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(06-06-2016, 09:56 PM)Eeyore Wrote: Its the same stuff again. Piggy has found a decent shirt place. Im sure you can organise a group buy as we have discussed only last week. Essentially the wrong person had the club kit.
Club shirts are an ongoing thing, they are available to buy but it's not obvious however most people already have club merchandise but practically nobody wore it.
Flags and banners can be posted or got on the way through by someone. I'm pretty sure I had to post the banner at one point as I wasn't going to make it to a show.
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Right ok lets do the same old conversation we have every year. To address a few points;
Flags/banners - Yes this is my fault they were not there. I moved house 3 weeks ago and the banners have been left at my parents along with a lot of my belongings. I was going to try and get them to a member who was going before the show but was unable to and since moving have not had the chance to make the 100+ mile drive home to theirs to get said items. So for this i apologise. They will be at Pugfest.
Camping - There never EVER has been a pre arranged camping spot. The organisers do not do this. We had an area one year and that was due to JP (who was staff at FCS that year) kindly using his own time to tape an area off. No other clubs have designated areas and they manage fine.
The stand - This year i have been given no feedback prior to the show with regards to stand location or size. Last year we were given a nice google maps screen shot with a over lay so we could work out the exact stand size and therefore the stand layout. This year, none of that.
I think certain members need to re evaluate what they want from this show. Lets face it, we will never win any awards. We do not spend lots of money on props or themes. Look at the clubs that do. Fair play to them for the effort but their members stay on stand all day. I know most of the regular members well personally and know that they would not want to do this and instead enjoy the show for what it is...watching some have a go hero in a Saxo bin his pride and joy on track. If we want to have a more presentable stand with a chance of winning something (which will only sit in one of the staff members draws anyway, its not like we have a trophy cabinet!) then by all means we can but we ALL need to put effort into that.
Finally, staffing - Rowell is right about the fact only two members of staff turned up. I should of been there but wasn't. In the past 3 weeks i have moved house, taken on a new role and have been working silly hours to ensure i keep said new role. Couple that with some health issues and that all totals to me not having time to shit let alone spend a 3 day weekend in a field with you lot. No that isn't an excuse i know but for those of you who think i was sitting on my arse all weekend, thats not the case.
To be honest i'm not happy with the staff situation on this forum any more and thats no secret so that will be changing shortly, hopefully before Pugfest. A few of you have contacted me already expressing your wish to become staff and that hasn't been ignored.
Now, the past is the past and we can learn from our mistakes. I think its pretty safe to say that the majority of members here prefer Pugfest which is now a month away so lets learn from our mistakes and make that a show to remember. FCS has been a big disappointment for me for years now, not because of anyone here or anything to do with the club but because of the show its self. Its expensive, theres not much to see and do and every year it becomes more political.
My last comment on the FCS situation will be this. Despite the issues and clear disappointment, Sam and Paul worked hard prior to the event and at the event. I don't think some people here (one mostly) realise that shows do not organise themselves and not all of that organisation is visible to the members. So for those of you that want to have a dig, by all means do. Personally it doesn't bother me because i have come to realise and accept over the past year that most people do not appreciate what is done at all. I do know however it bothers other staff who do work hard on these things.
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Lets be honest...
We all kind of made it up as we arrived.
Lessons learnt.
Next year... All the win, much love, big happy
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Thankyou Niall. that post is exactly it. ive got nothing more to say.
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(06-06-2016, 10:09 PM)Eeyore Wrote: No not at all. I have no idea where this magic 27 cars as a stand size came from. Its one long strip so could have been any size. Remember we also had members who turned up who weren't on any list. the cars on stand and the parking was as good as it have could have been. Cully put in the most of the work, there's no denial that i did less!
Everyone had a stand pass from what I saw, it's a long of strip of grass, we all know vaguely how deep it is from having walked past it and if you knew the number you would have known that they'd have to make room for a block of 27 cars.
The "magic 27" as you called it came from here.
(29-05-2016, 10:16 AM)cully Wrote: Hot off the press!
We have 27 cars booked in with us on out stand
I also have a map of stand locations which are now set
Like it or not that is where we have been allocated
![[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=27813]](
The fact you don't even know where that came from shows really how unorganized the club was about this as one of just 3 staffers there you didn't have a clue how many cars we were expecting. It just makes us look like the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing.
Personally I don't think there was more than 27 cars but I didn't count.
Oh and I am certainly not knocking Cullys work, as pre usual he was an utter diamond.
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suit yourself chris. Next year you can talk to Dow, go to combe, pace it out, do a set stand plan and man the stand 100% of the time. I thought you were a right laugh this year and brought a lot of character to the evenings but youve just ruined it now. Stop complaining and be constructive for once.
