306 HDI Estate tidy up

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306 HDI Estate tidy up
I'm not sure how this car will go down as its not a hatch, but never less its still a 306.

I have actually owned this for 15 months and not used it as the mrs required it for her job and the dog. So purchased and handed over.  Sad( But i got it back jsut before christmas and decided i want to a couple of bits to the car. The car has small niggly jobs more than anything which are small cheap fixes.

A little about the car, its a 1999 Phase 306 HDI LX in Provence Blue. So nothing too exciting i actually wanted a hatchback d turbo, but at 2 owners with 66,000 on the clock, and at £1000 i couldn't say no really to this load lugger. I didn't like it at first, but to be fair i have grown to love it apart from the colour and awful interior.

Over then coming months I will be doing a few small jobs on this as its not 100% up to scratch, but it is a daily so it will just clean and useable  example. It was over due on a service and a cambelt, i did the service and gave the cambelt to my brother to do as he manages a garage and i was short of a few tools and to be fair im not up on my oil burners. I also had to replace the droplinks urgently as the mrs had finished them off to the point they didnt knock, they banged!! So i have replaced them

So the last few weeks  i have been sourcing some parts, I have already managed to source some Cyclones for £100 with Toyos Proxes and some head light protectors for a bargain 99P, so i shall fit them later too. The cyclone wheels are currently silver and im looking to refurb them gunmetal grey and to continue sourcing other bits on my list below

My current job list

1, Cambelt and water pump. DONE
2, Service. DONE
3, Droplinks. DONE
4, Source genuine Head Light Protectors DONE
5, Source genuine Fog Light Protectors.
6, Source GTI-6 Cyclones. DONE
7, Have Cyclones refurbed when sourced. SOURCED
8, Lower the car F:40mm / R:30mm.
9, Replace rear offside check strap.
10, Replace lower bumper grill
11, Replace both front fog lights
12, Source genuine Peugeot estate boot liner. SOURCED
13, Have the dealer number plates reproduced. HAD MADE
14, Replace rear wiper motor.
15, Replace rear wiper arm.
16, Fix the flaking paint on the tailgate or replace tailgate.
17, Upgrade Speakers.
18, Fit Alpine CD Player.
19, Clean engine bay.
20, Paint brake calipers and disc hubs.
21, Have the car machine polished.
22, Source Gear knob and replace.
23, Replace Injectors
24, Replace EGR Valve
25, Source Spax 40mm Springs

[Image: IMG_2118_zpsa69618ae.jpg]
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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So i have just managed to find some Fog light protectors from the web.  I thought my hope of getting these were nil, however i was really chuffed with these. I dont think i have ever seen a set in the flesh

[Image: 306%20Fog%20Lamp%20protectors_zpszchfe6zk.jpg][/URL]

I also trial fitted my cyclones too and washed the car. I have now taken them off to be refurbed as the laquer has gone on them.

[Image: IMG_2312_zps6d4f8c7b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2311_zpsf01ee8ac.jpg]
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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I like this, very clean
[Image: e0d4ac7c-727f-46a8-ae0c-d4a324a8a667_zpsyn3ibroz.jpg]
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Yeah i dont actually mind the estate in this colour, plans sound good too Wink

Any plans for a stage 1 remap for better economy/power?
[Image: av5ym8.jpg]
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(01-03-2015, 04:09 PM)LewisG Wrote: I like this, very clean

Thanks Lewis! She is clean, I don't like the colour of mine though. May I ask what yours has been lowered by?

(01-03-2015, 05:35 PM)Jimbo Wrote: Yeah i dont actually mind the estate in this colour, plans sound good too Wink

Any plans for a stage 1 remap for better economy/power?

Hi jimbo, I really dislike the colour of the car. As for a remap. I have never thought about it as I don't know much about the hdi lump yet. Easy job?
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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Yeah couldnt be more simple. By an mpps cable from ebay download the software onto a laptop.
Read the file off send it to a mappper, (pro steve, whippy,jammapic) and they will send a modified file back.
Then just write the file back on with the cable. Its very easy
Ive got a pro steve stage 1 remap around 125bhp
Im going stage 2 next month which requires and intercooler and boost controller, that should see 155ish bhp and tons of torque ThumbsUp
[Image: av5ym8.jpg]
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Mine isnt actually lowered, I have a Gti rear axle which i think is like 2mm lower or something, one of my next jobs is a 30mm drop on eibachs at the front
[Image: e0d4ac7c-727f-46a8-ae0c-d4a324a8a667_zpsyn3ibroz.jpg]
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It looks a little lower than mine. But you do have a front splitter on yours, which is probably the reason why it looks lower. I'm lowering mine tomorrow night. I have 40mm Spax for the front and i will drop the rear 30mm.
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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Yeah I have a splitter, get some pics up when its lowered pal
[Image: e0d4ac7c-727f-46a8-ae0c-d4a324a8a667_zpsyn3ibroz.jpg]
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i will put some pics up once its done. The car is in pieces as we speak, i have the front shocks off it at the mo. I will attack the rear later today or over the next couple of days.
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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So i recently purchased some cyclones for the car, they were good nick but paint was shot and flat. So i decided to flat them off and ask my friend to paint them as he is a BMW paint technician. I also decided to go for a different colour

