[attachment=26554]cool, thanks welsh pug.
I was in ecp half hour ago getting the klarius rear exhaust box ( needs must will post a picture of the old one and the new one this evening ) and saw the padgid caliper, the metal pipe union holes is a tapered seal face inside for the OP1 type flare, just like the ends of the flexy pipe union flares.
will post a picture this evening of the "flare" or lack of one that was on the end of the pipe I took out, it didn't leak or blow off, but I consider an accident waiting to happen, the b%^$£"&^d that sold me this car is gunna get a black eye!!
turns out both old flexy hoses where the same length, the shorter length quoted in my above post, haho they are on the car now, will see how they look when the car is a quadrapled again.
the picture shows what an OP1 flare should look like, the type of flare thats supposed to be on the black pipe, the pipe taken from the caliper. |No proper flare what so ever, meerly a splayed end which didnt leak or blow out thankfully.