Peugeot 306 Sedan D-Turbo - ROMANIA

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Peugeot 306 Sedan D-Turbo - ROMANIA
Hy from Romania. This is my first ever car Big Grin. It's an 96' 306 SRD with the lazy 1.9 non-turbo diesel. The d-turbo is on the "to do" list. I've managed to do some mods with a very low student budget.

This is how it first looked when i bought it. Yes i know. It look like sh*t.

[Image: pug3.jpg]
[Image: pug2.jpg]
[Image: pug1.jpg]

And this is how it looks now. Mods done to the car are:

-repainted the hole car with black matte paint
-cut the front springs (it's not safe. i know)
-a laguna splitter on the front bumper
-clean front grill
-cleaned the rear boot (no button, no 306 and peugeot badges)
-some stickers
-a sunvisor (i don't know if i called it correctly)
-white 14'' summer wheels (must change them but out of money)
-black matte 13'' winter wheels
-painted black the interior of the headlamps and signals

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And in the present a rat-look project is on the go. I cleaned the hood and waiting to get some nice rusty color Tongue Must lower the back and mount a rusty boot on the car.

[Image: IMG_0059.jpg]

In december 2010 found some nice and cheap wheels. Atwie by Borbet 15'' 7j e8. Put some rubber on 195/50/R15 Toyo Proxes T1R on the front and BfGoodrich on the back.

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Romanian Tuning Show 2011

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The sticker is the romanian translation for Rust is lighter than carbon fiber. And the other Peugeot 205 from our club freshly rusted.

Then the 1.9 na had to go.

[Image: 33arpuf.jpg]

Then came the little pocket rocket

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XUD7 mounted.

[Image: 2yjvbc0.jpg]

This weekend: TMIC + hood scoop and a stage 1 on the lucas. It runs better then i imagined. Soon some pictures with the sleeper Big Grin

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No more choke senzor + cable because it won't fit.
[Image: 24vo37c.jpg]

Boost gauge
[Image: mjbxao.jpg]
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Damn gearbox linkages + improv
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The Lucas. I hate it. It won't idle. Just hate it. No space to work on the boost compensator as you can see.
[Image: b5ijjp.jpg]
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Glory hole. There are some others as well.
[Image: i449ea.jpg]

The remaining plugs. Please help me with these and tell me which is the rev counter one. Nr 4 is the cable from the 205 which is from the senzor on the fly wheel.
[Image: 2qwipah.jpg]
[Image: 2pr8dwy.jpg]

Ok. I have some problems. Probably it's my boost gauge probably not. When the engine is cold it reads around 0.8-0.9bars on the clock. When it's hot it goes up only until 0.5-0.6bars. Is it because it's non-intercooled? It has an k14 turbo. Next week will try to put a stock 1.9td tmic if the vacuum pump will give enough room. If not i have the smaller vacuum pump from the 1.9 engine. Will make a vent in the bonnet to improve cooling for the intercooler. After i mount the intercooler will try to built up the boost to around 1.5bars and hopefully set up the Lucas as well. Again, i hate this pump.

Oh yeah. I forgot. Bought new signal indicators and mounted a sport air filter.

The Beast
[Image: 15wkqig.jpg]
[Image: hwk6iq.jpg]

The advantage of having a sedan is that you have a good place to sit Big Grin

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Bought another 306 STDT.

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The fuel filter part from the 1.9 engine
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Finnaly decided to keep the black one. Too much work to convert the uk one to lhd. Will swap the engine, rear beam, interior, and other things.
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Raddest car, EVER.
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Too bad i had to sale those wheels. Still miss them Sad
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This looks almost as if i have seen it before! lol

Still love it mate Big Grin
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Thanks Mark! I hope that in 2012 all my plans will succeed. Sport front bumper, side skirts, fmic, 1.9 swap with t25, some sport seats, some 15-16'' wheels, repainted black glossy etc etc Big Grin
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Makes me miss my Sedan D:
Looks awesome though chap Big Grin
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Love this car, also love the hatch that's in a few pics. Both awesome cars
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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Thanks Matt!

