26-05-2014, 09:30 PM
I haven't replaced a matrix, but have removed plenty lol. Easily done in a day, that's from unlocking the car to having it full bled up, probably half a day if you don't have any problems....but it's a Peugeot, there will be problems lol.
I can strip a dash pretty quickly now though, know where all the bolts are etc, and the matrix itself is extremely easy...just check nothings underneath it. I found the matrix housing cracked on my old estate....it turned out whoever had done the matrix before had shoved the new one in, on top of a pound coin!!
I guess a kid had pushed it through a vent or something lol and it dropped under the matrix as the old one was removed. I gained a pound from that though lol.
I can strip a dash pretty quickly now though, know where all the bolts are etc, and the matrix itself is extremely easy...just check nothings underneath it. I found the matrix housing cracked on my old estate....it turned out whoever had done the matrix before had shoved the new one in, on top of a pound coin!!