14-02-2013, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll check possible solutions on the weekend.
It is strange because the car is sat for about 12 hours over night when it is parked up at home, and when I go to start it in the morning, it kicks over on the button.
But when I'm at work and go to start it at lunch or when I finish work, I get problems. But cold starts from where I park at home seem to be fine.
Only thing I do remember, is that the ignition was on before I disconnected the battery to change the plugs.
Once I changed all the plugs and put the rail back on etc, I connected the battery back up and instantly heard a burning type noise and saw a bit of smoke from the plug area, so I disconnected it for a few seconds. Then I connected it back up and it was fine. Only when I went to start the car did I realise the key was in the ignition in the 'on' position so as soon as the battery was re-connected the ignition would have been on.
Would that have caused any problems?
Starting to think it wasn't glow plugs that needed changing in the first place and perhaps it was something else.
It is strange because the car is sat for about 12 hours over night when it is parked up at home, and when I go to start it in the morning, it kicks over on the button.
But when I'm at work and go to start it at lunch or when I finish work, I get problems. But cold starts from where I park at home seem to be fine.
Only thing I do remember, is that the ignition was on before I disconnected the battery to change the plugs.
Once I changed all the plugs and put the rail back on etc, I connected the battery back up and instantly heard a burning type noise and saw a bit of smoke from the plug area, so I disconnected it for a few seconds. Then I connected it back up and it was fine. Only when I went to start the car did I realise the key was in the ignition in the 'on' position so as soon as the battery was re-connected the ignition would have been on.
Would that have caused any problems?
Starting to think it wasn't glow plugs that needed changing in the first place and perhaps it was something else.
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