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(06-06-2016, 10:12 PM)Niall Wrote: staffing - Rowell is right about the fact only two members of staff turned up.
I don't think some people here (one mostly) realise that shows do not organise themselves and not all of that organisation is visible to the members. So for those of you that want to have a dig, by all means do. Personally it doesn't bother me because i have come to realise and accept over the past year that most people do not appreciate what is done at all. I do know however it bothers other staff who do work hard on these things.
3 staff members!!!! Sam, Cully and Pebbles!
Also if you are aiming that "one mostly" whinging comment at me then you forget that I know full well the amount of things that the staff here organise as I was staff here for years and quit in an effort to improve things and cut arguments.
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(06-06-2016, 10:23 PM)Eeyore Wrote: suit yourself chris. Next year you can talk to Dow, go to combe, pace it out, do a set stand plan and man the stand 100% of the time. I thought you were a right laugh this year and brought a lot of character to the evenings but youve just ruined it now. Stop complaining and be constructive for once.
Surely thats a staff job? Or a job staff can assign to someone who is there early?
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Yes and that's what happened. I had a chat with Toseland... we discussed it... he got tape... got there at four and got us an area.
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(06-06-2016, 10:28 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: ...I was staff here for years and quit in an effort to improve things and cut arguments.
How's that working out?
No offense Chris, but you don't even own a French car atm...why does it bother you so much what the club stand is like? As has already been said, its not exactly a show and shine stand, very few on here are anywhere near perfect and most owners would rather be on track/driving than cleaning anyway! What is it you actually want from the stand? More members joining? Some cheap award never to be seen again? I just don't see why it's causing so much hassle now when from what I've read and heard it was a decent event overall?
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Well to be honest hearing all this is a let down. I actually couldn't give a monkeys about all the pfc stands and traders section. I was there to see guys doing their thing, Guys modifying their cars- be it barn build hero's or slammed shiny show ponies. All make a car show.
As regards too the stand itself, sure it was crammed tight. Sure we had to endure the 17 year olds in their C2's burning all their fuel revving their hair dryers constantly. But on the day we had fun! Who cares about winning awards and buying tat that will just clog up your garage anyway. Best thing to do is ignore all the crap and focus on what was good! Friendly bunch of people(and baby) well modded cars and a good amount of track time for all!
I personally had a great time and you've all got me thinking about a potential track car to take the pressure off my R32, possibly even a Gti-6. Go big or go home hey?
If winning best club stand is a big bug bare, appoint someone as show coordinator each time, find out who will be attending and decide amongst yourselves who can take the lead for that particular show. Then that person can delegate small jobs like "collecting the flags," "drawing a parking map" etc etc leaving the coordinator to book everything and answer questions.
Things only work if there is clear direction, rather than everyone trying to do what they can. I know you guys have been close before, 2013 I helped to get the the trophie for best club stand and I'm pretty sure you came second. It's all about team work and having big smiles, because even if you think nobody notices, they certainly do!!
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The next show, Pugfest, is just around the corner. A good opportunity to pull together, get some organisation going and make the 306OC stand as good as possible.
Use all positives and negatives in this thread and improve where possible, perhaps a good time to let others get more involved (those that want to be). We all know that Pugfest is very relaxed, much more of a family feel to it. I'd use this show to see what people have interest in keeping the club going, what ideas they have and who wants to be more involved.
There are always going to be people who like the idea of turning up and enjoying the club stand and the show without having to do any jobs, not everyone can be involved and you need numbers to keep the club going. Others prefer to get involved and do what's needed on the day, you need a blend and I think you can get this with more discussion beforehand.
Keep the positives going but you have to listen to the negatives to be able to improve. Good luck with the next show, I'll pop by and see how it's going as I'll be on the 205drivers stand with most of the Essex guys.
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Don't understand exactly what the beef is here?
Seems like underlying tension between people, not really about the show itself.
Stand was very well organised and staffed in my opinion.
Members all round made really reall big efforts with their cars, in all types of various ways. Every car i saw on stand deserved to be there in the true fashion on 306oc.
We were in the arse end of nowehere with a small pitch, ain't no amount of flags or banners gonna improve that - but so what, was absolutely fine with me.
Everything went super smooth, people got in and out without a problem for track time.
Everyone was approachable, pleasant, great to chat to.
dumdum shared his sausage with me, and stored all my long spanners in his cavernous boot - which I thought very kind.
Staff onsite did a lovely job welcoming everyone and being inclusive, as well as being helpful.
Most members stayed to the end, most other stands were empty!
Ended with a very pleasant social pub dinner and more bants before hugs and home.
And then the usual pics of everyone chipping in to fix Rowells car
Actually shocked that there is all this agro post event. Sort yaselfs out!
