf5e.jpg]
[Image: 227335_10150173673259790_6961558_n_zps3269987d.jpg]
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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What engine is in the transit?
[Image: fe6eddc8-1731-4100-a5fe-1edb853a88b6_zpseeacf928.jpg]
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(25-01-2013, 09:17 PM)sam Wrote: What engine is in the transit?

4.6l supercharged v8. "borrowed" from a 2006 mustang gt
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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Nice Big Grin
[Image: fe6eddc8-1731-4100-a5fe-1edb853a88b6_zpseeacf928.jpg]
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Can we ban Dum Dum from this thread lol.

No pictures yet but..

Fiesta si 1.6
1.1 106
Old shaped colt 1.6
Another 1.1 106-drove for three weeks then someone reversed into it.
Fiesta si 1.6
Drove pugloves silver Dt (RIP)

And now my current car Bianca 2.0 16v XSI Smile
[Image: untitled_zps1adc0365.png]
(21:20:51) Just_Sean: i had a pokey bum wank in the bath once and i shit you not, i burped a bubble
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Here's mine

Fiat cinquento 1.1 then put 1.2 engine in
Vauxhall nova merit 1.2 turned IMO banger racer
Rover 400 gti bought and sold same day
Fiat cinquento 1.1 sold
Vauxhall nova 1.4 sr carbed up very fast sold
Fiesta 1.3 used for week then scraped
Fiat still 1.6 shed scraped
Fiat siecento little gokart swopped for saxo
Saxo 1.5 diesel 190k miles sold
And current 306 meridian hdi
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thread revival!
found a pic of my old phase 1 diablo gti6 shortly before a cam wheel sheared off taking all the valves out with it Sad
[Image: 384659_315127901839576_741496267_n_zps84867cc7.jpg]
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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(25-01-2013, 08:38 PM)Willo Wrote: Here's the pics I have of what I've owned was a few others
As I got it 1.4
[Image: S4020532.jpg]
As it ended up
[Image: Image021.jpg]
1.6 pinto
[Image: Image017.jpg]
2.0 zetec day I got it
[Image: media1.jpg]
As it ended up
[Image: utf-8BSU1HMDAwMTEtMjAxMTAzMDQtMTE1OC5qcGc.jpg]
1.4 desperation car
[Image: 4d32b246.jpg]
An inherited one I kept for a week
[Image: utf-8BSU1HMDAxNzctMjAxMTA4MTYtMTE1MS5qcGc.jpg]

OMG that passat at the bottom !!!!! Very rare !!!!! I want !!!!!
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*Ozone: i bet that van shifted!!! i likey Big Grin
I Black mask Crystal headlights, check out my Thread
Black mask Service
Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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(18-03-2013, 08:16 AM)Rich306 Wrote: *Ozone: i bet that van shifted!!! i likey Big Grin

It couldnt go in a straight line, donut machine whether you wanted to or not lol
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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ok some of the more interesting ones all started as sensible standard cars

starting with the first chav mobile

[Image: corsa.jpg]

[Image: foc1.jpg]
[Image: foc2.jpg]

[Image: pug306.jpg]
[Image: 3062.jpg]
[Image: 3062.jpg]

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[Image: c025.jpg]
[Image: c009.jpg]

[Image: 190770_10150124360530662_729355661_67049...0344_n.jpg]

also had a mgzr,fiesta,golf gti, 2 qashqais and a zafira sri to date

and the latest toy

[Image: 0B57D155-82E2-4DEC-B936-F401C2249C81-105...80534d.jpg]
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I lose track of what I have and what's moved on... Alas here are a few I have pics of and can somewhat remember Smile

[Image: 58744_154140781272045_896496_n.jpg]
[Image: 20653_104240142928776_168844_n.jpg]
[Image: 61724_154742527878537_7270619_n.jpg]
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[Image: 220936_524829784203141_1477543766_o.jpg]
[Image: Image222.jpg]
[Image: Image1607.jpg]

Too much of my time went into this:
[Image: 177999_450391684980285_312035553_o.jpg]
[Image: 399863_331819250170863_798414342_n.jpg]

I then went diesel (eventually)
[Image: 193082_492277854125001_1343095297_o.jpg]

Currently on....
[Image: Image418_zpsba4b7377.jpg]

Pardon the rubbish photo!
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(18-03-2013, 10:07 AM)ozonehostile Wrote:
(18-03-2013, 08:16 AM)Rich306 Wrote: *Ozone: i bet that van shifted!!! i likey Big Grin

It couldnt go in a straight line, donut machine whether you wanted to or not lol

Why am i not surprised? Tongue
I Black mask Crystal headlights, check out my Thread
Black mask Service
Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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dont of pics of my cars, but my list is fairly boring:
96 mk3 vw golf 1.9 n/a d
98 Peugeot 306 lxdt first pug, regret selling it Sad
97 vw caddy van 1.9d again
96 306 Dturbo - Sigma blue
96 306 Dturbo - Diablo Red
99 Citroen Xsara - VSX TD snot green!
00 306 1.4 Petrol - Silver, hated that car-drank too much
94 306 xldt - only 89k, Snot green again though...
95 BMW 318 TDS - Slow and thirsty!
99 Peugeot 406 - Silver saloon soon to be sold
01 306 HDi Dturbo - soon to be my daily
00 306 1.4 Saloon - Bought it instead of getting the bus home one day, will be broken soon.

also had numerous ccars for braking, few xsaras(incl. a vts) 306s, and broke most of above list before scrapping them
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May as well join in :-)

This was my first car...a 1986 Austin Mini city e 998. Not the fastest thing but handled like a beast!!

Then my 1999 Peugeot 306 1.8xs which I'm putting back on the road as its been off for nearly 9 months

And finally my sr20det powered 1983 Ford Capri which was nearly 3 years I'm the making and my favourite yet! :-)

Sure there will be more one day ;-)
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Only one car I've previously owned is even at all worthy of this thread..
Only 94bhp but literally the most fun you could have at a mere 690kg!

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I started life as a Ford man...
XR2s etc...but I got bored of rust quickly and turned to Japs...

One of my favorite cars...
[Image: colt1.jpg]
[Image: colt3.jpg]

then this

[Image: DSC00277.jpg]

then this

[Image: DSC00094-1.jpg]

then got married and got sensible...the car above paid for the wedding we went for comfort and xud power...

[Image: DSC00152.jpg]

that blew up.
we then got the 306 I now own! (4.5yrs ago and 60k miles!)
[Image: 2011-02-20170617-1.jpg]

Had some fun on 2 wheels...
two stoke mito...rebuilt ground up...
[Image: 180420091108.jpg]

then my favourite machine of all time...I miss it daily...
[Image: IMG00042-20090710-1056.jpg]

had a naughty fling with fords again...
[Image: 2010-10-24151240.jpg]
[Image: 2011-10-15181013_zpsff211aaf.jpg]
[Image: 2011-10-18143618_zps31823e51.jpg]

then a crap c2 Gt...hated that back to pugs!
latest arrival
[Image: 306cossack_zps940567f6.jpg]
Wishes for more power...
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