(14-08-2013, 06:44 AM)Jonny81191 Wrote: Well if it handles anything like a TF then write your will now before you go near a track. Had a hoon in a TF last night and was massively dissatisfied with it. And I set off with low expectations. Got it sideways and held it, at which point it then snapped round like it wanted to kill me. And under normal driving I found I was slowing down a lot more for corners. It just didn't feel stable.Not big on the TF's feel a lil cramped when I jumped in one at the scrappy. Normal driving feels fine enough just the standard setup is a little unforgiving on speedbumps, not like cheap coilovers but not far off I'd say so lowering springs can only help with that right?

(14-08-2013, 06:48 AM)Niall Wrote: must say, i went up the hill with Steve (giggidy) at pugfest in this and it handled fairly well but sorry to say it, wasn't a patch of a 306. Not saying that because im bias but i was genuinely surprised at where it was loosing control considering how flat it cornered as well!Yea it was the "still not as good as a 306" comments afterwards that's made me throw my hands in the air and go "f**k it I'm beating a gti6 even if it kills me"

(14-08-2013, 08:36 AM)jammapic Wrote: Also, the thermostat can stick closed. The engine will get hotter and hotter, destroy the headgasket but only show normal operating temp on the dash gauge. This is what my mums did!I read up on swapping them over last night and it doesn't seem like the worst job in the world to do and a replacement thermostat with seals is like £10. Will go check pipes later on and see if the pipes heat up correctly
Am I right in understanding that a system that warms up slowly from cold is a thermostat stuck open
And one that has very hot top pipes and stone cold bottom ones is stuck closed?