A handy little issue

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A handy little issue
As some of you know, i'm currently having a lot of problems with my car, namely i havent got any money to fix the problems that keep cropping up....but i had a new one surface today. Confused

Basically, popped to the shop to get some bits, and when i got back in the car, put the key in the ignition, turned to the second click to heat the glowplugs, and when the light went out i turned the key as usual to start it......except nothing happened. Everything went dead. No instruments, no lights....nothing. Turned the key back to off, then tried again....same thing. Tried again, this time the dash clicks off as i turn the key to the second notch, almost like something is tripping out. Huh Tried a few more times, and just when im beginning to give up hope of getting it started, lo and behold all the lights work, the glow plugs heat, and when i turn the key, the old girl splutters in to life!

I kinda dismissed it the first time it happened, but it did it to me on 2 more occasions today, making me late to pick the kids up from school in the last instance! Anyone got any suggestions, or should i just throw a match at the damn thing? lol
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Well that's odd! Confused

It sounds like a dying battery but if that was the case it wouldn't start after a few attempts.

Just a stab in the dark really but I'd check the battery terminals are tight and the gearbox earth is still good. Might only take a 'shuffle' in the car to break the connection if anything is loose, especially if the battery isn't great. If all that's fine, I guess it maybe a faulty ignition switch, don't really hear of them failing though!
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I thought battery as well until it fired into life as if nothing was wrong! lol

I did check the battery terminals (both fine), but didnt think to check the gearbox earth tbf, might do that tomorrow. ThumbsUp
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Its the starter motor sticking, give it a little tap and itll fire straight up. But youll want to get it sorted as soon as, cause it will eventually die. I went about a month or 2 like that till it died. Good news is that all xud, dw starters are compatible, ive currently got an XUD11 starter on my HDi
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Sounds like a loose connection at the battery to me
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(06-12-2013, 11:29 PM)Connor Wrote: Its the starter motor sticking, give it a little tap and itll fire straight up. But youll want to get it sorted as soon as, cause it will eventually die. I went about a month or 2 like that till it died. Good news is that all xud, dw starters are compatible, ive currently got an XUD11 starter on my HDi

Cool.....anyone got a spare starter motor they want to give me out of sympathy? Big Grin

(06-12-2013, 11:41 PM)Daniel306 Wrote: Sounds like a loose connection at the battery to me

Checked the battery terminals, they're both fine.
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Dude I'm going to the scrappy tomorrow if they have one ill get it for you. Have it for price of postage Wink
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Hit the battery clamp and terminal with a hammer...worked for me lol
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Anyone on my facebook will may have seen the post i put up last night, thankfully i didnt get very far before a mate let us know that i only had the right tail light working. No number plate lights and no left hand tail light. At this point, i left my car at mums and borrowed her Micra to get the kids home. lol That turned out to be a fuse, but still leaves the issue with starting.

Changed the fuse, tried to start the car and nothing, tried a couple of times before realising that the interior lights were REALLY dim (as if dead battery). Took a spare battery out to swap and try, as well as a voltmeter. When we checked the battery on the car, it was fine. Reconnected it, and all the lights were fine, and the car started first time, no problem. Huh

I am at a loss to explain this, i can't see how the starter motor sticking would cause such issues? Feel free to correct me, but are there any other thoughts?
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Its definitely the starter mate, I had EXACTLY the same issues. Sometimes it would go first time, other its would take a few on and off flicks. When you turn the key to try and start it, all the electricity goes to the starter motor, which is why all the dash lights go out and when you release the key they all come back, this is what always happens, its just that the starter isnt starting the engine. Hopefully that helps explain it for you as that's about as simplified as I can describe it whilst typing on my phone lol
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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sounds like terminals were dodgy or the starter...

I drove around with a hammer for ages to tap the starter on me Colt Gti...till i got bored of doing it in the rain and refurbed it!
Wishes for more power...
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i had to carry an end of a strut brace round in the gti to hit the starter with. was annoying!
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Fair enough, i'll get on it then, same as i am with everything! lol

Cheers for the replies guys. Smile
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Should have believed me in the first place Wink
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Can't argue that really. lol
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Ok, so im thinking it may not be the starter motor thats causing this problem now, as the last couple of days have seen a bit of a development. After originally posting this thread, the problem kinda went away for a few days, but then came back with a vengeance. Thursday evening when i finished work, i got in the car and when i tried to start it, i got nothing. Gave the starter a few love taps with my big tool (giggidy), still nothing. A few more taps later, and the starter turns, but by this point, the battery is so weak, it will not fire. Ended up having to bumpstart it down the nearest hill. Then all was fine again until yesterday. Went to take my brother to work, and i had nothing at all, no dash lights on first OR second click, and really dim interior lights. Borrowed mums car to take him to work, but when i went to get the missus from her work, again, nothing. Got a mate to give me a jump, and it fired up first time, no problem. Got home no worries, then go to take the missus to work again this morning, and its deader than a dead thing...dim interior lights again, and nothing from the dash.

Is Connor gonna come along and tell me its still the starter motor, or could i be right in thinking it could be the battery/alternator? Worst thing is that the battery is the one that i ran in the China 1.4, and is only rated at 400A, so its always been a bit lethargic in starting a diesel. Could i have cooked the battery? And where the hell am i meant to get a replacement on a frigging Sunday!?! Censored
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Get a volt meter and check what voltage the alternator is giving out, should be 14.4v when car is running

Also give the battery terminals a clean with sand paper and make sure they are contacting properly

Thirdly check the fly lead to the alternator, smaller wire out of the 2 and make sure that has a decent connection
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Cheers man, will check the above. I know the terminals are good, that was one of the first things i checked! lol

If i can get her started and round to my mums, i can get my bro with his voltmeter and check everything over.
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Also if it's not starting try crossing the terminals on the starter see if it jumps to life.
The solenoid wire might be giving up
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By "crossing the terminals", i assume you mean connecting the two with a screwdriver or similar?
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Its still the starter mate, just seems like youve killed your small battery in the process
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Tbh mate, I'm now beginning to wonder if this particular issue is a culmination of numerous different problems. Starter, coupled with a lousy battery, and maybe a dodgy alternator or something related to it. Just getting tired of this shit now. Sad
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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You tested the alternator? Seen what volts battery is putting out when running

Don't most garages test your battery for free?

Sorry not read the thread

Shame your so far away I have a battery that's as long as the glovebox is wide never have a problem again
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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Not yet I haven't mate, but that's the next thing I'm gonna check. Cars running at the moment, so that's something at least! lol
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Need it sorting before snow not ideal bumping in it lol
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Team Doesn't own a 306
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I quite agree mate, but as soon as I've got to my mums, I can get a voltmeter on the alternator, and see what's going on.
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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I had this problem with my TUD.

Combination of old battery, dirty terminals, terminals felt tight but you could turn them with pliers!

I don't think it'll be your starter, saying that I saw the state of one on a 2.0 HDi a while back and it was proper choked with oily crap.

If it were your starter, the dash lights would come on every time, and you'd have a no start when you turned to "start" position when it either shorts the battery or sticks. I see no reason it would cause your lights to dim etc. Big Grin no?
A moments silence please, for our brothers in the NAD-zone.
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Agreed it's not your starter
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I'm currently thinking that battery is root cause, but starter could do with replacing as well. Just tested the alternator, and it's giving a steady 14.4v, so alls well there. I have a few people offering me batteries at the moment, so I'll get that replaced and see what happens. Starter is now on the list of things to replace as well. Wink
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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Typical that I scrapped a starter a few weeks back!
Doesnt even own a 306.
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