Exhaust bolt/Broken Stud

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Exhaust bolt/Broken Stud
Putting on a straight pipe today and to finish off a terrible ordeal, the exhaust bolt broke...

Is there anyyyy way of extractiing this? Heads pickled
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The one on the turbo elbow? Its a stud, it does come out, mole grips are useful!
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Aye the very one, sod of a thing when it breaks the cars real droney now as theres only one in it,

Any special procedures on getting it out?
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Is there any thread left on it? If so double nut and it'll unscrew.

If theres no thread but some body of the stud you could try running an appropriately sized die up it then using the above method

If its snapped in the hole youll need to drill it out and tap it and that might well be a turbo off job.

You could be an utter pikey and use a small jubilee clip to tie the 2 parts together, It might hold.
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Its snapped the end right off so no thread, only thing about running a die up it is the lack of room I'll have to get it turned on the bar in that confined space.

Havent got a garage so it sucks that way leaves me with little to no time to work on it as the weather is temperamental!

Straight pioe sounds bad in that it just accentuates the injector click Sad
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Think i'm mising something, why did you take the elbow off? Or are you talking about the elbow-downpipe studs? In which case, they're not screwed in, or at least the ones on mine aren't, they're taper seated with a 10mm head.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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I didnt take the elbow off, its the studs the exhaust flange of the pipe itself go over.

You have your downpipe goes on then a spring a washer and a 10mm nut. Thats where it broke, wasnt very tight either so I was shocked for it to shear as im used to the feel of tightening etc, so it must have been rotten or very brittle.
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Mine was very brittle suppose its constantly getting really hot then cooling down, doesn't help it. Got a 10mm spanner on it right near the top where it meets the turbo!
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Yeah basically heat treated so hard as rock but not very shear resistant lol.

So they screw out with a 10mm spanner?

Where would I source a replacement?
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Yea screw out with a 10mm pretty tight but doable and yea couldn't find a replacement anywhere but peugeot But they only sell as a whole kit!
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So replace the lot lol, its only about £7 for a kit, and you just know the fire seal will start leaking after a month anyway lol.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Ah theres a fire seal? Lol im learning more n more here!

So for the two studs and a seal its £7 roughly? Any part numbers or will I ask in peugeot?
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Studs, nuts, springs, spring cups, washers and fire ring/seal/gasket/whateveryouwanttocallit. Wink Peugeot parts desk should be able to sort one off your registration or engine type. Tbf i think the £7 was probably trade price, but it's not expensive by any means.

The fire ring will be stuck to your exhaust elbow, guaranteed lol. Will most likely need to chip it off with a screwdriver to being with, they tend to laminate themselves on fairly well.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Ok guys finally got under the car with the 10mm spanner to try remove the broken stud with no joy, spanner wasnt gripping it as its chewed a bit, vice grips wouldn't turn it, just too damn tight.

The next dry day I get I think im going to have to take the turbo elbow off and do it on the bench, is it hard to take the elbow off on its own or does the whole turbo have to come off?

Whichever has to happen, has anyone got any tips as its seriously bugging me!
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I doubt you'll get that turbo elbow off, more likely snap your hex bits or round the bolts...

Have you soaked the stud in some plusgas? Mine weren't 'too' bad to get out with mole grips and plusgas. Do have to clamp the grips on as tight as possible to stop them slipping obviously though.
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Havent out any plus gas around them no. Ill try get some round it and see if it works, should I heat the engine before trying to remove them aswell to make it easier?
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Could do, I guess, try not to burn yourself on it though. Tongue
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Hmm maybe worth a try, the exhaust will be off so thats one less thing to burn myself on lol!

Does plusgas come in spray form? Mine is a tin can with a nozzle that you screw on and its awkward to use in 'upward' applications haha
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I've only known it in a spray can like WD40 tbh lol. It seems to be much more efficient than WD40 though!
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Yeah it comes in tins with a spout too lol

[Image: yguqu9yn.jpg]

Like I say, no use when your trying to apply it upwards lol!
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Oh right...that's, errrrr, useful then. Confused
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take it to a garage. I got my decat fitted at an exhaust place for exactly this reason. It took 35minutes and cost me £30. They snapped a stud getting the old cat off and put a new one in in minutes!
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Im not taking it to a garage to remove a stud, id much rather spend a few hours at it myself in fairness!

More than competent, just new to this engine and dont know my way around it as of yet.

Worst case scenario i could weld something to the stud and take it out that way.
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Should use a six-sided socket amd plenty of plusgas on something like this, if its already been mashed a bit then smash a 12-point 9mm over the top, that should do it.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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why not just knock it out from underneath with a punch?
Wishes for more power...
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Its screw in, whole lot easier said than done believe me haha!
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[Image: my6ejudy.jpg]

About an hour and two very sore oily hands later! Yayyyyy hahaha
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Lol, well done! Big Grin
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Sooo difficult to get, ended up with one hand under the subframe and another coming in from the gearbox end and managed to get the grips on sideways, the relief is mighty!

Now to find the copper slip lol
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