hovis16s rallye (pic heavy)

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hovis16s rallye (pic heavy)
As most off you no my pride and joy was written off a while back by an old git not looking where he was going,so after a couple weeks of looking for a replacement car i got this
[Image: 209444_10150592088040099_566505098_18085...2416_o.jpg]:love :love :love :love

the plans for the beast

refit all the archliners
waxoil/paint arches and under the car
paint side strips
paint or maybe carbon spoiler
fit lightend fly and pullies
refit carpet
fit my vipercross
fit my miles beam mounts
rebuild the beam with my fresh tube with new bearings
new wheels
paint calipers
new bonnet sticker
and on and on and on:whistle

So I began. Thought to myself lets sort that f**king car out. so i started by taking the rallye seats out and cleaning the whole of the inside
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after 20mins of hoovering and attacking with the sponge i was happy ish
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but then i decided that i really didn't want to see the horrible floor so i ran over to the six(less than a foot behind me) and attacked the carpet. Great fun getting it out lol gave it a good clean and pop it in
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i then put the central trim back in with my handbrake cover,not sure on the gear knob at the mo may put a standard one back on when i find my nice fresh one hidden somewhere
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after this i went and got my lovely bucket seats gave them and clean and dropped them in Smile
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interior for now DONE!
i then turned my attention to the outside of the car. first petrol trim
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I then got rather busy collecting parts and painting like crazy!!!!!
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also took my old engine apart with intensions to just change the stem seals.............until i noticed the waterjacket on the gasket was soon about to go so i then decided to rebuild the whole thing. having great fun tearing it apart with paul.

rallye wise i replaced the beam with my beam tube that has ok bearings and took the 21tbs out because one of the end bolts had snapped!!!!!the car is now sat on its ass till i sort this :LOL took her out for a spin........noise coming from the front end.......ahhhh topmounts......ah missing washer for top mounts,ah well got mine at home. then noticed its unsettled when putting you foot down.......hmmm play in rack ahh also ball joint not the best so wack them on order. radiator pressurising???????? rebleed sorted it for the mean time but green coolant???????
then fitted my nice fresh carpet in the rear and fitted my new boot badge and didnt touch her for a week.

feeling good Smile........................................................until I went for a 50mile drive with my mate paul (because he is bedding in fresh engine rebuild) bugs everywhere so had to spray the window clean........wind window up as you do and put cold air fan on.........nice fuel smell!!!!!!
cams run lean so dont worry. then found and lovely road at least 7miles long which is just awesome so i fought "lets see what you can do" f*ck ME was great the rallye just pulled then went all boggy and odd..............pull over pop the tank.......................................................................................................
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so another day attacking the rallye, woke up and decided to rip the fans and rad off because the headgasket had gone. nice enough everything came off nice and easy.
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once i had this all out i noticed some rust so i attacked it with the wire brush and sander and krust and then painted it all back up.
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while i was at it i sanded and painted the front brakes and took the wishbones off to replace with mine
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before attacking the wishbones i put some new ball joints on mine
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then the problems started........first was the trackrod end which refused to come off.......so i hacked it off then the droplink did the same....so i hacked it off then noticed both ball joint pinch bolts were over tighten lucky enough the hubs aren't ovalled. So i moved to the front of the car again and decided i dont like the one fan set up on the rallye so..............
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after hacking the six on apart i now have a twin fan set up. one fan will be a manual switch while the other is auto.
that done I then turn my attention to the power steering which has been relocated and not fitted correctly. Its ment to fit in to the holes with the shoulder spacers/dowls and guess what.........yeap you guessed it NOT FITTED.because of this the belt makes a horried noise whinning so i thought i start taking it off..................................
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whats wrong with this picture??????

Then the fun began
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad
Coolant in cylinders 1 & 4
Coolant in exhaust manifold, collector number 4 is submerged in coolant
Blocks had been decked by the looks of things
Engines not the original engine. Early pulleys along with the 136t tensioner. Should be a 137t setup being a t reg. Sooooooooooooo took the engines out and it was completly dead. Cranks had it, heads had it, blocks had it, powersteering pumps had it, gearbox mount has had it, engine cradle has had it.........but on the bright side the cams are fine Smile...............................or really. Turns out they were standard cams :evil: :evil: :evil:
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not a lot of gearbox oil
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then the cleaning and the prep

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then the new bits
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apart from this i had done some more painting and that was about it my mate paul picked up my nice redone crank and bottom end bearings :cool THANK YOU PAUL AND MILES once again.

so another morning on the rallye............off to pug to pick up some parts "my banks going to love me"
picked up my oil chain cog, selector bushes and some power steering fluid "dam ive got an oil collection goin"
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i then quickly fitted the bushes before i headed off to my physio
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After getting SMASHED by the physio bird i went to go and collect another part from my local auto factors.....nice new shiney fan swicth. so i rushed home and fitted it
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i then fitted my newish ecu sensor
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and i was going to leave it at that but.......................................i got carried away lol
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i then ripped the rallye power steering metal pipe off because it was bent
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and fitted the one off the gti and once again got carried away
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not sure if your ment to paint this but oh well.
then I sat indoors hurting.

