James' Rallye

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James' Rallye
Ok so ive been on here for a while now and wanted to share my (albeit shite) project thread. It has been copyed directly over from theywhoshallnotbenamed so obviously reference to this forum arent really valid. I hope it provides a semi interesting read though!

Here goes :-

Hello all, as most of you now know we are the owners of a Red Rallye that many will have seen at FCS. I now think its about time that i started a project thread to let everyone know how things get on (albeit slowly!).

On the 16th February 2011 driving home from Yorkshire my Dturbo decided that it didnt want number 1 conrod any more and spat it out the side of the block. This all happened at around 77mph (Smile) on the M1 southbound at junction 27. Woops!

Well the car was bought back by the RAC and then pushed into position were it would then sit for a further 3 months awaiting the engine that i had already bought for it!

Anyway, our wedding was on Saturday 19th of February and i desperatly needed a car to get me back upto my place of work on Sunday night. I sat on the PC for a couple of days before deciding that i had always wanted a Rallye, the insurance was a decent price and one was for sale on the Rallye/6 forum. We travelled down that night, i took it for a quick test drive, was quite impressed so handed over the cash, filled her up and was on our way home!

Pictures from the for sale thread :-

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As you can see the car isnt in perfect condition however i was soon to find out about its life. The car came with a fair amount of recents, included in this was a MOT advisory; V6 engine fitted instead of standard... Hmm this explains the 4 unknown numbers on the back underneath the Rallye badge.

After a bit of searching and a posting on the 6 forum asking about the history of the car i found that it had in fact been owned by a man named Adam, of which him and his wife had owned the car since it was on 30k odd miles. He gave me a brief overview on the car, and how it had a V6 conversion towards the end of its time with him.

However, for reasons i am not 100% sure of he decided to first attempt to sell the car, after this he decided to break it. The engine went, all of its front running gear was also sold off, including some custom AST coilovers. Thankfully the shell was bought by another person that intended to track the car. He then replaced the engine with one that he had lying around from a 6. Mileage unknown to me but the shell was on 142k miles when i purchased it.

A result of my thread on the 6 forum lead to a few pictures of it during its glory days :-

As new
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Hillclimbing complete w/cocking back leg Smile
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And various others
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And the V6 Conversion
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And this now takes us to were it is today Big Grin.

First off the cars specifications as it stands are as follows, to my knowledge :-

- GTI 6 engine w/aircon compressor still present
- K&N 57i Cone filter
- Standard exhaust system w/ Supersprint backbox

Suspension & Brakes
- Standard brake callipers front and rear w/Mintex 1144 pads and unknown discs
- Front lowered 40mm (ish) with spax springs on standard shocks.
- Rear lowered to match with standard shocks
- Uprated rear ARB w/ standard TBs
- Team dynamics PR1.2 wheels

So anyway, in the 8000 miles that i have now owned the car ive had to replace a few things, firstly in the first few weeks of driving the car the gearbox started to rumble and groan at me even with the engine at idle. It turned out the drain plug for the gearbox had not been tightened up at all and it had lost all of its oil over the floor. I was lucky as new gear oil stopped the noises and it has been ok since, however i do think that it is still leaking oil from one of the driveshaft seals!

Another item that was replaced was the drivers side driveshaft as the CV joint had lost all grease causing excessive wear resulting in nasty noises etc, replaced and all is now well that side!

Now on to a few pics and effectively the start of the project, in pictures at least. As seen in the for sale pictures the Rallye came with TD1.2s, however one of the wheels had severe rust coating it and the rest all were badly kerbed. I put my Dtubs cyclones on it for the time being as they had good tyres and didnt look completely gash, with the intention of powdercoating the 1.2s white. However about a week before FCS Gina decided to refurb the wheels :-

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First wheel to be rubbed down and wet and dryed.

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Masked up ready to be primered.

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Primered and then wet and dried again to fill in all the kerbing marks, this was repeated many times!

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Primered for the last time ready to be sprayed.

