(18-02-2015, 10:54 PM)lolsteve Wrote: I just go by the finger nail method. If I run my nail accords the block and it catches the liner then she'll be rite. Not scientific but it'll do
Also been flicking through blueys old ecu file as it's occurred to me it's a bit different to all the other 160 ecus I've seen. have heard rumours the first 160s came out with 143 ecus but this doesn't even match the values from that, seems like a half way point between the two. Perhaps something to do with bluey s poor performance? Either way doesnt matter onwards and upwards with the mk2
got a quote on repairing the rust/scratches/dents today. About 400 quid which seems reasonable and should get it looking pristine In time for show season
I think the blue one had been badly f*cked with tbh, before you had it. probably needed a massive over haul to have gotten that back to 100%
seen a few cars like that on rover forums over the years.
Anyway let that all die with the blue car as you say and push onwards as you say with the mk2.
That's about right I would say for the rear quarter as I have paid those prices for my cars rear quarters in the past.
you want to be looking out for some rover extras too, if this didn't have any.
(06-02-2015, 09:40 PM)lolsteve Wrote: Also thinking of doing this to stop the glovebox rattles
haha just seen that steve! the early rover metros had that feature! not sure if I have the photos in my thread, just shows you how much cost cutting they did later on!