27-06-2014, 07:31 PM
Skimming the head if you put it back on with the same thickness HG as before will increase compression if only by a negligible amount, this is why once its skimmed you re-measure the thickness of the head and get a thicker HG if needed to make up for the difference.
While I can see you re using the head bolts as long as they are within their stretch tolerance (they are designed to stretch when they are torqued up, stretched too far = snap) I would get the head professionally checked on an engine that is famed for its dislike of head gaskets. Yes its more money to have it done but its a whole lot less than the time effort and cost of doing it again in 6 months time if your "it'll be ok" turns out to be wrong.
Also I know its money and probably money you don't really have but if its 4 years since your cam belt was done most of us would be changing them at 5 years irregardless of mileage so you are nearly at the interval so while its apart. It's piece of mind then on a car I assume you are planning on keeping for another year or 2.
While I can see you re using the head bolts as long as they are within their stretch tolerance (they are designed to stretch when they are torqued up, stretched too far = snap) I would get the head professionally checked on an engine that is famed for its dislike of head gaskets. Yes its more money to have it done but its a whole lot less than the time effort and cost of doing it again in 6 months time if your "it'll be ok" turns out to be wrong.
Also I know its money and probably money you don't really have but if its 4 years since your cam belt was done most of us would be changing them at 5 years irregardless of mileage so you are nearly at the interval so while its apart. It's piece of mind then on a car I assume you are planning on keeping for another year or 2.