Bought some 20mm spacers for the back. For the moment will keep the 14'' Harriers off the rhd pug, paint them white, put some new rubber on them. I think with the spacers on the back the black pug will look good with the Harriers due to the fact that it's lowered.
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She's aliveeeee Big Grin

Spacers on. Bosch on. T2 on Big Grin
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[Image: 35it8yh.jpg]

20mm Big Grin
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Big improvement, looks much better with the spacers Smile
Team Orange Engine Bay

My flickr photostream -
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I know! Doesn't look like a bus no more Big Grin

Tomorrow will be back on the streets. Finaly got the timing right on the bosch, and the t2 is on. Can't wait Big Grin
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It's up and running Big Grin Very impressed on how it runs with t2 and bosch! Big Grin Will try tomorrow to give it a little more fuel Big Grin
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looks good mate. really like sedans good work
Venetian XUD ph2 heaven
Ph3 perv cab heaven
Black ph1 XUD died

Moonstone hdi stage 2
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God i love bosch pumps! Big Grin Gave it a little more fuel. Doesn't smoke but runns preety smooth Will try to adjust the screw from the compensator to see if there are any changes.
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Absolutely love this car Smile

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[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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SonnyRoby Wrote:God i love bosch pumps! Big Grin Gave it a little more fuel. Doesn't smoke but runns preety smooth Will try to adjust the screw from the compensator to see if there are any changes.

Good work mate, keep at it, the Bosch is totally different to drive compared to the Lucas isn't it Smile
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Yes it is. Idles like a dream. No rough start when cold. A little blue smoke on start but hey... it's a 306 td Big Grin
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Today i mounted the boost gauge and the t2 is blowing around 17psi. Haven't played with the turbo just a little more fuel. Doesn't smoke more than standard. I think the actuator is stuck.
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[Image: mc91kg.jpg]

Big Grin
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Why............LOL, I loved the stealth look it had! saw the pics on facebook earlier and wondered if it was your car, now I know!
Team Orange Engine Bay

My flickr photostream -
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I had to paint it green for the MOT. It's complicated. It's going to be mat Big Grin
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Jeez thats a bit different! Think your going to stand out with that, maybe some better wheels to go with that colour tho!

How come the MOT required it green?
1st - Diablo 306 1.9 N/A Diesel - Failed Gearbox
2nd - Diablo 306 1.9 N/A Diesel - At 225,000 miles the engine fell out
3rd - Diablo 306 Sedan 1.9 Turbo Diesel - Rust bucket
4th - Cherry Red 306 Sedan 1.9 Turbo Diesel - Crashed 6 days after buying, Bah!
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Originaly it was green. Painted it black and hadn't had the time to change the color in the registration paper. After that the original engine died. The xud7 isn't in the papers and can't change the color with this engine. They have to check the series on the car and on the engine. It's like crap in my country. I thing it's the only country where an engine isn't considered a spair part and have to pay a lot to change the engine in the papers..
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Ah, but isn't the new engine a TD and this was an N/A orginally?

I think it might just be a different shade of green tho Tongue
1st - Diablo 306 1.9 N/A Diesel - Failed Gearbox
2nd - Diablo 306 1.9 N/A Diesel - At 225,000 miles the engine fell out
3rd - Diablo 306 Sedan 1.9 Turbo Diesel - Rust bucket
4th - Cherry Red 306 Sedan 1.9 Turbo Diesel - Crashed 6 days after buying, Bah!
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It was a n/a and now it's a TD. It doesn't matter the shade of the green. It just has to be green Smile
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[Image: 14ogb7.jpg]
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Haha, That was one hell of a change! Car looked aweosme in matt black! Get some nice wheels on this and you will be set!
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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O.o Wow, now that's green! Still making steady progress with this then..?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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