Alee83's Cherry Red Rallye

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Alee83's Cherry Red Rallye
Yeah, old bonnet is Ph3 new one that is on it now is Ph2, hence why I'm re-painting my original one! The Ph3 bonnet sits lower than the Ph2 one and has a bigger bulge... *giggles* :grin:
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Right quick update guys....

Finally got the Ph3 bonnet back on! Repainted it, not the best quality re-spray. Didn't rub it down properly, and can't be bothered now as it has started reacting again, so will leave it on for FCS. I will get it properly stripped and re-sprayed at a later date (when funds allow!!!)
At least it is the right colour! Smile

So here it is... (Just need to decide which badge to have on for FCS... Gloss black and red, Matt black and Liquid yellow or Standard...??) Comments?? Big GrinD

Gloss black and RED...

[Image: 20120530161642.jpg]

Matt and yellow...

[Image: 20120530161821.jpg]

Which one guys??

So, bits needed before FCS are, new areal, new gear nob and a damn good clean!!! Big GrinD
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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red imo Big Grin
just ties in well
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^^^ This...the red looks really good! Big Grin
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The red one flows much better

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Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Yellow fo' sho'
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Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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Picked my new Aerial up from Pug this morning and will be getting gear knob (Brand new) from France in about 7-10 working days! Also recieved my cam covers from :blade: this morning too!! So can start colour coordinating my under bonnet now!! YEY :clap:

Old Aerial:

[Image: 20120602125012.jpg]

New Aerial:

[Image: 20120602125435.jpg]

Cam covers (thanks :blade: Smile )

[Image: 20120602124336.jpg]

All the spare engine parts to start painting:

[Image: 20120602140619.jpg]

Was gonna have the Inlet manifold flocked, but thinking about it, if I "accidently" get oil on it, I can imagine it being a B***ard to get clean, so gonna paint with high temp paint instead! Will however be getting the centre console dash flocked RED. Wink

Also, was thinking of Yellow for the rear cam cover, Blue for the coilpack cover and Red for the front cam cover.

What colour for the inlet manifold please guys......?? Big Grin
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Well lowered the car at the front by another 15mm, didn't want to massively drop it as my works carpark has a fair steep entrance and would possibly rip the 6 splitter off!! Sad



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[Image: 20120610204830.jpg]

Rides better and looks more level with the back!

All that is left to do for FCS is put new gear knob on when it arrives from frogland and a deep clean! Big GrinD

Also, found these sneaky pics our lass took from when I first got it, found on her phone lol

Me wrist exercising.....

[Image: 2012-03-31145210-1.jpg]

Me and Arron havin a good perv...

[Image: 2012-04-01152315.jpg]

That is all.........! Smile
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Ive got a picture in my project thread of my badge yellow. Its now silver again Smile.
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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I've got the liquid yellow one on for the show! Kind of the accent colour look. Gonna get the center console flocked either red or yellow, not sure which yet! Confusedmile:
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Haha should look awesome mate, i decided to scrap the yellow badge today. Thought it was too much for the look im trying to achieve Smile Cant wait to see this!
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Thanks mate! Gonna get the outside looking how I want then the engine bits painted up then move on to handling and induction. It is a nice colour! Prefer it without the electric windows and A/C. :grin:
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Nice little thread here bud, not sure if you've already started painting the cam covers but it is debatable whether it is worth doing the rear cam cover as the coilpack cover covers most of it.

Take it you're on coilovers too just dropping another 15mm there as that front ride height is exactly what I'm trying to go for but it's a nightmare trying to get springs just right!?
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30mm eibachs should see you right bongo!
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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That's what I'm on atm with OE shocks and it's barely dropped it tbh, well not quite the 30mm I was expecting. Got some yellow Billies to try with them though so hopefully it sits a bit lower with them but Alee's is just how I'd like the front so was just wondering what set-up he was running.
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Thanks Bongo... :grin:

Yeah, it's on Jamex coilovers... Down about 40-44mm I think! It is sitting roughly level now, might take it down another 5-10mm. Confusedmile:

Gonna be painting both cam covers... Bit of a details kinda guy! ;-)
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Eibachs on standard shocks dont drop the ride at all, should be better with the billies, more like 20-25mm drop tbh!
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Will be better as Jay said, but better with coilovers! Confusedmile:
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Cheers Alee, 40mm is what I'd want really as it's what looks best imo whilst also retaining a bit of the handling. Coilovers would be nice but I can't justify to myself spending £400+ on a decent set but maybe one day.

I did both cam covers too, just didn't want you to be as disappointed as I was when I realised most of my hard work would be covered up anyway!!
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Well, update time!!

After the French car show I bought myself one of the photo's from the official photographers and had it framed...
It now has pride of place, with one of the Astor 6 from 2009, on the staircase wall...

[Image: IMG_20120714_232040.jpg]

Then, as we had a bowt of good weather, I thought I'd paint my engine parts I had collected and get them fitted before winter!

