(23-09-2013, 08:31 PM)Stephen Wrote: I think it goes down alot to where you live tbf
I pay about £600 for my dt with all mods declared
If i was to swap to my 130 mondeo its a bit cheaper and im 20
I am on a admiral multicar policy with my family though so that helps!
Piggy more then likely got that price when he was 18 as, as he said it was 7 years ago!
Seven years ago I was looking for insurance on my dad's Toyota Corolla 2D (yes that's D as in diesel, no turbo) which was slower than an oil tanker but they wanted £3000 to insure me as a learner from confused.com. I distinctly remember that.
So I am highly sceptical being that he was talking about:
1. An import
2. A GTi
3. Being 18 with no experience
But knowning Piggy he's going to claim something-or-a-rather is going to have made it possible

BTW, the way you say "7 years ago" makes me feel old! The thread has run it's course so feel free to discuss this.