Trying to convince the gf to stop smoking

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Trying to convince the gf to stop smoking
I need some tips... I have tried everything, telling her how badly i hate it and thats hate with a mother fudging passion absolutely cant stand it, i tried all the lung cancer, your gonna die way before me, etcetc... then i tried you look stupid, you breath stinks etcetc
But according to her friends shes cut back loads and according to her she hasnt smoked for 2 weeks but whenever she drinks or sees her friends smoking and they offer her she cant help herself and smokes then ruins it and we have to start over :/ So i need help lol
I always told myself i'd never go out with someone that smokes but shes different i guess

Anyway yeh i know im a soppy git Sad
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Tell her and her friends to f*ck their respective couches!

Really though, have you gone down the money route? Every time she buys a pack of fags, you put aside the same amount in a pot, and when she moans about you spending money on the car, take the money out from the pot and remind her you spent your 'smoking' funds, she'll soon realise how much she spends on them.
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^^ sounds like a plan. I cant stand girls who smoke. its like they just f*ck off to smoke outside and its not like im going to join them in the 'cancer club'.
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It's a tricky one, because usually the only way to quit is if you/they want to... It's very hard for someone to quit for someone else if they enjoy it (this is going on others experience around me through the years, never smoked myself). Only person I've known to quit for someone else was my mate Si, his Nan was very ill and he just quit like that. Discipline is a problem, have to be in the right mindset.
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This is the thing though when she has no money she can go weeks without smoking.... Thats what piss's me off about it.
I always say you tell me what you want me to give up and i'll do it, atm i've given up driving like a prick lol eco driving all the way Smile

Yes Srowell! Damn right, and its so unattractive dont you think? Soon as i see a girl smoking im like ew shes not even hot.

I agree Curt im pretty sure thats the problem im having now, hence offering to give up anything for her to try and make it fair
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Dump her..... :?

Seriously though....if she likes it why should she stop for you? :think: would you stop something you like for her?

Not meant to sound harsh btw lol....
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Way to read the post Tom. He said just above you that he would give something up for her.

And anyway, when you think about it, what is there to enjoy about smoking? You're paying for the privilege of damaging your health and those in close proximity to you.

Before anyone says it (since I know at least two people will comment on this whistle), I should probably clarify my question is actually "what is there to enjoy about smoking cigarettes"
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When I first met my lady she was a smoker, I've alway found smoking to be quite the turn off but I really did like her so I explained before we started going out that she'd had to start quitting otherwise we couldn't be.
She agreed and because she wanted to be with me she found it easier than just giving up on her own accord, we did have the occasional disagreements and I ended up with alot of love bites due to her withdrawals but a few months down the line and she was completely off and says she cant stand the smell when her dad smokes now Big Grin

also I won major brownie points with her parents for getting her to stop
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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I gave up for Scott. Really, that should be enough. He told me he hated it, the next day I quit and 4 years later I haven't touched one. She needs to get some willpower, and her friends need to stop being such dicks and offering her cigarettes when she's out. They seem to be the problem!
[Image: kim.png]
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Scott Wrote:Way to read the post Tom. He said just above you that he would give something up for her.

And anyway, when you think about it, what is there to enjoy about smoking? You're paying for the privilege of damaging your health and those in close proximity to you.

Before anyone says it (since I know at least two people will comment on this whistle), I should probably clarify my question is actually "what is there to enjoy about smoking cigarettes"

I wrote that before he posted lol. But I hardly see slowing down while driving as the same...what if she asked to give up driving you wouldn't as you enjoy it....
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Toms306 Wrote:I wrote that before he posted lol. But I hardly see slowing down while driving as the same...what if she asked to give up driving you wouldn't as you enjoy it....

That's stupid, because driving is a practicality needed by most in their daily lives. Smoking isn't- it's an addiction that harms the health of the smoker and those around them.
[Image: kim.png]
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Completely agree with Scott there nothing to enjoy about it why do it.. Some of her friends understand i dont like her smoking and tell her not to which im happy with tbh but some are c*nts!
lolsteve im in exactly the same position bud but we're 7weeks into our relationship and she does still smoke abit so im seeking advice from people on here to try and get her to stop for good Smile
Tom it did sound harsh but you said you didnt mean it so i'll let you off cos you got the same name as me so your obviously wicked cool Wink But yeah i said i'd give up anything for her just to make it so she knows that im willing to do something as well if you get me..
Kimmie i dont know how to give her some will power :/ if i could i'd get a great handful and shove it up her arse!

She wouldnt ask me to give up driving, she knows thats how she sees me... But if i didnt need my car i'd definately consider it if thats what it would take....
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Dec says: As long as shes smoking something funky he wouldnt have a problem!
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Matt has given up recently using an e-cigarette, he said it worked really well. Maybe she could give that a shot?
[Image: kim.png]
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She only smokes dirty tobacco :/ But thank Dec for his input haha

I will suggest it to her Kim thanks Smile
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Kimmie Wrote:
Toms306 Wrote:I wrote that before he posted lol. But I hardly see slowing down while driving as the same...what if she asked to give up driving you wouldn't as you enjoy it....