been a while and paul and myself have had been busy as ever:yes and god is it taking its toll on me......but enough of my moaning. A couple more bits...... my bearing turned up thanks to MR RICH again so we set about attacking the bottom end:rolleyes
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loads of nice new stuff uprated and standard bearings,new oil chain and cog new bottom pullie and a nice thick repair gasket for furture cams or advancing :devil
we then called it a night

the following day i then did some more painting while waiting for paul to arive then once again back on the the car
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popped the head on timed her up fitted the mani and popped the pas kit on to see how it goes and left it at that.

then had a night off of the car and had a night in with the misses...........it went well....started talking about engine bedding in process in my sleep:lol :lol :lol

another day passes and i get fed up of trying to contact Mr bm baker and decide to take a gamble and be a ginnie pig
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perfectly happy with their p bushes so why no try a vibratechnics gearbox mount. can service it and all.
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Once again i was at it with paul managed to fit the pas kit correctly by using some seatbelt spacers:ban re fitted the belt popped a new crank seal on then the flywheel and clutch cover and thats it
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done some more work on ole money pit today....... but i first had to clean the garage out because it was looking like the tip 2hours later i managed to finally be able to see the floor and my wheels again thus giving me the perfect excuss to pop them on to see how nice they are
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still not sure weather tho keep them white or not but then simonjames has his white and it looks lush but i dont want to be a copy cat :LOL
after this i then put the gti clocks in.....glad i did the rallye ones were held in by two bolts!!!!!! one to hold the surround and the other to hold the clocks
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after this i then tighten up all the bolts from the night before on the engine
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Done a couple more things to the rallye.......the engines in, battery all connected, driveshafts in, engine oil in, top mount bearings in, new ball joint bolts and fitted new droplinks. Turned the engine over and it seems all good. now got to just put the plugs and coilpacks in and see if it fires up :dance: :dance: :dance:

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The miles the car was on when i got hit Sad
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filled up the gear box and the powersteering pump.........now the rad!
coolant now in new fuel filter fitted washer bottle and induction kit fitted front bumper fitted to. wired up the manual fan as well just got to fit it in the car...............almost their might be able to have a birthday drive!!!!!:hyper
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Got the tre off thanks to paul 'need slitons in my life' also after fanny assing around i now have a level seat that slides Smile what a ballache it was tho. Also fitted one of my lights and because winter is on the way and cause im blind i popped my hids back in :doh 'getting ready to be pulled'
Part from that greased the new tres and started putting my YELLOW cage padding on :hyper almost their
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Doh stupid me forgot to swap the slam panels over!!!!!! means i had to zip tie the front light bolting points for now until i can be asked to put my other one on :nope:

tracking done brakes bleed and went for the test drive..................................woohoo its works started really boggy at first but over time it picked up and pulled better and better as i kept driving. Two annoying things tho have an annoying noise from the starter motor and i have some chamber on the front passenger wheel??? part from that its going all good
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Done a couple more miles in the car and decided to give her a wash at the same time i painted the wheels up black but i didnt like it that much so they went graphite grey
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took me 5hours to clean the bloody thing and the pic do it no justice
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i perfer the grey????
after this i then went to nur motorsport to see how i can spend my whiplash money..............if i get any
i took a couple pics of the car and of some things i want :hyper
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carbon goodnees
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apart from this all i now need to do is replace the clutch cable because for some reason mine has gone sticky
fit a new driver door central locking unit
weld up the cradle
get my new tyres
get a refurbed beam
and sort the alarm system out

Sad and on and on and on lol
some pics
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just enjoying the car. But I decided to buy myself a oilite conversion xsara beam and another set of bf goodrich tyres. next on the list is a peter t inlet cam and maybe a diff Love

also.....,due to money problems i sold my coilovers and got some b8's...................what a great idea it was.....car feels SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!

Beam turned up. So I put it on and wooooooo what a difference......only annoying thing is i still have a rattle :angry i think its the rear shocks because they use metal bushes.
also got my new tyres Smile so i have winter and summer tyres now
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ahhh the better weather came back for a while,so i decided to fit my new speedo housing seal because it was leaking also fitted all new clips on all the power steering hoses because they to had a little drip.
and thanks to carl chambers i now have two keys and a full working lock set Smile "blip open"
blip lock. next repaint and fit my slampanel.

well during the weekend i decided to take off my slam panel becsuse i fitted the wrong one in the first place.....plus it looked tatty and the lights had to be ziptied on because the mounting points were f**ked......so on goes fresh painted panel:-)
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old and new
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much better
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So i decided to start on the wheels again because they are a tad marked. while i was at it i repainted the strut brace and cleaned the engine bay
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finished sparying the wheels,they are looking fresh again
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And my decal set turned up. Its not 100% perfect but i only need the back and rallye decals
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Now im just waiting for the nicer weather to clean her

Seeing as the rain has decided to stop i decided to give the rallye some TLC. So heres some pics for you all
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and thanks to a great mate i got these on a pay when i can deal [Image: 2012-05-14195148.jpg]
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and that leaves me to where I am at the moment. Recently I got myself and fitted an inlet bung, underseat sub and some new fixed omp subframes. Now just saving up for some more service parts and a helmet / shopping harness.
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
Thanks given by:
Awesome thread mate, just spent 15 minutes reading through everything! Love the rallye, although the GTi was a great car!

