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(TheSedanFather) 306 Straight d Sedan
So been a while since my last update and ive been just enjoying the car in general, well i was for a while anyway.
Few weeks back went out for dinner with herself and noticed on pullingup outside that i had left a small trail of oil behind me. looking under the car i saw a puddle of oil so  i moved the car and looked, gear oil Sad With no other alternative i checked all other fluids and limped home. had a look the next day and confirmed that the driveshaft oil seal had fallen out and along with it all my gear oil. I have no pictures of this unfortunately.
Anyways, on the bright side this was the perfect excuse to change from a straight engine to a Dturbo. Went on the hunt and after looking at a few engines i managed to pick up one i could see running in a car beforehand, 114k miles, nice and dry all seemed ok.

Started on the task of the engine swap, having never done one before i took my time and used masking tape and a biro to mark where everything went.
I used a mixture of parts from the staright d and the Dturbo engines.
Had to use the straight d loom aswell as i had no power to any main components with the turbo loom.
Had to use a 12v activated stop as the old one wouldnt open.

Hit some bumps along the way but all considered went ok.
Did all belts and filters before fitting and drove the car for a week.
Then the tuning came.

While i was happy enough with the power i did want more
Got tuning and along with a boost controller have it running 1.4 bar and happy enough with how it moves at the minute. Not quite the same as driving a hybrid pd but im impressed all the same.
[Image: 20160803_135504_zps8zgqng1w.jpg]

And my boost gauge
[Image: 20160803_135410_zpswuvdrmft.jpg]

While i was at it i also twin piped the car aswell
[Image: 20160803_135336_zpsnvkz41op.jpg]

And thats about it for now, happy with the progress its making and next on the list is a Hdi front and rear and Sprayed in Bianca white
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RE: (TheSedanFather) 306 Straight d Sedan - by NaughtonGAA - 03-08-2016, 01:13 PM

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