Epic build!
![[Image: DSC_0264_zpsw2jggmfv.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0264_zpsw2jggmfv.jpg)
![[Image: 11351222_10204430438457592_1414209538344...9dd7462312]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11351222_10204430438457592_1414209538344404439_n.jpg?oh=77563a85485093b389ef15ed9a869201&oe=55F36AE4&__gda__=1443323057_630cf044ee180191b7d5089dd7462312)
Started off with a stage1 time, no IC and standard gt15. This was an epic build from the offset, I got to poodle and Jonny's house on Friday morning, and it continued through the evening until 11pm Sunday.
The car is as such now.
IHI RHF5 from any one of about 5million different models of car, from 2.4 to 2.9. This one from a kia The flow characteristics are almost double the flow of the gt15. In a unit that is almost as compact. This one comes on boost about2100rpm and is making full boost by about 2500rpm. It currently has a standard map this will change by Sunday this week as we forgot to apply the new map hah!
Other specs, full 51mm boost pipe to the GRS Motorsport front mount IC, from a Seat Cupra and then back up to the inlet elbow.
Intake is an S2000 paper filter oem and 57mm piping to a short run of 51 to the turbo.
Down pipe is now 70mm stainless mig welded with a flexi, onto 2.25id stainless decat to a single power flow back box
Generic spec, but accurate EGT and boost gauge. And soon to have prosteve map and manual boost controller, looking for 22-23psi.
The build.
When I get home this post will contain pics, I can't link them on the iPad so far..
Step1. Subframe out, exhaust off, turbo out, oil line off and then a trip to town.. Of course it was absolutely peeing down for the entire time Jonny was under the car spannering and the minute he had finished the sun came out.
![[Image: DSC_0236_zpso0okw54v.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0236_zpso0okw54v.jpg)
Step2. The epic oil line, titanium reinforced diamond encrusted oil line was taken to the local pirtek to have a new end put on and procure a new banjo bolt with the most expensive banjo bolt ever.
Step 2a. Front end came off, bumper, slam panel, lights etc,
![[Image: DSC_0233_zpspxim2d9k.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0233_zpspxim2d9k.jpg)
Step3. Turbo offered up and the adaptor plate made and fitted to the manifold, also the EGT probe sensor hole drilled. It was a 1/8 NPT fitting with olive compression seal, so an m9 fine tap was used and sealed nicely. Manifold ported, and smoothed, outlet hole to turbo also made larger to suit the new turbo.
![[Image: DSC_0241_zpskch3xbmv.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0241_zpskch3xbmv.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0235_zpsbd1cgqej.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0235_zpsbd1cgqej.jpg)
Step4. The start of the fabwork on the turbo down pipe, plate cut from high grade stainless 6mm 316 marine grade) and then shaped, drilled as appropriate for the turbo flange. The turbo has a similar setup tothe td04 with a separate wastegate cavity although it all goes onto one collector.
![[Image: DSC_0246_zpsfxy2yxkv.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0246_zpsfxy2yxkv.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0249_zpsnu3mwbwi.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0249_zpsnu3mwbwi.jpg)
Step 6. Finishing touches put into adaptor plate, 3hours work alone, and the stainless pipe offered up and cut to suit. Tacked on, and test fit (so far so good) all looking shiney. the small collector from the wastegate side of the turbo was offered up and cut into the side of the 70mm, and tacked on.
![[Image: DSC_0253_zpsekqct4pd.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0253_zpsekqct4pd.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0257_zps55ioba86.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0257_zps55ioba86.jpg)
Step5. Again the turbo was offered up, and subframe bolted on.. Gear linkages in the way and impacting the down pipe.. Clearance issues are huge the whole subframe has to come back off and the down pipe outlet redesigned slightly, turbo was welded up properly
![[Image: DSC_0261_zpsckcq0cj5.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0261_zpsckcq0cj5.jpg)
Step 7. Rethink the manifold, involving making the bend a little tighter so it sits a little further away from the linkages and tack it back up.. Removed, revised and all welded up.. the waste gate actuator from the GT15 used- again a bespoke bracket and mounting position to get it to work, does work well though.
the finished product
![[Image: DSC_0268_zpstpxnetmu.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0268_zpstpxnetmu.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0267_zpsz0avadly.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0267_zpsz0avadly.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0269_zpscutnjb1s.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0269_zpscutnjb1s.jpg)
Step 8. Cue next test fit, but first shorten the gear linkages loads involving cutting and retailing the ends on each of the short linkages and the longest one a little, and refitting the whole lot. The subframe, manifold and gear linkages refitted, still needing some considerable adjustment so it goes into gear and doesnt foul the downpipe
Step 9. The mount itself for the funny gearbox ballpoint linkage thing was also in the way when all was in place, this was moved Down and across out of way of a small spacer (mild steel) about 40mm long (this was later welded on)
![[Image: DSC_0266_zpsvndronzc.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0266_zpsvndronzc.jpg)
Step 10. Subframe back in car to test fit and fiddle with clearance issues and I can't select gears 3 5 or R, so again fiddling with the lengths of the linkages and fine tuning some.
