15-09-2012, 07:45 PM
Fitted a hdi box today, donated to me by a customer who couldn't be arsed with ebaying it, 70 odd k.
Treated to a new Valeo Clutch and gear oil (£91), and also fitted a pair of driveshaft oil seals and guide bush seal that I had kicking about.
Had to swap over not just the release fork and clutch cable mount, but also one static gear linkage and the top left/right lever. The 306 ones would hit my ARB and wouldn't opperate properly in the first place.
Now down to 2050rpm @60mph, so that's about an 8% increase in mpg hopefully. And it also meansi can do that perfectly flat, 30mph 3 mile road pretty much on idle, as before but just a lil lower.
Second and third... Wahooooooo!
Now to sort the oil leak, the one causing under bonnet smoke at the lights lol. (rocker cover, already got one)
Treated to a new Valeo Clutch and gear oil (£91), and also fitted a pair of driveshaft oil seals and guide bush seal that I had kicking about.
Had to swap over not just the release fork and clutch cable mount, but also one static gear linkage and the top left/right lever. The 306 ones would hit my ARB and wouldn't opperate properly in the first place.
Now down to 2050rpm @60mph, so that's about an 8% increase in mpg hopefully. And it also meansi can do that perfectly flat, 30mph 3 mile road pretty much on idle, as before but just a lil lower.
Second and third... Wahooooooo!
Now to sort the oil leak, the one causing under bonnet smoke at the lights lol. (rocker cover, already got one)