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Sprayed gloss black and lacquerd ready for the lettering.

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Started the lettering, the 3 words took 2 1/2 hours a time.

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Finished! Big Grin

A center console was then sourced from the local scrapyard to try somthing a little different.

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This is what the parts started as.

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Rubbed down.

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Glossed and lacquerd.

And finally all the pictures i have found of the Wallye from FCS, thank you all that took pictures because my camera lasted about 5 minutes at FCS!

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High res and the only photo that i took of my car at FCS !! Sad

Since FCS not a lot has happened, seems like it was ages ago already but i had a great time and i thank all for the kind comments! Today i got round to adjusting the throttle cable, cleaning the throttle body and K&N. I also lubricated the rear brake compensator which was partially siezed, and hopefuly sorted an exhaust leak from mid pipe to back box! No pictures as it was far from exciting, but i will try and update regularly, and try and do somthing interesting!

Cheers this far! James and Gina.

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Gives you an idea what it looked like on clones.
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Bit of an update with a few more pictures (Which will no doubt exceed my photobucket bandwith)!

First, i decided that i was sick of the constant clunk clunk of nakkered Pbushes and Droplinks, so went to the scrapyard and purchased 2 wishbones for £10. I then removed all of the bushes, cleaned and painted them and put Powerflex Pbushes on with Standard balljoints and Front bushes.

At the same time i also purchased some of the Rose jointed drop links from Ebay and stuck them on as well, i still (after about 4 months) havent played around with them as per Phil's guide!

Shafted wishbones from the scrapyard.
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Goodies fitted to wishbones and painted ready for going back on
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Now i dont have any pictures of them fitted because i seem to forget when i start working on the car to get the camera out! However it really sorted out the handling of the car and i was quite happy with it!

However, some AVO coilovers popped up for sale and i had to have them as i felt the ride was really crashy and unpredicatable with the Spax springs on the car. Turns out that the orignal bumpstops hadnt been cut down and it was therefore resting on them near permenantly!

Again like an idiot i have no pictures of the coilovers, but i cleared off all of the surface corrsion, painted them up with new to mounts bearings (smeared in Moly grease) and refitted them, much improvement and im much happier now that i have reduced the damper rates. Much more manageable on the roads!

This all takes us up until the present day (well yesterday). I finally cleaned the car and gave it another coat of wax (Banana Armour - Dodo juice. Works a treat on Red cars after machine polishing). I cleaned up the rest of the interior, removing the rear seat belts and generally sorting it out, and also decided to paint the towing eye yellow to match the wheels/callipers etc.

Finally topped this off by cleaning the MAP etc as mentioned before and reset the ECU, happy days!

Here goes (pardon the quality of my phones camera!!)

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Thank you for reading and sorry for the excessive amount of pictures!!

So itâ??s finally time for and update and god is it hard remembering everything that has happened!

Just after new year I paid a visit up to Manchester where both me and James (JammaPic) had a play around with the suspension on my car. I had recently replaced the front tyres from illegal T1Sâ??s to Falken ZE912s and had noticed that the car was under steering like crazy, especially under wet conditions (spinning the inside wheel up as well when putting power down on tight corners). This was odd as it hadnâ??t happened with the previous tyres!

Upon investigation it turned out that the front was about 10mm higher than the rear, ie a reverse rake and this had been causing me no end of bother! I imagine the reason it become more apparent was the increased height now due to the increased tread depth on the tyres. Whilst we had the wheels off we also took the time to adjust the rose jointed drop links in order to level out the ARB. All in all a good day working on the car and it improved the handling no end!

Fast forward a couple of months and it snowed, well the Falken tyres didnâ??t handle the conditions too well, however it helped me determine that finally my ABS had been fixed after nearly failing the MOT because of lack of a bulb in the dash Big Grin. All I did was clean CV grease off the sensors and all was fine and dandy. Finally I fitted some new track rod ends because I determined them to be the cause of a knock that I get when turning the wheel when just moving off from stationary. This later appears to be caused by the UV joint that is very close to the exhaust manifold as having sprayed this up very very liberally with grease it appears to of stopped. Having fitted the TREs I went down the garage and had the track set parallel for the tiny sum of 5 quid!