Should be a post FCS thread thanking members and staff for all their efforts and a great day
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08-06-2016, 08:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-06-2016, 09:07 AM by Sian.)
Jesus Christ guys really? Like a group of teenage girls. No there wasn't alot on this year.. I will be totally honest Sarah moved her car as not one person actually made her feel. Welcome to the club and she felt very awkward. Hense moving over to 207info. I as normal just go along with it chatted to a fair few of you and overly had a decent day sitting watching track, same on the Sunday. It's what the club makes it. Many clubs having awards with best club car and things may make people want to participate more. Regarding the stand. Cully and Rowell did well with the space we had which wasn't a lot. I can't quite understand that peg and swfc had two massive plots and hardly any cars on them :/ personal opinion. The idea Clio club had was a great one , having all the same colours near each other. Looks tidier. Il still be attending , to me it's a weekend away and I always enjoy it anyway
And Millar I sense a hint of deja vu of last year when you ended up being a massive wingey girl because the rallye broke and slated the whole club saying the show was sit etc etc.. Next year you can organise my friend.. Look forward to seeing your plans
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A big thanks to all who put the show together this year, met some really nice people, tested the car to its limits on on a great circuit and picked up à few ideas for the car.
looks like the club need to forgive and forget the bad bits of the show, seemingly only the lackmof space available and look to pugfest. Sians idea of colour coordinate cars sounds a great idea, french flag style with the guys who are going up the hill at the back with an access at the side. Will keep the front row tidy all day.
Park the cars neatly at 45% angles seems to always look betternto me.
flags out.
and anneffort to really talk to people other than our own.
piggy, loved your clothes sale. Looked great, stick that up again.
and cully, your idea of a track day instead of fcs next year I think is a really good idea.
a club day open pit and any midland track is a great idea I think would be a perfect day.
for around the same money we could all drive and passenger ride to our hearts content.
I say castle combe all the way. We could ask the other 306 clubs to join and make a real 306 day of it.
I would happily help organise if needs by.
#306fest.... lets makemit happen.
see you all on the hill.
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Hi y'all just wanted to say that I had a fab time on my first FCS! Really enjoyed meeting you all and seeing your cars and what you had done to them.great day out and I will be going next year for sure. Watched a fair bit of track time and left with a mahOOOOOSIVE smile on my face- bring on pug fest sounds like that will be fun too :-)
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Sorry, this is all my fault for not being there, I honestly underestimated how instrumental I am to this club.
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
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Just a bit of info...
Editing my track time...I managed 30minutes on track from the 2 hr "open pit"
Includes couple passemger swaps and about 15-20min cool down in total...
But have done most editing on removing all the sitting there in a que.
Will be emailing them just to hopefully improve things in future...
Clearly too many "open pit" tickets sold
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im fairly sure i did a lot more than that will have to tot it up from my videos still yet to find my fastest lap i have found a 1:30 lap  which was my target
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I wasnt aiming for track times...
Just grins... And I had lots of them!
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Hmm.. i see alot of mistakes in this thread.
Firstly.. i was disabled on bloody crutches... EVERY single member made sooo much effort to cater for my needs such as helping me empty my car and set up camp, supplying me with beers on a regular basis and cooking me food etc! So a massive thank you to everyone for that
Secondly.. I was the first person from the group on site, millar etc turned up an hour or so afterwards. I got chatting too the 207 guys and agreed an ample parking & camping size pitch to try and accomodate both clubs in our desired locations.
With regards too the stand...
It was in the arse end of nowhere, despite this we made the best we could with what we had. I doubt think any amount of banners or flags would of aided the situation but i saw plenty of people (general show goers) milling around the stand and chatting with members like piggy & xsikid about their cars which was great too see on the day  The seriously non club related cars (such as my megane, millars scoob and sids turbo astra van) were at the back but still on stand and attracting attention.
Lastly with regards to staff..
I greatly appreciate all the efforts made by the staff both in the build up too FCS and at the show itself so thank you Cully & Rowell for that. I have offered my services too Niall as a moderator not just on the forum but i am certainly more than happy to be an active member of staff at events such as FCS & pugfest and i feel that as i never do track time at shows for the exact reasons highlighted by piggy earlier (sitting in the que for endless time while idiots chew the barriers) and i have very little interest in the other stands etc so am happy to mostly stay around the stand for most of the day if we have a gazebo & chairs etc like we have done in years previously
P.S Niall i resent your comment about have a go hero saxo drivers... make of this what you will but the only car that ended up on its roof this year was a 306
![[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]](
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Sorry i wasn't there this year to everyone, it's very unusual for me but i had a big prob come up and had to take the family away for the week, i'll be at Pugfest all being right and try and help out where i can . .
now stop moaning you mardy fcukers . .
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