Shame about all the trouble you've had with it, but it's a great project for you and you've got yourself a minter now Wink
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Awesome read, top work! Looks really good in the flesh at ace most months
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Looks really good that mate.... Prefer it on the clones mind! Wink

Need to get all my undercar sorted and sealed! Can't do everything at once though...
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Epic read fella and such an epic car. Hopefully see it in the flesh soon Big Grin
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i do miss the old six
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got abit mental haha
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Nice 1 hovis,I think mine is slowly starting to turn into this Smile
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Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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mint looking black gti6 too!
is that a cupra r splitter i spy?
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4WayDiablo Wrote:mint looking black gti6 too!
is that a cupra r splitter i spy?
yes it is indeed
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Glad I took the time to read(basically looked at pictures) - very nice car you have, but no videos Sad
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some great work gone into this - looked nice at Ace while back!

just out of curiosity, what work do you do?; mechanics related??
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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I love this car! Big Grin
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ginge191 Wrote:some great work gone into this - looked nice at Ace while back!

just out of curiosity, what work do you do?; mechanics related??
Push bike mechanic lol play with bikea worth 100quid up to bikes worth 13500 quid. I have to thak my mate paul for most of the engine work but everything else is a piece ok cake lol
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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got some more bits today. pollen filter because mine was missing new oil filer spark plugs and some led side light bulbs
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Beautiful!! Big Grin
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Jeezus, when you put "pic heavy" in the title, you really meant it didn't you! lol

Looking really good though mate, would love a black 306, although I think I'd have a dtub! Keep up the good work though, would love to see this in the flesh! :thumbup:
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seeing as its a nice day i might as well do some bits
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and fitted :-)
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306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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awesome build m8 Big Grin
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↑ Project ↑
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ive been at it again. Got myself a new gasket because not sure if the ptfe is fouling or not. And i got some harnesses
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also got the car booked in to get the harness bar fitted but i couldn't resist not fitting them
[img] http://i418.photobucket.com/albums/pp263...204603.jpg[/img]

did have a scare two weeks back tho on the way back from work :o a bang and a mental high pitch pop........................................
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i never use ngk but i took a stupid gamble thank the gods we got it out
finally got my harness bar in thanks to my mates at trakwerks
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going in
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and all painted
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now just got the move the harnesses on to them
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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seeing i had some spare time i sorted the harnesses out and refitted my carpet and fitted the helmet harness
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306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Looks awesome man! That's some great progress Big Grin You're at Pugfest this weekend right?
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Looks spot on Smile
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Why you picture no load?!
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
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got to work today and found three parcels on my bench. one my 395quid chris king hub:love and the other two......these beautys
so i fitted them
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i now have the carbon itch again so a certain person is going to love me. The plan carbon door handle surrounds,centre consol and rear door cards...........and maybe some sunvisors with mirror on the passemger side for the misses lol
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Not done much to the car really just been enjoying it untill some old git hit me
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Good thing is he agreed to pay for the job so after weeks of hunting and waiting
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Now i just need to get my decals:-):-):-):-)
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Looks like a pretty good quality finish! It was lucky it was below the crease so it was a bit easier to sort out
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Well I got fed up of the inside arches on the car looking shit. So today I attacked it
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Ended up with a good result that I'am happy with. Ford panther black so should have a nice shine in the sun :-):-):-):-)
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Also seeing as Peter T finally has my cam :hyper I thought id better get a better flowing zorst:-). After a quick trip to meet greenbelt I now have a nice complete 2.5bore magnex
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Nice zingy grunt noise lol
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Been a while since i've tinkered with the old gal....to be honest shes been great just enjoying the car really. One annoying thing I had had tho is the steering wheel has alway wobbled since i've had it so I f**ked the steering collum off and replaced it with a v reg low mile jobbie
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no idea what the orange cable is hanging for........air bag I guess which I don't have.
only thing now is I have to replace my steering rack because it has play and is getting a tad hairy

Day off so time to play with the car again. After replacing my steering column I noticed the car felt a lot better but it wouldn't be perfect until I changed my fubar steering rack so.......... I did lol
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After this i then sorted the tracking and cleaned my induction kit
Still waiting on my cam tho. But I've got my oil and filter ready to pop on also
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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Just had a quick browse, love your engine color coding and general attention to cleaning. how many times have the rear lights been out? haha
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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(23-12-2012, 09:44 PM)ozonehostile Wrote: Just had a quick browse, love your engine color coding and general attention to cleaning. how many times have the rear lights been out? haha

Lol every time I wash it haha. Engine bay is all dirty at the mo I need to clean it
306 Rallye giving people a surprise because they think shes a 1.6 ;-) Silly people
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