China XS, Shed to shiner

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China XS, Shed to shiner
Niall Wrote:
Grant Wrote:In your room?!?! Lol good effort! Perhaps the week after camping? I'll bomb down one evening if it suits you?

Road trip in the skod?

Up to you man... Either that or I'll take the van or the old mans motor...
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Yellow headlights? Desperate to see what it looks like because its been in my head for about a year but i dont have the balls to do it! Be the pioneer Big Grin.
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Atterz Wrote:Yellow headlights? Desperate to see what it looks like because its been in my head for about a year but i dont have the balls to do it! Be the pioneer Big Grin.
Samass has some on his xsi and they look alright :-)
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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And niall has some in his project thread iirc
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Cheers mate / sorry for being lazy Big Grin. Would anyone object to me following the trend? I love them.
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Galpin auto vinyls sell tint fim :-) hint hint
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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4WayDiablo Wrote:
Atterz Wrote:Yellow headlights? Desperate to see what it looks like because its been in my head for about a year but i dont have the balls to do it! Be the pioneer Big Grin.
Samass has some on his xsi and they look alright :-)


pff they look epic!

and Atterz, copy away! i reckon it loosk awesome!

and Grant, wheels look sick, wasn't wure when you said pink... but it works. black bolts set it right off too.
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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samass Wrote:
4WayDiablo Wrote:and Grant, wheels look sick, wasn't wure when you said pink... but it works. black bolts set it right off too.

Cheers mate. I wasn't too sure myself. Me and Niall went off on one of our silly moments and decided to buy luminous pink paint. All the while we were painting them I was unsure, but now that they're on I love them. Still laugh every time I see them! Haha
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Had this little number turn up this morning!

[Image: 0da97547.jpg]

Gotta paint it up an then fit it after camping this weekend.

On sadder news, the rear beam is fooked. Horrendous camber and dangerous oversteer exiting corners, so a new one of this is on the cards very soon!
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Grant Wrote:On sadder news, the rear beam is fooked. Horrendous camber and dangerous oversteer exiting corners, so a new one of this is on the cards very soon!
lol to counteract that you need to "lift off" just as you come to the exit of the corner Tongue
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Wheels are ladgend mate. Love them Smile.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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Grant Wrote:Had this little number turn up this morning!

[Image: 0da97547.jpg]

Gotta paint it up an then fit it after camping this weekend.

On sadder news, the rear beam is fooked. Horrendous camber and dangerous oversteer exiting corners, so a new one of this is on the cards very soon!

Mines blue :dance:
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Epic I think, need to see them in real life to stamp that comment Smile
[Image: siggy1.jpg]

the smokey old bus that sounds like a tractor...
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Picked up a couple of goodies from the camping meet. Nothing too exciting, but stuff that needed doing none-the-less

Slam panel sanded back:
[Image: 6170b308.jpg]

And in primer:
[Image: 2717845c.jpg]

And on
[Image: 15b42d09.jpg]

Nice to have a front end of a car that lines up properly...

Gloss black B pillar strips
[Image: 5f16f48d.jpg]

[Image: 52708a6c.jpg]

And lower strut brace fitted. Excuse the crappy phone picture, was late at night
[Image: 5164507a.jpg]

New wiper motor fitted and serviced...
[Image: 7cb3aef9.jpg]

And one of those cuts that you don't realise youve done but still bleeds epically:
[Image: f4ae034d.jpg]

Went and saw a man about a dog today and am going to have the roof sprayed gloss black soon, and possible a roll cage made up. All after payday that is lol
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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That car is really tidy! Credit to you mate!
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Very productive day today.

Finally MTFU and painted by roof black...
I think it looks the nuts in black. Needs some more flatting and cutting, but gonna leave the lacquer over night to harden a bit better before i do that.

