I've done lots of playing around with the sid801 system.
So to start you can't use bdm, you want a genuine mpps through the obd, or a clone fgtech v54 should do the job. Any cloned mpps tool will wipe the ecu.
I had my van running 155 bhp with the stock turbo, it went really well.
I've done remote maps for people with a turbo upgrade but anything past 160 to 165 bhp and the fuel pump can't keep up.
As the software for these is so complex you can't remove the cut off feature like you can on the bosch edc15 etc.
In my opinion it's best to just go for a heavy stage 2 with my larger turbo outlet and down pipe that made quite a difference and then a nice 2.5 inch system.
And poodle, Good work. I was going to do this because so many people ask me, looks like you've got it covered though!
So to start you can't use bdm, you want a genuine mpps through the obd, or a clone fgtech v54 should do the job. Any cloned mpps tool will wipe the ecu.
I had my van running 155 bhp with the stock turbo, it went really well.
I've done remote maps for people with a turbo upgrade but anything past 160 to 165 bhp and the fuel pump can't keep up.
As the software for these is so complex you can't remove the cut off feature like you can on the bosch edc15 etc.
In my opinion it's best to just go for a heavy stage 2 with my larger turbo outlet and down pipe that made quite a difference and then a nice 2.5 inch system.
And poodle, Good work. I was going to do this because so many people ask me, looks like you've got it covered though!