Currently making a start on refurbing my wheels. Im using nitromors and a scraper to get paint off. Currently I got 1 wheel down to what seems a black base coat of tar? Should I keep going with the nitromors or is this my finish point?
Yeah been using a 120 to smooth is some justbwonderung if I should give it another coat of nitromors to get the black tar of. Or just keave it with the black tar
Assuming it's the original finish, that will be powder coat so nitromors don't work too well. Just flat it back and give kt a bloody good hose off (water nutralises nitromors) then heavy coat of primer.
Team Eaton
1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
(04-05-2013, 07:41 PM)Niall Wrote: Assuming it's the original finish, that will be powder coat so nitromors don't work too well. Just flat it back and give kt a bloody good hose off (water nutralises nitromors) then heavy coat of primer.
Cheers niall that's what I was after. Sudbrooke think nitromors would do it. I'll try a good coat of etch on that. Took me 3 hours for one wheel. Nitromors takes 40 minutes percoat :/ then scrapping the paint of even though it's not done much
send em off to get stripped kent. dont think its to expensive . and if i remember right aint these the wheels you had problems with when you last refurbed em? problem with cracking paint? if so then you dont want the same to happen again so might be cost effectvive to do them properly.
(05-05-2013, 08:15 AM)kingy Wrote: send em off to get stripped kent. dont think its to expensive . and if i remember right aint these the wheels you had problems with when you last refurbed em? problem with cracking paint? if so then you dont want the same to happen again so might be cost effectvive to do them properly.
They are same wheels mate. But last time was my fault for not enough prep. I thought I could skip taking paint of by adding layers of filler primer and building it uo but the priner sinked and cracked. This time its down to the tar coat. So ill be.etch primering it.