Pictures â??
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A random picture of the Rallye slaving the DT to get it moved around the back of the house.
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I then progressed onto thinking about stiffening the engine mounts due to a sloppy gear change, especially after full throttle or rapid removal of my foot from the throttle making it hard to get into gear. So I decided using the cheap pattern part mount I found in my shed and some liquid rubber than I have obtained I decide to fill it:-
[Image: DSC00726.jpg]

I still havenâ??t got round to fitting it yet but letâ??s hope it makes a difference and makes it last longer than 5 minutes! Iâ??ve marked it with red to indicate the direction of the larger rubber buffers that everyone says to turn 90 degrees.

Then it was time for the Curborough PSCUK meet and what a fantastic day it was, the weather was a bit wet but all in all it was great to meet some new people and having spent a lot of the day going around the track in a 205 Rally car with a 250Hp Mi16 engine and Marks Rallye I plucked up the courage to get on track myself. It was a great experience and I can hand on heart say that slippy conditions and my inexperience around a track highlighted my need to learn to drive all over again! It was great fun. Below are pictures of the day before, having fitted my new yellow and black badge (which im still not 100% sure about) and a few of me on the small sprint track itself. The blessing in disguise was the bad weather as the tyres were barely scrubbed!

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So all went well, oil temps saw 120c though, didnâ??t go any higher but aspirations of further track work rather predictably point to needing and oil cooler for any sustained use! Anyway.. having seen 306 RXS (Andre)â??s project thread and seeing his custom made gearbox mount I just had to have it Smile So after waiting a few weeks for Royal mail to get over the Easter rush it arrived. And what a difference! Really tightens the car up! Less axle tramp changing from 1st to 2nd at full throttle and generally better gear changes makes me a lot happier! It is however knocking when pulling off due to the fact I donâ??t have an 18mm deep socket and donâ??t think Iâ??ve got it quite tight enough! Sad It does however highlight how f**ked my gearbox is, all noises (whining etc.) are transferred straight into the cabin.

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Upon doing this and fearing the worst for the top mount cradle I removed that to find the rubber mount itself still fully intact, however there is signs of cracking, I have taken the washer out now and torqued it down fully with locktite. Picture below :-

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Rather predictably the added stiffness of the gearbox mount has led to slight vibrations through the dashboard. So I removed the upper glove box and had a play around. I wrapped the alarm module in foam to prevent that vibrating off things, and whilst I was there I removed the non-functioning ultrasonics from the top of the A pillars, I finished my little play by locktite-ing the screws that hold the top glove box in and tightening them FT. Much reduced resonation now so it was definatly worth it.

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A random picture (albeit s**t quality) parked on the street behind my dads Lex-arse.

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And finally after about an hour of thinking and typing, on to what Iâ??ve been doing today. Sick of the worn and dirty brake servo hoses I replaced them with some yellow silicon hose that I had lying around, tidies up the bay a fair bit I must say. I then cleaned up the bay a bit because Iâ??m a geek and did some small â??adjustmentsâ? with the wiring to clean things up. Re-attached a clip that had come off the power steering pipe and stripped off some brackets and the rear heat shield for painting. As you can see with the rear cam cover a small sneak peek of what I have planned when I can stop the lacquer reacting badly with the paint! And to top it all off Iâ??ve used a whole roll of self-amalgamating tape to protect the top rad hose as the PO had left the jubilee clips facing upwards causing it to begin rubbing through the protective hoses that surround it. So I adjusted the clips and think it came out OK.

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Thank you for reading.
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Thanks given by:
love this car so much Big Grin the yellow detailing on the td pr1.2s is inspired. I was genuinely jelous of how amazing this looked at FCS'11.

Got any plans for it between now & FCS?
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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Looks mint.