Step 11. As it turns out that with the shortening of the linkages and all of the other adjustment the large ball had been pushed into the tube on the end of the thickest linkrod (from the gear stick) so that when trying to select gears at the extremes of the movement, they now wouldn't fully engage 5/R and 1/2) so the long linkrod needed to be modified as the tube was fouling on the shaft are holding the ball joint. This involved notching the passenger side of the linkrod significantly to avoid fouling across its full range of movement.
Step 12. After a few more tests is and me going through the gears for the 39th time for Jonny, we get it all shiney and fitted, however the manifold is still fouled the down pipe.. So a little tapping with a hammer and a dent in the pipe a little.. Sorted.
Step 13. All back off and weld it up nice, shiny polishing and finish the manifold off nicely, remove the turbo and check it all for cracks and holes...
Step 14. Refit the subframe, check all clearances and gear shifting again with manifold and down pipe all welded, and shiny and working..
Step 15. Manifold off, weld on flexi pipe, weld in sleeve and exhaust conversion,
With everything in place for the time being, start the engine after checking all the plugs and connectors., forget that the power steering is off, and spray ps fluid all over the drive (oops).
Meanwhile in Gotham City.
inter cooler being fitted, two tabs fitted (welded onto the lower cross member) for the lower mounting, and two bars made to bolt the top to the slam panel. It should be noted that the inter cooler had 4 tabs welded on each corner.
![[Image: DSC_0252_zpspczkceqp.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0252_zpspczkceqp.jpg)
In addition the chassis leg was.. Persuaded.. And the edge of the plastic tab on the radiator shaved down so it would fit but otherwise it fitted perfectly.
Turbo now fitted, the 90degree out of the inlet is attached and routed across the bulkhead after a little.. Persuasion with a bfh to increase the clearance so it doesn't rub on the hose, and get cold side routed across the gearbox to the IC. Back from the IC to the top inlet, boost hose connected and adapter for the gauge installed in the elbow. All done up with some nice million clamps except two bits which will be fixed this week.
Finally turbo plumbed in.. Next challenge was the intake to the turbo.
This presented some problems.. Ideally we wanted to route it up above the outlet, across the top of the back of engine above the cold side pipe.. 57mm would have been great, but we simply couldn't get a bend to the right angle.. So.. Cue idea two. 51mm from the turbo up the mount side of the engine block, out under the servo and up over the engine mount.. This then goes from 51to 57 and round to the where the air box sits across the engine bay, into the MAF and S2000 filter.
More to come
![[Image: DSC_0264_zpsw2jggmfv.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0264_zpsw2jggmfv.jpg)
![[Image: 11351222_10204430438457592_1414209538344...9dd7462312]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11351222_10204430438457592_1414209538344404439_n.jpg?oh=77563a85485093b389ef15ed9a869201&oe=55F36AE4&__gda__=1443323057_630cf044ee180191b7d5089dd7462312)
Started off with a stage1 time, no IC and standard gt15. This was an epic build from the offset, I got to poodle and Jonny's house on Friday morning, and it continued through the evening until 11pm Sunday.
The car is as such now.
IHI RHF5 from any one of about 5million different models of car, from 2.4 to 2.9. This one from a kia The flow characteristics are almost double the flow of the gt15. In a unit that is almost as compact. This one comes on boost about2100rpm and is making full boost by about 2500rpm. It currently has a standard map this will change by Sunday this week as we forgot to apply the new map hah!
Other specs, full 51mm boost pipe to the GRS Motorsport front mount IC, from a Seat Cupra and then back up to the inlet elbow.
Intake is an S2000 paper filter oem and 57mm piping to a short run of 51 to the turbo.
Down pipe is now 70mm stainless mig welded with a flexi, onto 2.25id stainless decat to a single power flow back box
Generic spec, but accurate EGT and boost gauge. And soon to have prosteve map and manual boost controller, looking for 22-23psi.
The build.
When I get home this post will contain pics, I can't link them on the iPad so far..
Step1. Subframe out, exhaust off, turbo out, oil line off and then a trip to town.. Of course it was absolutely peeing down for the entire time Jonny was under the car spannering and the minute he had finished the sun came out.
![[Image: DSC_0236_zpso0okw54v.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0236_zpso0okw54v.jpg)
Step2. The epic oil line, titanium reinforced diamond encrusted oil line was taken to the local pirtek to have a new end put on and procure a new banjo bolt with the most expensive banjo bolt ever.
Step 2a. Front end came off, bumper, slam panel, lights etc,
![[Image: DSC_0233_zpspxim2d9k.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0233_zpspxim2d9k.jpg)
Step3. Turbo offered up and the adaptor plate made and fitted to the manifold, also the EGT probe sensor hole drilled. It was a 1/8 NPT fitting with olive compression seal, so an m9 fine tap was used and sealed nicely. Manifold ported, and smoothed, outlet hole to turbo also made larger to suit the new turbo.
![[Image: DSC_0241_zpskch3xbmv.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0241_zpskch3xbmv.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0235_zpsbd1cgqej.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0235_zpsbd1cgqej.jpg)
Step4. The start of the fabwork on the turbo down pipe, plate cut from high grade stainless 6mm 316 marine grade) and then shaped, drilled as appropriate for the turbo flange. The turbo has a similar setup tothe td04 with a separate wastegate cavity although it all goes onto one collector.
![[Image: DSC_0246_zpsfxy2yxkv.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0246_zpsfxy2yxkv.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0249_zpsnu3mwbwi.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0249_zpsnu3mwbwi.jpg)
Step 6. Finishing touches put into adaptor plate, 3hours work alone, and the stainless pipe offered up and cut to suit. Tacked on, and test fit (so far so good) all looking shiney. the small collector from the wastegate side of the turbo was offered up and cut into the side of the 70mm, and tacked on.
![[Image: DSC_0253_zpsekqct4pd.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0253_zpsekqct4pd.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0257_zps55ioba86.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0257_zps55ioba86.jpg)
Step5. Again the turbo was offered up, and subframe bolted on.. Gear linkages in the way and impacting the down pipe.. Clearance issues are huge the whole subframe has to come back off and the down pipe outlet redesigned slightly, turbo was welded up properly
![[Image: DSC_0261_zpsckcq0cj5.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0261_zpsckcq0cj5.jpg)
Step 7. Rethink the manifold, involving making the bend a little tighter so it sits a little further away from the linkages and tack it back up.. Removed, revised and all welded up.. the waste gate actuator from the GT15 used- again a bespoke bracket and mounting position to get it to work, does work well though.
the finished product
![[Image: DSC_0268_zpstpxnetmu.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0268_zpstpxnetmu.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0267_zpsz0avadly.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0267_zpsz0avadly.jpg)
![[Image: DSC_0269_zpscutnjb1s.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0269_zpscutnjb1s.jpg)
Step 8. Cue next test fit, but first shorten the gear linkages loads involving cutting and retailing the ends on each of the short linkages and the longest one a little, and refitting the whole lot. The subframe, manifold and gear linkages refitted, still needing some considerable adjustment so it goes into gear and doesnt foul the downpipe
Step 9. The mount itself for the funny gearbox ballpoint linkage thing was also in the way when all was in place, this was moved Down and across out of way of a small spacer (mild steel) about 40mm long (this was later welded on)
![[Image: DSC_0266_zpsvndronzc.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0266_zpsvndronzc.jpg)
Step 10. Subframe back in car to test fit and fiddle with clearance issues and I can't select gears 3 5 or R, so again fiddling with the lengths of the linkages and fine tuning some.
Step 11. As it turns out that with the shortening of the linkages and all of the other adjustment the large ball had been pushed into the tube on the end of the thickest linkrod (from the gear stick) so that when trying to select gears at the extremes of the movement, they now wouldn't fully engage 5/R and 1/2) so the long linkrod needed to be modified as the tube was fouling on the shaft are holding the ball joint. This involved notching the passenger side of the linkrod significantly to avoid fouling across its full range of movement.
Step 12. After a few more tests is and me going through the gears for the 39th time for Jonny, we get it all shiney and fitted, however the manifold is still fouled the down pipe.. So a little tapping with a hammer and a dent in the pipe a little.. Sorted.
Step 13. All back off and weld it up nice, shiny polishing and finish the manifold off nicely, remove the turbo and check it all for cracks and holes...
Step 14. Refit the subframe, check all clearances and gear shifting again with manifold and down pipe all welded, and shiny and working..
Step 15. Manifold off, weld on flexi pipe, weld in sleeve and exhaust conversion,
With everything in place for the time being, start the engine after checking all the plugs and connectors., forget that the power steering is off, and spray ps fluid all over the drive (oops).
Meanwhile in Gotham City.
inter cooler being fitted, two tabs fitted (welded onto the lower cross member) for the lower mounting, and two bars made to bolt the top to the slam panel. It should be noted that the inter cooler had 4 tabs welded on each corner.
![[Image: DSC_0252_zpspczkceqp.jpg]](http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b451/Mikie_Toseland/DSC_0252_zpspczkceqp.jpg)
In addition the chassis leg was.. Persuaded.. And the edge of the plastic tab on the radiator shaved down so it would fit but otherwise it fitted perfectly.
Turbo now fitted, the 90degree out of the inlet is attached and routed across the bulkhead after a little.. Persuasion with a bfh to increase the clearance so it doesn't rub on the hose, and get cold side routed across the gearbox to the IC. Back from the IC to the top inlet, boost hose connected and adapter for the gauge installed in the elbow. All done up with some nice million clamps except two bits which will be fixed this week.
Finally turbo plumbed in.. Next challenge was the intake to the turbo.
This presented some problems.. Ideally we wanted to route it up above the outlet, across the top of the back of engine above the cold side pipe.. 57mm would have been great, but we simply couldn't get a bend to the right angle.. So.. Cue idea two. 51mm from the turbo up the mount side of the engine block, out under the servo and up over the engine mount.. This then goes from 51to 57 and round to the where the air box sits across the engine bay, into the MAF and S2000 filter.
More to come
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!