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This is an awesome build mate! Looks like you've made a pukka job. Good luck for tomorrow Smile
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Them brakes look absolutely insane under them wheels! Love this car and it doesnt even run yet lol
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Cant wait to see the video of it running you coming to french car show?
[Image: fe6eddc8-1731-4100-a5fe-1edb853a88b6_zpseeacf928.jpg]
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thx guys, and no i wont be coming over this year, hopefully next year!!

Well update..

we checked everything and measured everything with the multimeter.

Everything looks fine and the way it suppossed to look, except for the voltage to the pump, we dont get juice there and not on fuse 35 wich provides the pump.

So we checked if we had spark, and yes we have ( thankgod)

So we ran a direct 12v to the pump, and it primes, then started the car and it almost ran with the smallest injectors we had laying around, wich turn out to be still to big to start since theyre something like 525cc.

I checked a plugg and it was wet.

We arent sure whats the problem with the power to the pump etc, but were going to find another solution to make it work, it isnt the safest way,but heh 400+ bhp in a 306 is already far from safe Wink

So overal a much better feeling, next week we cant work on the car, after that we need to sort out the dash with the plasmathings and gauges and fit everything.

Hopefully i can make an appointment around end of june for mapping @ DP Engineering
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Hurry up ffs want to see this beast on the road!!!!!
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Trust me youre not the only one Wink
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Was scrolling down with my phone...

Will there be a Youtube link?...

...No. Damnit.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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I can make a video of it standing feeling sorry for it self... specially for you Wink


I was told before already it might not start with the bigger injectors, even with the previous turbokit on it, was a bit rough on the coldstarts and that was with 325cc injectors i believe, these are 525cc now fitted ( dont have any smaller) and they just blow out the candles during startup Wink
[Image: DSC_5848Custom_zps75885397.jpg]
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This car looks amazing, you just need to get it running now! Bet she will go as well as she looks...! Wink
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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thankyou, i think it will be quite a handfull when finished Wink

Well what about a epic barnfind?????

[Image: DSC_7405_zps050e6f3c.jpg]

how about that?

And i did some more weightlosing, got me a few TPI nutz for very little money new, normal these stupid little cold forged things cost 84 GBP a kit, crazy money!
The babies weigh about 1/4 of the old ones.
[Image: DSC_7406_zps097f4af3.jpg]

old setup
[Image: DSC_7408_zps4c55af58.jpg]
(The birdshit came at no additional cost)

[Image: DSC_7409_zps1fd623ea.jpg]
[Image: DSC_5848Custom_zps75885397.jpg]
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that is a pretty epic barnfind tbf, pretty cool for a new engine Smile
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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I still can't get over the size of those brakes :o
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Yesterday Marvin and i did some more work on the car, Marvin fixed the fuelpump priming problem, by laying a new wire from the relay to the pump, and it works like from the factory Wink

I had a tiny leaking hole welded in the injectorrail, fitted the bigger injectors again, ( car wont even start , so no problem)

Next thing was wiring the gauges etc, lost some serious time on being a faulty oilpressure sender, every f**king time there seems to go or break something, and that is with the car standing still.. LOL
I was almost so fed up with the whole s**tty project that i was on the verge of quiting and breaking the damn thing and sell up the goodies.

But already crazy money and time invested and also a lot of time from Marvins help , it wouldnt be fair to quit.

Since we got tired of wiring and s**t, we put the rear carbon doorcards in, next week a fresh start and hopefully we can then finish up the interior.

Theres no way i can get this damn thing on the road for the end of june... the list of thingstodo is still a big one and that will take time.

Hopefully i can get the car mapped somewhere in july just for my holidaybreak.

With al the small drawbacks and issues here and there, its quite hard to keep motivated, but hey things you start you have to finish.

