31-10-2012, 09:26 PM
If your house has been surveyed and the report has come back that it is i cement based fibre board , then the levels of actual asbestos in the board will contain somewhere around 15 % which is a medium risk material, houses built right up until the end of 1999 will still more than likely contain asbestos in them as white asbestos wasn't banned by law until 1999, whereas blue and brown asbestos was banned by law in 1985 iirc, you will need dust mask which is ffp3 spec i think, a good set of disposable overalls ( one size to big to lessen the chance of ripping it ) shoe covers that you can also chuck away as trainers and boots with laces are hard to decontaminate, you will also need plastic sheeting to wrap it in once removed and tape it up to ensure no dust can exit at all, your ppe will have to be put in two bags which will need to be labelled and disposed of as asbestos waste, as to showering straight after is not really neccesary as by having the suit and mask and gloves and show covers on the only places you are going to get contaminated is you wrists (unless you tape the suit to them ) or the area on you face that is not covered by the mask, which , you can decontaminate the best way is to get some baby wipes and just dab around the area on you face that dust the may be then dispose of with the rest of the waste,