Sanding down the roof:
[Image: 41b5853f.jpg]

Ariel hole filled and sanded... Tip: Use a 1p for the larger hole and a 5p for the smaller, and fix them to the inside of the roof. Works a treat!
[Image: b2929e27.jpg]

In primer:
[Image: f7d9fa0b.jpg]

First coat of black:
[Image: 7639c593.jpg]

And second, with my pikey sun roof filler:
[Image: a738fa68.jpg]

And how it sits now after lacquer, flatting and a LIGHT cut:
[Image: 5569b69d.jpg]

Needs loads of work to get the orange peel out, but for now im happy. Will get on the machine mop tomorrow.
Oh and speaking of tomorrow, did this to save a bit of time:
[Image: f8c98f3b.jpg]

Going to de-lock the boot, so fixed the plates and a 5p over the holes....

Happy with today's progress, and looking forward to more tomorrow!
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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got more spuds than me mate to take a sander to your pain work. what are your plans to spray the boot?
roof looks cool.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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I thought about doing that. But with purple Wink looks sweet though pal! Good work!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Not spuds, just plain crazy i think mate lol.

Only going china again. Going to do the whole lid though, and the silly strip below it.

Next on the list (after FCS) debadge the bonnet and grille. Wooooop
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Grant Wrote:Not spuds, just plain crazy i think mate lol.

Only going china again. Going to do the whole lid though, and the silly strip below it.

Next on the list (after FCS) debadge the bonnet and grille. Wooooop
ive got a spare china bonnet grant if you need to practice first. got a few dents but your more than welcome to it.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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Top work on that roof! Looks like a real good finish.rattle can job?
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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noishe! smoothy smothy shiney shiney!
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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So was up at the crack of dawn ready to crack on with the boot... Please excuse the crap phone pictures

So started the day with this:
[Image: b8ccd2d7.jpg]

Gave it a good key with some 40 grit paper, to give me this:
[Image: 2719f59a.jpg]

And then fillered the holes...
[Image: 0bcef74f.jpg]

Sanded it all back, working down the grades of paper, and then a heavy(ish) coat of filler primer:
[Image: f7a95b56.jpg]

Wet and dry'd the area to get it nice and smooth
[Image: dac3745d.jpg]

Then gave it some grey primer and checked for imperfections with the torch:
[Image: c70e9aef.jpg]

Whilst checking for imperfections, I found another dink, so that got filled:
[Image: 9f8e69c8.jpg]

Then primered, and wet and dry'd again:
[Image: b68bbe2e.jpg]

First coat of china blue, not the grey can still be seen in the middle. Its best no to go too crazy or you end up waiting yonks for paint to dry.
[Image: 16d9c89e.jpg]

Then second. The grey that you can now see is just reflections of stuff i had on the floor.:
[Image: 46c4baf5.jpg]

And finally in lacquer:
[Image: 645874b4.jpg]

Just gonna let it go off overnight again, and then attack it with the machine mop. Not looking forward to blening old lacqer to new, but hey ho. It will just take a bit of time.
I am intending to put this into a guide eventually for blending and filling paintwork, but if anyone gets round to it before me, and wants to use these pics, feel free...

In other news my laguna keycard start went up shit creek the other day, so took it apart to see what was going on...
[Image: cf463482.jpg]

The micro switch that activates the ignition when the card is inserted had come free of the mount. My fault for just superglueing it lol. So a hell of a lot of plastic welding later, it looked like this:

[Image: b8d3ded3.jpg]

Cant see that coming free in a rush.

Going to attack my roof with the machine mop later if the weather clears up, then maybe get a crack on with sound deadening with my bitumen that turned up! Big Grin
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Car looks epic mate!

Be nice to see this roof, from a 'wide' shot, see how it works with the rest of the car! Smile
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Cheers ginge!

Heres a wide shot of the roof. Cant get much better at the moment as the lacquer is drying and dont want to move the car into the rain:

[Image: 452a2ce8.jpg]
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Looking epic buddy...

Is the spoiler black?
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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Cheers mate!

The spoiler is china blue. Was considering doing it black, but I decided it may be a bit much. Just keep it to the roof for now lol.
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Lacquer is touch dry. So off came the masking and this is what I'm left with. Im happy with it for now. Needs flatting and polishing like previously said. Coulda been worse though...
[Image: d718f26d.jpg]
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Paint finish looks excellent for DIY.


I'm thinking it might look OK in black y'know. Also reckon the mirrors look better colour coded :p
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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