30-04-2013, 07:18 AM
Nearly a bolt in bolt out job. You've one bit to cut off on the 3rd seats, but then you can just bolt the 5dr subframe to it, but it will leave the whole seat sitting about an inch higher, which is a lot.
That's what I did first time round, however I think the 5dr reclining mechanism is stronger, never seen one get wobbly yet, and so I went back and retrimed my orginals. Again, simple enough job, just a bit of a balls with lots of wire clips. And if you're going from pov spec seats to dturbo or gti seats you'll also need to weld in bolster supports.
That's what I did first time round, however I think the 5dr reclining mechanism is stronger, never seen one get wobbly yet, and so I went back and retrimed my orginals. Again, simple enough job, just a bit of a balls with lots of wire clips. And if you're going from pov spec seats to dturbo or gti seats you'll also need to weld in bolster supports.
Gov modded 11mm Bosch + Standard turbo = 137.2bhp . . . . TD04 now in...time to get playing!