Well, the rust is now fixed unfortunately I'm a fool and forgot to photograph the final job before I put the trim back in. This was part way through.
And this was the next one I took with it all back together.
Then I got started on fitting a parrot hands free. Fitted the microphone up behind the little vent in the courtesy light panel, running the wire down the o/s a pillar. Fitting the screen down as shown in the photo below, though there's still more work to be done with the Dremmel for that one, and the blue box is going down on the stiffener to the left of the clutch pedal.
Was at this point that I found that the mute cable on my bargain "fully refurbished" parrot had been bodged and was faulty, so that needs replacing but that shouldn't be too hard to fix
Getting closer and closer but need to order brakes and servicing bits next. Apologies for the slow progress, two weekends on exercise and a dissertation to write hasn't left me much time to work on this :/
And this was the next one I took with it all back together.
Then I got started on fitting a parrot hands free. Fitted the microphone up behind the little vent in the courtesy light panel, running the wire down the o/s a pillar. Fitting the screen down as shown in the photo below, though there's still more work to be done with the Dremmel for that one, and the blue box is going down on the stiffener to the left of the clutch pedal.
Was at this point that I found that the mute cable on my bargain "fully refurbished" parrot had been bodged and was faulty, so that needs replacing but that shouldn't be too hard to fix
Getting closer and closer but need to order brakes and servicing bits next. Apologies for the slow progress, two weekends on exercise and a dissertation to write hasn't left me much time to work on this :/