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How much camber on the rear as standard?
urm kinda :/ but if there both equal it wont matter anyway, but it can make your steering pissed or drift to one side if one is poss or more neg, or somthing like that, as your rear sets up your front tracking, so if rear is out front is out, so it might crab, but i shouldent think camber will do to much really, just wear your tyres on one edge... try and explain. read this

[Image: Align_Camber.gif]

[Image: Align_t_camber.gif]

Camber is the angle of the wheel, measured in degrees, when viewed from the front of the vehicle. If the top of the wheel is leaning out from the center of the car, then the camber is positive ,if it's leaning in, then the camber is negative. If the camber is out of adjustment, it will cause tire wear on one side of the tire's tread. If the camber is too far negative, for instance, then the tire will wear on the inside of the tread.
Camber wear pattern

If the camber is different from side to side it can cause a pulling problem. The vehicle will pull to the side with the more positive camber. On many front-wheel-drive vehicles, camber is not adjustable. If the camber is out on these cars, it indicates that something is worn or bent, possibly from an accident and must be repaired or replaced.
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Re: How much camber on the rear as standard? - by jo3 - 16-02-2012, 08:04 PM

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