What looks like very little has taken many evenings work; custom bits done to both mounts, all the covers, plus bolted all aux bits on and bottom pulley on.
Fuel filter housing cut up to allow for 16v injector rail. Injectors also in with new seals/washers. Lines all on.
Also made up 9 studs for the exhaust flange. Copper shiny nuts for the win.
Cooling stuff on too. Beefy oil line also on. Done a few bits that not taken pics of tbh.
Awaiting aux belt... Then its time to hang it in an engine bay. Friday all being well.
Fuel filter housing cut up to allow for 16v injector rail. Injectors also in with new seals/washers. Lines all on.
Also made up 9 studs for the exhaust flange. Copper shiny nuts for the win.
Cooling stuff on too. Beefy oil line also on. Done a few bits that not taken pics of tbh.
Awaiting aux belt... Then its time to hang it in an engine bay. Friday all being well.
Wishes for more power...