[Image: IMG_2312_zps6d4f8c7b.jpg]

After i flatted one of them down they required very little filling they were all like this to be fair, which is always a bonus. i flatted them all last week and dropped them off to my friend on Tuesday.

[Image: 022_zps7pvidxef.jpg]

Then a teaser from my friend after i dropped them off to him in the week.

[Image: 206_zpsupvvfu1j.jpg]

Then today after i picked them up, got to say im pleased with the result. I will get some better pics a little later once i have build them up.

[Image: 207_zpsheqpkern.jpg]
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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Looks smart. I do like a tidy estate

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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(07-03-2015, 06:22 PM)puglove Wrote: Looks smart. I do like a tidy estate

Thanks Puglove, just a couple subtle mods as its my daily. Smile

Also my springs turned up on fri, so hopefully i will try and lower the car this week too. I decided to go for a 40mm spring. i will probably fit some bilsteins on the car at later date to compliment the springs.

[Image: IMG_3226_zpsq8xghy2t.jpg]
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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Yeah my old estate was supposed to be a subtle daily..... it ended up be pretty impractical by the time i sold it lol.


[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Wheels look epic mate

Can't wait to see them on
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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great looking car mate..
can i ask where you found the fog protectors?
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(15-03-2015, 09:14 PM)lordon301 Wrote: great looking car mate..
can i ask where you found the fog protectors?

Thanks, Smile To be honest i wasn't expecting to get these at all. They are so rare. I got them from a seller on ebay in Australia. I stumbled across them looking for some bits for my 309.
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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Have you had a look at the beam yet,could be abit of a pig if it has nt be touched before.
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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(18-03-2015, 12:57 AM)7057sam Wrote: Have you had a look at the beam yet,could be abit of a pig if it has nt be touched before.

Funny enough i lowered the front over the weekend on the Spax springs. A little disappointed tbh as i had a 40mm spring to suit the HDi and it probably only dropped the front around 25mm max.  Huh But neverless it sits pretty level, I will upload a pic later. Im certain im not the only one that has expierienced this.

The rear bear beam i had a look at when it was in the air as i covered the bars WD40 to aid the bars to come out, they did look a little crusty be fair. By the look of them they have never been out, so they could be troublesome to remove. im now deciding whether to drop the rear as the arch gap is the same front and rear. If i do the rear i may only do it 10-20mm max.

[quote='Stu83' pid='521544' dateline='1426676700']
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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Looks mint your estate does! Looks really good with cyclones on, Stage 1 remap makes a huge difference, wouldn't go back to standard with mine now ever Smile 
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(18-03-2015, 10:46 PM)MY95 Wrote: Looks mint your estate does! Looks really good with cyclones on, Stage 1 remap makes a huge difference, wouldn't go back to standard with mine now ever Smile 

Thanks!! It is a nice example, iam considering a stage 1 remap, but i have got to replace the EGR valve and injectors first as both are rattling.
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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Finally managed to get some pics of the car, as mentioned i have lowered it 40mm on the front on a spax spring but it has hardly gone down at all. Im not sure whether to do the beam as its sitting level in relation to arch gap. Looks ok though. I did buy some Xsara VTS Shocks and springs so may fit them yet.


[Image: 055_zps11qlnhnh.jpg]

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[Image: 080_zpspjwwhsg4.jpg]

[Image: 082_zpscthr0tsl.jpg]

I also got home sharp today and trial fitted the wheels too. Pleased with how they look Smile Just got to paint the calipers, hubs etc as the rusty calipers look shite.

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[Image: 105_zpszgjtaenu.jpg]

[Image: 101_zpsh40wdmhi.jpg]

[Image: 107_zpsscob3ifq.jpg]
1998 Peugeot 306 LX HDI Estate
1988 Peugeot 309 GTI

My 306 progress thread: 306 Estate HDi Tidy Up

Old Skool Vs New Skool, you decide
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This is so clean! I really like it, going to be following this project closely. I keep thinking about a stage 1 map but reliability is key for me.
[Image: e0d4ac7c-727f-46a8-ae0c-d4a324a8a667_zpsyn3ibroz.jpg]
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