That's stupid, because driving is a practicality needed by most in their daily lives. Smoking isn't- it's an addiction that harms the health of the smoker and those around them.

Cars also harm everyone...exhausts aren't exactly clean. And he could get the bus....

I know that wasn't the best example but I don't know what he likes......everythings bad for you, whether that's smoking, drinking, eating too much etc etc.....

But people do it cos they like it.....there's several things I don't do for the sake of other people and tbh I'm just getting fed up of thinking about other people before I do anything. Imo we should all be more selfish now and then. If his missus likes smoking and doesn't do it next to him (cos that's just taking the piss lol) then I can't see a problem with it, no ones perfect. Smile
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If she doesnt do it around me i have to find out the hard way through her friends or smelling it on her then we start lies and decpetion and that happy shit which no one likes, i always prefer it if she just tells me straight up :/
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Scott Wrote:Tell her and her friends to f*ck their respective couches!

Really though, have you gone down the money route? Every time she buys a pack of fags, you put aside the same amount in a pot, and when she moans about you spending money on the car, take the money out from the pot and remind her you spent your 'smoking' funds, she'll soon realise how much she spends on them.

id try that one out, she will sharp see how much they cost!

lolsteve Wrote:When I first met my lady she was a smoker, I've alway found smoking to be quite the turn off but I really did like her so I explained before we started going out that she'd had to start quitting otherwise we couldn't be.
She agreed and because she wanted to be with me she found it easier than just giving up on her own accord, we did have the occasional disagreements and I ended up with alot of love bites due to her withdrawals but a few months down the line and she was completely off and says she cant stand the smell when her dad smokes now Big Grin

also I won major brownie points with her parents for getting her to stop

i find it a turn off too, at least you took the with drawals like a man a win win situation to me.
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tomw1123 Wrote:Tom it did sound harsh but you said you didnt mean it so i'll let you off cos you got the same name as me so your obviously wicked cool Wink But yeah i said i'd give up anything for her just to make it so she knows that im willing to do something as well if you get me...

Yeah I'm not good at getting a point across without putting exactly what i mean....but I'm certainty not wicked cool lol. If you're really willing to go give up something like that for her then I can see how much you want her to stop.

However I don't think anyone will give up something they like without a proper kick up the backside..unless you give her some other serious motivation somehow Wink
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Gonna have to start with holding sex or something! If kicking her would work i wouldnt be sat here now haha
Doesnt even own a 306.
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I dont think i could ever give up driving like a dick. Atm im on a not going over 3k rule unless overtaking or someone needs a good thrashing.
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SRowell Wrote:I dont think i could ever give up driving like a dick. Atm im on a not going over 3k rule unless overtaking or someone needs a good thrashing.
Im giving it my all! Just like i expect her to Smile
Doesnt even own a 306.
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tomw1123 Wrote:Gonna have to start with holding sex or something! If kicking her would work i wouldnt be sat here now haha

Haha. Seriously though, I know my opinion will be different ro almost everyone else's (it usually is) and obviously I'm not an expert on relationships lol...but everyone needs thier own space to do want they want now and then....maybe you play xbox with a beer (as said, don't know what you like)....and maybe she wouldn't want to be together doing the same things all the time. :think:

Also people have asked what's good about smoking....I don't think its the actual smoke that people like,. I think the socialising of it.... I always go on at fag breaks at college/work even though I don't smoke and its the most social thing I do all day. The rest of the day people are in various places or working or whatever but at 10am everyone's by the bench....and as everyone's together they're not gonna sit in silence.......its where you find out a lot more about people/their card from my experience. As said I don't smoke so might be completely wrong but that's why id do it...
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Electric fags are good as they give you the act of smoking and the nicotine without the harm to anyone else, can even have them in a pub, 80% cheaper than smoking too... Might be worth a mention?
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MrsMidnight Wrote:Electric fags are good as they give you the act of smoking and the nicotine without the harm to anyone else, can even have them in a pub, 80% cheaper than smoking too... Might be worth a mention?

Used mine for 4 weeks then lost it. And now I no longer smoke haha bloody brilliant! I bought 15 cartridges for it and I have 9 left lol
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Quitting is so damn hard !! Tried and failed...

Be easy on her and if she really does want to quit she will...

If your missus wants a fag now and again then you need to let her as forcing someone to quit is the wrong way to go about it man.

Be easy as I was losing it when I was quitting under constant pressure from people asking me about it constantly which kept reminding me about it... Which made me just wanna smoke continuously.

Tbh because of this I smoke more now than I ever did. Ask Mr and Mrs midnight lool
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Andy.... Seriously use one of them electric ones! Works bloody wonders!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Smokings for fags lol thankyou im here all week, next week, the week after...
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Matt Wrote:Andy.... Seriously use one of them electric ones! Works bloody wonders!

I don't know if I can though... One reason is I had to do some crap just got get enough money for fcs... So kinda can't afford one :/

Second reason is I really cbf :L I'm nice like that

Connor... You are bloke who has food ! Nothing else XD So leave the funnys alone <3
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Get her pregnant and she has no choice but to stop Smile Or buy her a dturbo to kick her smoking habit lol

On a serious note at least shes trying!
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