Why is only one half of the cam cover painted though? Seems unusual. Pretty cool colour scheme all the same.

Love the wheels also.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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Looking lovely as normal guys Smile

About time it had a roadtrip again me thinks Wink
| Dyno Power Runs & Steady State Facilities Available, Just Ask Anytime |
| #DervMafia |

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[Image: DSC00766.jpg] << This is the other cam cover awaiting its laquer being sorted out C.A.R so it should all marry up when its on Big Grin.

Im not coming to FCS this year Ed unfortunatly as im going to be covering security for the Olympics over that period. Rather displeased about that.

Definatly Darren! Need to give her a good run-out at some point and enjoy the countryside again Big Grin.
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Right... Should be coming to FCS now so im a lot happier Smile

Small update, fitted two new seats today :

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[Image: DSC00842.jpg]

And seen this at Japfest a couple of weeks back :
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That is all x
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Atterz Wrote:And seen this at Japfest a couple of weeks back :
[Image: DSC00777.jpg]

That is all x

WTF? Confusedhock:
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LOL exactly what i thought.
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Why not just get a 106 Rallye? These saxo owners..... :-?
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[Image: Rallye-2.jpg]

Looks better when its clean!
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
Thanks given by:
What a fantastic photo ^^
| Dyno Power Runs & Steady State Facilities Available, Just Ask Anytime |
| #DervMafia |

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I love this car Big Grin So much win!

Great to see you both last weekend Smile Told you I'd give you some love in the old project thread James lol

MOAR updates needed!!
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
Thanks given by:
This car is win! I really want some 1.2s now Tongue
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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but they'll fall off if you have anything to do with them!
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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Jonny I hate you!
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Looks so sexy when you haven't coated it in shite Tongue was good to see you at the weekend buddy, keep up the good work...when's the turbo going on?
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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looked good on the hill

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Just a quick pic to let everyone know im still around, o and the thread title could do with changing as its just my Rallye Smile. Cheers!
Ill update properly this week all things going well!
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Good to see you haven't ditched us!! You at FCS this year fella?
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I shall be finding out next week mate! If im not deployed/anywhere ill definatly be there camping.
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Right its time for an update on this and if i remember ill grab a couple more pictures tomorrow.

So having returned from Canada the car required is annual MOT, and i knew that id run into a few issues.. She ended up having all 4 brake lines replaced, the ABS was reinstated with the changing of the O/S sensor that had become damaged somehow!? And finally the beam was changed for a fully rebuilt 23mm/30mm TB/ARB combo as the old beam was shot and the end plates of the ARB had become completely snapped away from the arms with no real way to extract the stud/make good the threads in the trailing arm. So the beam swap came a little sooner than planned.

After that minor episode i spent the time titivating as shown in the pictures, a bit of paint in the engine bay and also on the calipers (gone for black this time, time to make it a little more low key), and i think its time to remove the yellow writing from the wheels, a job for later in the month i think! I also sorted the front brakes which were both binding and after bending a slider pin extracting it from the carrier it was clear why the brakes were nowhere near the standard they used to me!

Ive also stripped the rear interior completely from the car and hopefully will get some paint down before FCS, although not massively on the priority list! Its definitely time to enjoy the car and get some track time in!

Anyway, here is a couple of shots of her :-
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Black masks would look epic, did you get my wheels?
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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+1 for black masks!
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Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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Interesting story D:
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Yup, black masks look good on Cherry... Wink Engine bay looks mint, much cleaner than mine! Need to get mine cleaned up!!
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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A bit more progress on the Wallye, i stripped the arches back and painted them white ala Rally car. Relocated the washer bottle and tidied up some of the wiring in the wings. Also removed the EVAP cannister and shortened the power steering pipe cooler thing.

Aerocatches also fitted and slam panel also painted so its been a rather busy few days. Also painted the rims completely black to remove the yellow writing. Pictures below :

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[Image: 20130624_120910.jpg]
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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woh wellow tints on a wallye
Wishes for more power...
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So why did you get a air con dash fascia?
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