26-04-2012, 08:58 PM
Ed Doe Wrote:Dan! Wrote:Whats the difference between someone on here telling you how to do something than somebody else on the internet telling you to do something?!
The difference is when you're looking for one thing, you stumble on 6 different threads with some information pertaining to what you were looking for, along with a whole load of other information relating to it which you didnt know but needed to know to make your car that much better. So actually yes, researching yourself by using the internet is better; you learn more.
d-jimbo Wrote:So how did u go about learning?
He bought my car. Ruan Darren & I spend a long time on our 3 cars at the time. I always remember Darren spent hours on the internet researching bits. Mostly cause none of us could work out why his hybrid turbo wasnt making way more power than it should. Darren very quickly learnt a lot more than I did because he made sense of what he was reading and knew what to do with that knowledge. As a result a few years on he's the one pushing the boundaries in a big way. I'm sorry but if you cant be arsed to do a bit of reading for yourself you either deserve to pay for the services or be forever condemned to a life filled with insufficient boost.
Darren linked me to the VAGaygay forums back in the day and I used to spend prettymuch every evening reading them after uni. We used to end up on msn/skype/phone for hours at a time discussing stuff around the time con and darren 1st did the 11mm head conversions. Obv he then found way more bits in the course of trying to figure out why his car wasn't going as well as it should, and I didnt read this. So I ended up with my 11mm gov modded pump, which was providing me with way more fuel than I could use on the t2. Time and money at the end of uni, and becoming worried about reliability with starting a new job meant i didnt end up taking it further, or I'd have bloody gone and researched it.
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