Have to prime pump every time....

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Have to prime pump every time....

My car struggles to start at the moment- I diagnosed the problem, kind of... I have to basically prime the fuel pump every time (bosch). and then it starts first time.

What could be the problem here?

I have changed the fuel filter by the way
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Did it start before or after the filter change? Might be taking in air somewhere.
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Bet the one way vavle has filled in the hand primer.. Chuck a new one on
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Leak off pipes
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Yeah, there's air getting in somewhere. Any signs of leaking?
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The fuel filter housing lid is probably abit warped, that tends to show up after replacing the filter.

Take the lid off, filter out, clean up the two mating faces, put the filter back in (don't get a drop of diesel on the faces) and goo it up with silicone. Lid back on and leave it overnight to dry.

It helps if you get a new filter, as the old one will dribble diesel all over and stop the silicone sticking right.

Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel filter lid as well, when the silicone is dry you can pump the primer till diesel comes out of the lid - then re-attach the fuel line.
It saves messing around priming the car - it'll run straight away and keep going - no issues with air.

Leak-off pipes are a good shout as well, they're often abit f*cked and can cause priming issues - only a tenner to replace and you'll be under the bonnet anyway.
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Thanks for the replies guys... The problem ended up being a bit more serious. There is ALOT of steam coming out of the exhaust- not sure why.

I bypassed the filter completely ( just for testing) and it still steams. I got fed up and bought a new car already...

Anyone want a steamy, knocky, bosch'd gold meridian? First person to turn up with a box of beer....
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depends where it is.
need a part number? http://public.servicebox.peugeot.com/ and http://service.citroen.com/ will sort you out.
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Yeah depends where you are, I have a box of stella sitting here that I'm not gonna drink. A pic of the car would be nice too.
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