22-12-2011, 12:51 PM
jammapic Wrote:We have to pay VAT on everything - thought that was a given?
So for clarification - it's £385+ VAT... that will come down even further if we get more on board.
The standard price for these is around £650+ VAT, so £780ish... you are saving 50%
I know its a given, but go into a shop and buy a can of coke, the price wont say 50p on the shelf and when you go to the till be expected to pay 60p because of VAT, the price quoted usually includes this, only time i see prices at plus vat are in wholesalers books etc who dont have to, and seeing as most if not all members on here are private enthusiasts who would be expected to pay VAT, you may aswell make the price clear cut for them.
Just saying as some mebers may of thought the 385 was all inclusive, better to be clear about things