(21-02-2014, 08:08 AM)C2K Wrote: Heater matrix leaking by the look of that water in the footwell. Check the coolant?
Why would you buy something this rough to stage 2? You could have had my HDi in under a month lol.
Did you pay 300 quid, then spend 300 more so far even getting it somewhere near roadworthy?
Coolant level is ok, was a bit low when I picked it up but it's been fine for the last week. The thermostat housing weeps a little though.
I bought it thinking most cars need most things doing now days and I didn't really want anything to mint as I would be gutted when it gets damaged while using it for karting. I was gutted I missed out on this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-PEUGEOT-3...true&rt=nc he only wanted £450.
The stage two is only for shits n' gigs as the kids say.
Yep, I bought it for £300 and I've spent them same on top but most that went on R70 pump, intercooler, pipe work and a new MAF.
How much do you think you'll sell your car for? I've always wondered how much I'd get for my 300k mile muncher, It's probably in better condition than most cars with half it's miles.
(21-02-2014, 10:55 AM)Dum-Dum Wrote: Starting issues really can often be as simple as battery and poor wiring. If it still feels slow get some battery cables from Halfords and do battery-starter-alternator and also re run a few of the big earths back to the battery. Oh and use decent bolt on battery terminals, clip on ones are rubbish. I've not had a 306 yet that this hasn't massively improved the starting even if it wasn't really bad in the first place.
I think you're right about the clamps and I think that was the cause of the starting issue. I'm going to replace the clamps but I do like the original quick release ones that came with the car. I've never had a problem with them on my dturbo.
When I think, I've got this car and I've spent £600 it does sound depressing.