hdi cut out

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hdi cut out
it unclips from the socket its been ages since ive done one too be fair as for checking the actual relay i would just put a new one in

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It's the one i suggested you check thoroughly before, it sits behind the ecu, iirc it's held on by a 10mm nut. There's a slider that holds the relay into the plug, one end of the plug will be red - that's the end of the slider. You can start to lever it out with a screwdriver from above or underneath, it should pull out by hand once freed off, the relay and plug will separate as you pull this tab out. Once apart check the condition of the plug and relay; you're looking for any burnt bits, dirty/bent/corroded pins and sockets, rattles in the relay, etc.

Chances are you will find it's the plug/connection that is the problem and not the relay, so check everything very carefully. The plug is tied in fairly tightly to the rest of the loom, don't try and haul it out for a better look as you'll just damage the loom, you're better off just getting in there with a torch. If you need room to work remove the battery, ecu, etc around it.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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(30-10-2016, 08:36 AM)Poodle Wrote: It's the one i suggested you check thoroughly before, it sits behind the ecu, iirc it's held on by a 10mm nut. There's a slider that holds the relay into the plug, one end of the plug will be red - that's the end of the slider. You can start to lever it out with a screwdriver from above or underneath, it should pull out by hand once freed off, the relay and plug will separate as you pull this tab out. Once apart check the condition of the plug and relay; you're looking for any burnt bits, dirty/bent/corroded pins and sockets, rattles in the relay, etc.

Chances are you will find it's the plug/connection that is the problem and not the relay, so check everything very carefully. The plug is tied in fairly tightly to the rest of the loom, don't try and haul it out for a better look as you'll just damage the loom, you're better off just getting in there with a torch. If you need room to work remove the battery, ecu, etc around it.

took the brown relay out looked spot on , no arcing ,burn marks or nothing, going back to an earlier post about contaminated fuel , how would i flush the whole fuel system out ? as i cant understand how i had 2 errors before i replaced lp pump now ive got 3 confused Huh Huh
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Fair enough. Have a check through that thread Vincent has posted above, it's not comprehensive yet, but it will give you a few things you can check.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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(31-10-2016, 07:13 PM)Poodle Wrote: Fair enough. Have a check through that thread Vincent has posted above, it's not comprehensive yet, but it will give you a few things you can check.

got the car sorted ,thank fook , ended up doing a service while i was at it , took out the fpr and it was clogged up with metal filings !! cleaned well put back it and walla . so there was filings in lp , fuel filter housing and fpr Huh Huh , is this normal ??? ,this is the 1st time ive had to work at engine apart from t/b and water pump change

thanks for all the reply's very much appreciated
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That's a bit of a worry, could be the HP pump breaking up perhaps. It's normal to get some goldish metal flakes in the filter housing, but not the FPR... I'd keep an eye out for a pump, but as long as it's working leave it be.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Exactly as poodle has said, its usualy to find some in the filter housing but to find them in the FPR is worrying.

Out of interest did you use a bosch fuel filter? And are you using peugeot planet to find your fault codes or just a generic code reader?

I found my HDi's responded better with genuine / bosch filters and also that a generic code reader wasnt giving me the full story! I had very similar symptoms to what your describing and only realised my FPR was knackered after performing a leak off test which showed the FPR was sticking and then sending all the fuel down the return rail.

Hope you get it sorted asap Smile
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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(11-11-2016, 08:27 AM)Matt-Rallye Wrote: Exactly as poodle has said, its usualy to find some in the filter housing but to find them in the FPR is worrying.

Out of interest did you use a bosch fuel filter? And are you using peugeot planet to find your fault codes or just a generic code reader?

I found my HDi's responded better with genuine / bosch filters and also that a generic code reader wasnt giving me the full story! I had very similar symptoms to what your describing and only realised my FPR was knackered after performing a leak off test which showed the FPR was sticking and then sending all the fuel down the return rail.

Hope you get it sorted asap Smile

yes mate bosch filter and just a generic code reader , driving car the other night stopped outside house and it run on ffs , i think a new fpr as mine must be sticking , they always say they come in 3s lol
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