14-07-2013, 08:58 AM
Just a quick question, I'm in a bit of a predicament with my car at the moment. Long story short, went to remove the track rod end but found the nut seized which I was able to loosen and remove, but now the track rod end is seized solid in the track rod. I have tried the following:
Plusgas (well diesel but close enough) overnight, loads
Heat with blowtorch for 5 minutes then try to undo
Heat with blowtorch for 10 minutes then try to undo
Heat with blowtorch for 5 minutes then rapidly cool with water
Held the track rod with molegrips and relentlessly pounded on the track rod end's thread/shank to try to knock it free
Normally I would get on with replacing the whole track rod but for some reason the Haynes gives it a 4 spanner rating? If it is gonna take a whole day then I might wait until I can buy a map gas torch tomorrow which is said to be hotter than propane torches and give that a try but if it's only a couple of hours then I will do it. But I am seriously wondering if it has been welded in for some reason? But there are no signs of that.
This is where the Haynes gives it 4 spanners, even though there is not much of a writeup:
Plusgas (well diesel but close enough) overnight, loads
Heat with blowtorch for 5 minutes then try to undo
Heat with blowtorch for 10 minutes then try to undo
Heat with blowtorch for 5 minutes then rapidly cool with water
Held the track rod with molegrips and relentlessly pounded on the track rod end's thread/shank to try to knock it free
Normally I would get on with replacing the whole track rod but for some reason the Haynes gives it a 4 spanner rating? If it is gonna take a whole day then I might wait until I can buy a map gas torch tomorrow which is said to be hotter than propane torches and give that a try but if it's only a couple of hours then I will do it. But I am seriously wondering if it has been welded in for some reason? But there are no signs of that.
This is where the Haynes gives it 4 spanners, even though there is not much of a writeup: