The Landrover Cummins (12v 6BT) Conversion

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The Landrover Cummins (12v 6BT) Conversion
Bit more progress, finished bolting up the trans mounts, and got handbrake setup all back on / working. Then went about mounting the controls for diff lock / hi and low on the transfer box, OEM done via a second gearstick, but decided given the total re location / size of the new box, it was going to be more hassle than its worth to mount that, along with the fact that I hate the standard all in one lever anyway. Thought about mounting them on air rams with switchs, but tbh, at the end of the day , you can beat a good positive CLUNK, so you know its in.!

So have made up two levers, one operates low / high box, and the other engages / dissengages the diff lock. once finished / we have made up a new tunnel cover, will chop them down / weld gearstick bar on the end and put some knobs on them, but both work perfectly, and about 20 X more positive than the OEM system!

[Image: G4ZCqDzIGItyLETKwZrnPyXKSa101G3XL_gkac-d...16-h987-no]

[Image: IMG_20141207_115713.jpg]

Then decided it was time to seal up the rest of the holes on the engine, the lorry had a big long remote oil filler neck on it, so salvaged the flange from it that fits the block, chopped it in a few places / welded it to form a new tube that runs up the side of the engine, and oil filler cap at the top, meaning engine is now "ready for oil". Didnt take photos of that..

Next big job was to sort out the clutch, In the lorry it runs an air assisted clutch (to make it lighter), so considering we have kept the onboard air compressor, decided it would be win to keep this, as super light clutch pedal is ftw, and everyone knows a "Psssttt" from the clutch every time you depress the pedal is full of win!!

So firstly rigged it all up with 100psi feed from air compressor, and few temporary fittings / lines to hook up the hydraulic side:

[Image: IMG_20141207_133246.jpg]

After deciding the plan would work, I set about mounting a new master cylinder, the landrover one has far to short a stroke, and also a very pissy bore, which wouldnt move near enough fluid to operate this thing, and we had a OEM leyland unit, so decided this needed to be mounted, which obviously was about double the size of a stock one... So chopped up the stock housing, and welded up my own supports etc to hold the leyland unit, but still retains OEM un bolt / replace ability ..

[Image: IMG_20141207_160730.jpg]

All in and bled up, and working a charm, just need a remote reservoir to hook up now and it will be sorted!

Next is plumbing up the onboard air, and power steering..which requires regulator as the onboard pump is far to chronic for landy steering box!

P.s. for anyone who hasnt already noticed, this is being built fairly "on a budget" hence alot of the steel being used here is literally offcuts...Its not pretty, but its a landrover, and its a good way to use up all that old steel you have lying around in the corner of the workshop! Shows you can do alot with scrap tbh, only main expenses so far is the engine (500 quid removed / complete from local scrapyard) and a few fittings / bolts etc...And obviously grinder discs / welding wire and gas, but overall, entire projects owes easily sub 1k

Thanks for reading Smile
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Using scrap steel on a Landy is standard.

Will still outlive the chassis.

Wicked project, make sure you record the sound it makes when it's done!
                                             [Image: 2ljm03k.jpg]

                                                                                      I Don't Have A 306.
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Darren your an engineer! you should build a 100inch landy! like what mark evans did. Great show to watch!
are you going to wire in aftermarket gauges?
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Thats sweet fella! What a small budget too really!!

Maybe a air powered clutch will allow me to fit a meaty clutch!! lol
Wishes for more power...
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Great build Darren, my mate did this with his 90 a couple years ago if you want any tips or ote he put a build thread on landyzone, If you type in "doing the impossible" into the search box it should come up Smile
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"if you want any tips"..... lmao

If there was ever a bloke not needing any tips regarding this sorta thing! lol
Wishes for more power...
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Well yeah Darren don't need tips for anything lol but it makes good reading for ways of how something's been overcome ect Smile
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Loving this project the more and more I read it. Its one of the great things about landys. They are work horses. A bit of scrap used is a good thing. Add character to a vehicle like this. Do it to a car and it looks a ball ache. Just looks meaner on this.
Good luck with the rest of it.
A few youtube vids on some in depth bits would be nice as well Wink
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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There will be a video series to follow, Chris is editing it though / its his landrover so he is editing the videos, although obviously I made alot of them / in them all heh.
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Awesome. Looking forward to them. Will keep an eye out on your youtube channel.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Cant wait for vids Smile

Really wish I had the money/space to play with a cummins and drop it in something like a cross between a Scammell 6x6 and the barley pickers truck from scrapheap challenge.
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Interesting project, should make for a chronic tow bus. Cheers for posting it up for us nosy buggers. Big Grin
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Heh talking of tow bus, its worth noting, that back in the days of the DT, this is / was the primary recovery / tow vehicle, the Derv Bus has had many journeys behind this one on a rope! I mean fully legal tow bar Smile
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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More like behind that bloody 205 which when you applied the brakes on the car behind, would bend the chassis on the car infront.

(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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Hehe, always good to load test the towing vehicle, or in the case of the Audi, "push test" the tow bar to push on hehe.
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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(01-12-2014, 07:27 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Lol they will do 1200hp all day long with a p pump and 55's, but we don't have a drive line for that, its not a big power build this time :p

how long is this going to last?

i'll give it 2 weeks.... 

I can just see that standard steering box with the DAF pump haha..

blow gently on the steering wheel in the direction of turn and it is on full lock haha
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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Nice project Darren I put one of these engines in a Marshall 804 for our carnival float tractor pulls like well you know what and they sound so nice epically as ours is on a straight 3 inch out the turbo lol 
[Image: mike_sig_zpsd438fb98.jpg]

Thanks given by: Paul_13
Bit more work going on with this,

Got the power steering plumbed up, running original leyland hydraulic pump, with a pressure reg to keep pressure down at normal landrover steering box levels. Just had some hoses made up 1/2" to extend, and then adaptors to get everything hooked up:

[Image: IMG_20141210_173655.jpg]

Then decided to wire the old girl up, we are running a 12/24 volt system, so basically starter / alternator are 24 v (two 12v batts in series) and then landrover still runs 12v tapped from center. So ran a new ground / power feed to starter to make sure its got plenty of juice, as this thing takes some amps to wind over, another reason for keeping it 24v..

[Image: IMG_20141213_130415.jpg]

Mounted big relay to handle the solenoid, so that 12v from barrell will switch 24v solenoid.

[Image: IMG_20141213_130358.jpg]

Then took pump apart and fitted stiffer gov spring, and swapped out the 24v solenoid for a 12v one, along with some more wiring / oil pipes:

[Image: IMG_20141213_164033.jpg]

Then ran a pair of new fuel lines from the tank to the pump:

[Image: IMG_20141213_180804.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20141213_184355.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20141213_184408.jpg]

Thanks for reading Smile
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Videos's are a bit behind, Chris is in charge of videos for this project as its his landrover.
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Watched part 2 the other day...

I swear part 1 you fit the thing...

Did you remove it between part 1 and 2 just to make part 2 video!?! Hehe

Good work though...

Is the gov mod REALLY the only pump mod!? Wink
Wishes for more power...
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Haha I was waiting for the pics of the 12mm pump apart and things going on inside.
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Sorry videos are all totally de cock with this project, first one was just a random timelapse chris did, now its kinda a series thing going on I think... I did quite a bit of the recording while I was spannering on it for last few weeks, but chris is putting it all together etc for this one.

Theres literally no point tuning up the wick to much on this one, as it will literally just shit the driveline, if it was mine, then yes, but its not, so just gotta so steady with it, more "just because we can" kind of project, and it will sound amazing. Can always tune it in the future, but its a fair project just converting it on its own...
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| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Waiting for the first start video with baited breath. Such an epic project! Big Grin
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Kinda just had the first start video lol

Just not in the car!! Haha
Wishes for more power...
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Yeah, well you know what i meant. Tongue
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Darren are you keeping the standard suspension setup or you changing that to some kind of off roading?
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Staying fairly standard for the initial build....
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any more info on this? as I watched the videos.
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Just working on small niggly things at the moment, havent had much chance to do big things...

Radiator is in / plumbed in, intercooler is in / plumbed in...really just a case of putting roof on, welding up an exhaust, and doing the wiring for gauges / inside...
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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