Here painted up...

[Image: IMG_20120709_163939.jpg]

Got the rocker covers and coil cover fitted, needed to get gaskets and injector seals before fitting inlet manifold!!

[Image: IMG_20120710_203632.jpg]

So, seals and gaskets bought, decided to get on with the inlet.

Easier said than done!

As I was fitting a PTFE gasket which is about 4-5mm thick, the inlet was stepping away from the head. First attempt at fiiting ended with the car not starting and missfiring.
Not knowing why, but assuming the inlet was gaping I decided to try tighten it up... (without torque wrench) :blondblush:

After realising I just snapped my yellow painted shiney inlet manifold, I took it off and went back to the original one. Fitted the de-resonator bung and went for it again. Still missfiring and still running poo. Thoughts then turn to sensors, maybe one of them was faulty. Changed sensors with spares and no joy!

After seeing oil on the head, realised it was still gaping, so tried tightening again (a little more gingerly this time) and "SNAP"... Inlet manifold No2 gone!

So after a quick few threads on here, got another manifold off Raz (TOP BLOKE).

So this time, looked a little more carefully. Under the manifold there is 2 brackets to attatch the manifold to the front of the engine. As the PTFE gasket had pushed it out, it was resting on one of the mounts. BIG HAMMER, problem solved. All new seals, gaskets and hey presto, working Rallye Big Grin

Engine stripped...

[Image: 20120727143151.jpg]

Injectors were a little rusty, gave them a rub down before re-fitting!

[Image: 20120727151736.jpg]

Rubbed inlet and head down to make sure of clean faces...

[Image: 20120727151751.jpg]

Fitted the new yellow lion Rallye inlet badge too... Smile

[Image: IMG_20120804_201245.jpg]

So, all running nice, picks up better without the resonator, sounds better too! Jyust need to get my Green cotton air filters sorted and will sound like a beast! Big Grin

Thanks for looking...

Here she is at a little Yorkshire boys meet!

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[Image: 20120724212712.jpg]

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[Image: 20120724212637.jpg]

[Image: 20120724212805.jpg]

Here is Arron trying to shag my car.... lol

[Image: 20120724212606.jpg]

ArronDT's car:

[Image: 20120724212818.jpg]

Karl1989's car:

[Image: 20120724212832.jpg]

Also, got my Poorboys Natty's red wax on Friday. So hit the car with the strawberry flavoured shiney stick today... Big Grin

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[Image: 2012-08-04_13-25-12_523.jpg]

[Image: 2012-08-04_13-23-18_150.jpg]

[Image: 2012-08-04_13-22-47_270.jpg]

Thanks for looking guys... Big Grin
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looking good mate. been waiting for you to post these pics up Smile
Venetian XUD ph2 heaven
Ph3 perv cab heaven
Black ph1 XUD died

Moonstone hdi stage 2
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Small updates guys, not a lot happening with the car at the moment, too many things doing on the house!

Sorted out an induction kit for the car, got an ASH green cotton filter for the main induction and a K&N breather filter for the ICV.

Sound is porn with the de-resonator bung on too! Big Grin

[Image: Induction.jpg]

Also fitted a set of Black masks, having a bit of condensation issues in rainy weather, so slowly sealing till it stops!

Also, a shiney badge whoring pic...

[Image: IMG_20121007_111726.jpg]

[Image: Rallyesun.jpg]

[Image: October2012114.jpg]

Next on the list is to sort out the bottom arms, i.e. need some old ones to put some shiney bits on. Thinking Powerflex front bushes and Vibratech P bushes. Also, possibly some Baker BM drop links... Big Grin

Thanks for looking guys!
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Looks amazing there bud Big Grin ypu putting the yellow inlet on? Some pro race 1.2's in grey would look smart Smile
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No, snapped the yellow inlet! Putting it on I had it caught and over tightened it. Did it on 2 inlets before gerting it right on the third...

Was looking at some 16" black PR2's on ebay last night actually... Wink
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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arrrrrr man that would of looked insane Big Grin do it the suet the 306 Wink
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Well, after the RR meet yesterday, I know know what she is pulling and that I need to get my injectors sorted out, esp before MOT in March...

Here is my Graph, It made 165.3 BHP and 146 lb/ft.

Was running a bit rich so the guy said the injectors might be a little worse for wear... Will look into upgrading or re-furbing!! Big Grin

[Image: IMG_20121013_165824.jpg]

Here is a Vid of my run too....

[Image: th_2012-10-13_13-25-58_244.jpg]

Oh and for some reason, the guy never hit the limiter!! Sad
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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That does sound very nice! Looks the part to, top work mate! Smile
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Nice motor this mate Smile
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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Thanks guys, needs bits doing and have a few changes to make! But it's a good car for 150k... Big Grin
[Image: Sig3_zpscd005eb1.jpg]
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Clive does injector refurbs there, he's got all the ANSU gear.
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