[Image: DSC_7428_zpsa4bf23d0.jpg]

Fluor orange cage, wich uhmmm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally stands out Wink
[Image: DSC_7429_zps32f8bca2.jpg]

Decided to remove the Prorace 1.2s centrecaps , look a lot better without, and yeah of course the studs came of..
[Image: DSC_7431_zpsdef7320b.jpg]

The inside is also a complete chaos
[Image: DSC_7432_zpsbbc18342.jpg]

rear carbon panels in
[Image: DSC_7436_zps61b7dcd3.jpg]

Enginebay, still need to sort out the trottlecabel onto the intake, wich means the TB has to be turned around, catchcan still needs to be sorted, and then enginewise its almost finished...
[Image: DSC_7456_zps275844e6.jpg]

Next week a fresh and motivated start, and hopefully with some nicer and better news/updates then this big ol mess
[Image: DSC_5848Custom_zps75885397.jpg]
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keep at it dude Smile
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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Mate this is looking epic. You can't give up. If you do though, sell the car to me Big Grin
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God damnit!!!! So I won't get to see the beast up an running then!! Gutted both for you with all the set backs, and me ha ha

Keep plugging away bud!!! Will be awsome when done!
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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thx guys, dont worry Jonny, ill be over next year with Pugfest or FCS i promise!
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(09-06-2013, 03:24 PM)306GT30 Wrote: thx guys, dont worry Jonny, ill be over next year with Pugfest or FCS i promise!

Pah!!! You let me down bro!!!! I don't want to see it next year!!! I want to see it next Saturday!! Lol
Pm me your addy may pass through anyways!!
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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Well since i was bored last week, i decided to fluorise the cage.... again cant capture it on camera, but uhmmmm it quite stands out now Wink

[Image: DSC_7465_zpsa03ea7ab.jpg]
[Image: DSC_7463_zpsed6723b6.jpg]
[Image: DSC_7461_zps6273331f.jpg]

One day you clean the car, and the next day it looks like this, barn projects FTW
[Image: DSC_7484_zps4070de9b.jpg]

Hopefully within the next two weeks ready to go to VVT Motosrport for cage fitting,exhaust, brakes bleading and lowering rearbeam,after that its mappingtime @ DP Engineering
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sunvisors came in for the gauges along with a fresh digital oilpress sender
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[Image: DSC_5848Custom_zps75885397.jpg]
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I love how the fact is that you have this INSANE build going on in the barn, and not 10 foot away is a heard of cattle. lol

Brilliant Project Though!!
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looking epic as usual....as I am sure the total bill is!
Wishes for more power...
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thx guys, where making progress.....

Yesterday we fitted the gauges, plasma clocks... still having issues with the oilpressure gauge, seems to be a faulty gauge, and were having issues with the wideband AFR gauge we installed in the A pillar.

Custom plasmaclocks and heaterpanel along with the gauges look very nice! along with the flocked dash in the dark it looks like the gauges en clocks are floating, very nice!

Tried to take some decent pics, but cant capture it really
[Image: DSC_7549_zps3e4bad05.jpg]
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[Image: DSC_7538_zpsbc9b9003.jpg]

Just a few small jobs on the car to do, and then it can be dropped @ VVT

Clock looks horrible and out of place, will be swapped with a LCD screen to monitor some other enginebits
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Epic as always, but please just get it running already!
Welding and fabrication projects undertaken, contact me for more information.

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mmmm yummy
Wishes for more power...
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It wont run until @ DP Engineering, injectors are way to big for the mapping thats in the VEMS now....
[Image: DSC_5848Custom_zps75885397.jpg]
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Liking the bright orange cage. You going to pad it out though? One thing that always concerns me; that will hurt if you hit your head on it and you're not wearing a lid. Although i suppose it's gonna be hard to hit your head on once your harness'd in.

Keep up the good work...
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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just been nosey, your carbon fiber stuff like doorcards and dash blanks, did you just buy a sheet of carbon fiber and cut it out or buy them pre cut?
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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thx guys...

The CF doorcards come from LWS design in the UK, great company, great communication, very helpfull and top stuff!

the rest i just made out of a sheet of carbon.... easy!

Ive got an overdosis padding already, so dont worry cage will get padded..
[Image: DSC_5848Custom_zps75885397.jpg]
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