15-06-2018, 01:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 15-06-2018, 01:52 PM by pug306driver.)
Oh how I wish we still had the 1968 mk 1 1700 v4 petrol van tranny, it was brilliant.
Vosa has no record of it since 1991, the scrap man took it away
We are now really considering getting a tranny for touring, so we don't have to sleep in a tent any more. The missis just doesn't like a tent any more, but I'm ok using one though.
I can see the benefits of a van, just pull up out of the way and bobs your uncle.
What year diesel tranny would be the best to go for.
I will weld one up no problem and all mechanicals would be a delight, apart from the cost that is.
I would prefer an older van, no ecu, no air bags, no abs, no electronics at all apart form an alternator would be good. A short wheel base and low roof would also be suitable, so it would fit under the present car port.
Any advise please......as well as ball park cost of a suitable van to do up???
Vosa has no record of it since 1991, the scrap man took it away

We are now really considering getting a tranny for touring, so we don't have to sleep in a tent any more. The missis just doesn't like a tent any more, but I'm ok using one though.
I can see the benefits of a van, just pull up out of the way and bobs your uncle.
What year diesel tranny would be the best to go for.
I will weld one up no problem and all mechanicals would be a delight, apart from the cost that is.
I would prefer an older van, no ecu, no air bags, no abs, no electronics at all apart form an alternator would be good. A short wheel base and low roof would also be suitable, so it would fit under the present car port.
Any advise please......as well as ball park cost of a suitable van to do up???