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Hdi heater matrix, 307 SW se 110
So I'm smelling coolant and my windscreen has been steaming up a little near the bottom, obvs heater matrix but for the unsuspecting 307 buyer maybe a fkn headache!
It went tonight I think so!!!
If your looking at a 307 and there seems to be kinda greasy spotty crud on the lower windscreen near the dash on the inside of the windscreen then it's quite likely the heater matrix is leaking on to the heater element below and causing the steam and sweet chemically smell of radiator coolant on the screen and might be best avoided but for those that can fix it the job seems pretty easy as far as pugs go!
In the glove box there's a little dipped tray, this has to be removed before you can extract the matrix element from behind the lower glovebox cover carpet ( above your feet in passenger footwell )but it's just push clips so a little flex and twist and the dish will pop it out but may snap 12 year old plastic!
I'm going to drag her dad out to bleed brakes and go a drive tomorrow in the 306 before inviting him to help me with the matrix so will take a few pics when possible!
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Hdi heater matrix, 307 SW se 110 - by Redordead89 - 06-08-2015, 12:42 AM

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