24-06-2014, 07:23 AM
The failing lift pump won't cause the hp pump to fail unless you've got no filtration between the lp and hp pump.... Which you do!!
The chronic leak off problem would cause it, but once again, someone saying it's knackered with no proof... Meh! Until they can show you why they think it's that.. Amount of times I've heard the good old 'Diesel mechanic with xx years experience' - doesn't matter, far as I can see that just says they're more likely to say they think they know what the problem is rather than actually finding out... Has anyone even pulled the fuel filter out to check for filings on either side of the filter media... I doubt it, yet they're all just instantly blaming components...
The chronic leak off problem would cause it, but once again, someone saying it's knackered with no proof... Meh! Until they can show you why they think it's that.. Amount of times I've heard the good old 'Diesel mechanic with xx years experience' - doesn't matter, far as I can see that just says they're more likely to say they think they know what the problem is rather than actually finding out... Has anyone even pulled the fuel filter out to check for filings on either side of the filter media... I doubt it, yet they're all just instantly blaming components...