15-12-2012, 05:35 PM
(15-12-2012, 05:27 PM)Pompey306mark Wrote: Ps that's my point.
They are different engines so will react differently to the same tuning.
It will allow people to see how the differ in the real time rather than everyone making claims based on their own opinions. If you did it correctly with dyno's and side by side road tests you could see for sure which one responses better to what.
My old t2 and part modded Bosch could easily keep up with fooby's 6 two years at Coventry, even with a massive weight disadvantage and only running 25psi.
Fooby wasn't driving properly then, or his GTI was broken, if you could keep up easily. T2's on Bosches are nothing more than mild. And at 25psi and with a weight disadvantage as you say... Don't try and make out the DT was something it certainly wasn't.
And when it comes to TD tuning, with two different engines its like comparing apples and oranges. Two of the same engine, with maybe different turbos, will be a good reflection on what works and what doesn't, but even that is subjective. One might be a torque monster and the other a screaming bhp machine.
When you compare the 1.9 to the 2.1 you can't really get a good comparison going. In standard form aye, but when you tune both of them you're working to different goals. By the time they're both tuned they'll be completely different animals. You could gov the 1.9 up to 6krpm but the 2.1 wouldn't like it, so why bother?
You can't tune them the same way, so you can't really make a direct comparison. Fuel pumps would be set to deliver differently, turbos would be different...