22-02-2014, 04:42 PM
Isn't that Dum-Dum's 2.1?
Back on topic, had this happen to me with both 306's. One failed completely, other I managed to notice before it completely died on me. Depending on how much the repair is, could be better to just buy one from eBay or here. Ebay was around £40, on here £20-30. I shouldn't have sold the one from the dragoon when I was breaking it
Back on topic, had this happen to me with both 306's. One failed completely, other I managed to notice before it completely died on me. Depending on how much the repair is, could be better to just buy one from eBay or here. Ebay was around £40, on here £20-30. I shouldn't have sold the one from the dragoon when I was breaking it