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What are they like? Ive tried some and they are horrible!
Ive heard the original e-cigarette are bang on tho.
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Well done man. Give that shit up!
Doesnt even own a 306.
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The trouble I had with these was they were really harsh, it was like inhaling cold smoke. If you've had tomatoes in a bong and left it too long you'll know what im on about.
May have a bash with these tho.
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I had one, problem was a became addicted to the bloody ecig
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i managed to quit smoking 4 months ago, went from 20 a day to nothing, just went cold turkey. true i felt like killing people for a few days but it wasn't so bad, its definitely the cheapest way too haha
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well done quiters! nothing like being a quiter when it saves money and health
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I hate being a quitter.
I lie.
It's epic playing sport now and actually being able to run and run without coughing and feeling like death. I like not having that stale smoke stink about myself, and having more money to waste frivolously due to not paying for smokes.....
But I still want one. Particularly when I can smell someone else smoking.
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I did 7 months on the nhs stop smoking shite about 3 years ago!
Used the patches for like 2 weeks but they get irritating after a while.
Never really bothered me until I had some family shit and I had one off my mate. Tasted like shit and I coughed my lungs up but after that I was back on them pretty much straight away.
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Lol IMO some of the e cigarettes give out far too much nicotine and actually make your addiction worse. 10 years since I gave up now, I did it by having a pint every time I wanted a fag untill I was too drunk to be able to operate a lighter.