15-01-2014, 06:17 PM
imgoing to be honest now
i was thinking this trip was going to be 2-4 nights
drive to the ring and surounding areas
but t hear it may be 10 nights and a tour into italy
thats a bit much for me to budget, for me and the wife to get 5 days off together is a struggle
i may have to cull my enthusiasum and withdraw myinterest
i am still interested in a trip to the Ring though not the extended tour of europe
i was thinking this trip was going to be 2-4 nights
drive to the ring and surounding areas
but t hear it may be 10 nights and a tour into italy
thats a bit much for me to budget, for me and the wife to get 5 days off together is a struggle
i may have to cull my enthusiasum and withdraw myinterest
i am still interested in a trip to the Ring though not the extended tour of europe