15-11-2016, 05:10 PM
Project lemon 1-1 Piggy
Scored one for the Pig side this weekend...ordered this...
Was the result of a careful cross ref search of part numbers. The end result was amazon prime coming up trumps...next day delivery and a Marelli condenser at 10% of the usual price
(thats not 10% off...thats 10% of what it should be, ie 90% off!. And with amazong primus, got free next day pNp)
Scored one for the Pig side this weekend...ordered this...
Was the result of a careful cross ref search of part numbers. The end result was amazon prime coming up trumps...next day delivery and a Marelli condenser at 10% of the usual price

(thats not 10% off...thats 10% of what it should be, ie 90% off!. And with amazong primus, got free next day pNp)
Wishes for more power...