A full set of brake pipe spanners is a good idea sa pug have funny sizes in funny places and you may need 2 to work a male off a female union.
Have 2 empty drink bottles or beer cans to hand and some tape so that you can stick the end of the brake pipes in them and hold them on to catch the fluid.
Cover everything in plus gas the night before. Make sure you have plenty of spare brake fluid and be prepared for many seized bolts on the beam itself.
Have 2 jacks, one for either side of the beam or at least a spare set of axle stands.
Work in the order: remove exhaust, remove spare wheel and carrier, hand brake cables, brake pipes, rear beam bolts, front beam bolts.
Its never a quick or easy job the first time you do it especially if you have to swap bits over between the beams. Think my first one took me about 5 hours.
Have 2 empty drink bottles or beer cans to hand and some tape so that you can stick the end of the brake pipes in them and hold them on to catch the fluid.
Cover everything in plus gas the night before. Make sure you have plenty of spare brake fluid and be prepared for many seized bolts on the beam itself.
Have 2 jacks, one for either side of the beam or at least a spare set of axle stands.
Work in the order: remove exhaust, remove spare wheel and carrier, hand brake cables, brake pipes, rear beam bolts, front beam bolts.
Its never a quick or easy job the first time you do it especially if you have to swap bits over between the beams. Think my first one took me about 5 hours.