GUIDE: Tinting Rear Lights

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GUIDE: Tinting Rear Lights
Right I wanted to try and tint the bottom section of my lights to make them a bit darker. The idea was to try and make the back lights a bit darker to match the black masks on the front. I didnt like the outcome in the end but I took all the photos so might as well chuck this up for anyone who wants to give it a go.

Firstly the stuff I used was this...

[Image: IMG_20120106_152206.jpg]

it was like £4.50 delivered on ebay and says it is specifically for lights however i guess its just general tint repackaged. :roll:

Anyway I only wanted to tint the bottom section of my lights so grab some masking tape and put a strip on the bottom of the edge. Then add another layer of tape but this time holding the newspaper on. Then scrunch it around the back and it will hold itself on really well.

[Image: IMG_20120106_150844.jpg]

Read what it says on the can :roll: apply a light coat outside... because it was cold outside (like a few degrees because it was January) i used a heat gun on the lights just to get them warm. I actually got them very hot in the end. The can suggests spraying in 13 degrees and up.

[Image: IMG_20120106_152214.jpg]

and another one if its not dark enough... be aware though that it does suddenly become very dark and i reckon that it gets a bit darker as it dries too! Subtly is key!

[Image: IMG_20120106_173526.jpg]

take the tap off once its dried and youre done! I used a heat gun to dry it a (a lot) faster.

[Image: IMG_20120106_174011.jpg]

and looked like this in the end...

[Image: db77ac71.jpg]
[Image: bfb6abb1.jpg]

I didnt like the outcome :/ but there you go none the less. The light output seems fine. I dont know wether its because i used the right tint spray or just because I wasnt a chav and only did a light coat.
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If you had done the top too I dont think it would have looked as bad...
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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I have done just the top on mine, looks cool. I'll get some pics tomorrow
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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yeh i thought about doing the top but i think the red looks quite good on diablo. just wanted to get the bottom a bit darker and then didnt like it in the end... just nothing i do really improves the look of this car :/ Putting the P3 spoiler on probably would be the best thing.
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Ye spoiler would improve it! Im sure you could sell them!
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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Make sure it still reflects otherwise you'll get pulled. Police are funny like that..
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I've had mine on since June and haven't been stopped. Although I will after saying that. Mine are quite dark. Guess I'm lucky haha
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Mine are very dark, not been pulled yet *touch wood*
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Jacko yours are black, not very dark haha.
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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damn i could of got some rep but it doesnt exist trololol
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D@wson Wrote:Make sure it still reflects otherwise you'll get pulled. Police are funny like that..

the reflectors are in the top part (i thought) hence only doing the bottom. Wink
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my tint guide went something like...
Look on ebay
Win auction for tinted rear lights
Pay for them
Wait for them to get delivered
Fit them to the car :-)

Mine i think are a tint film because there is a untinted strip in the middle which is for thevreflector
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Why dont you tint the top bit with one coat? Just to darken it up a bit, should like nice against the diablo imo
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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declantg Wrote:Why dont you tint the top bit with one coat? Just to darken it up a bit, should like nice against the diablo imo

I had diablo tinted lights on my diablo lol, i still have them in the garage
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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be aware that tinting E marked lights then makes them illegal and you can get f*cked for it.
[Image: sig-1.jpg]

106 Xud9 Conversion GtiD (2nd Engine Rebuild)

Dan! Wrote:Want me to blow this one up for you aswel?
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Diggers Wrote:be aware that tinting E marked lights then makes them illegal and you can get f*cked for it.

And thats why my lights are standard Smile
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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looks cool. i wanted to do the whole of my back lights but as said, dont want to keep gettin pulled.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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